Page 118 of Protector Daddy
“Okay—” I caught her before she did some acrobatic freestyle leap and crouched to let her free. She was a cute one, had to give her that. Watching her zigzag around adults and make a beeline for Gina and the new baby made me tired. Sami climbed on a hassock to lift her own ‘baby’ into her arms and settle her in the crook of her arm—with a twisted head that I didn’t want to think about—to mirror her mom’s pose.
Gina smiled at her and reached out to brush her hand over her cap of disordered curls. The love in her eyes was staggering. What must it be like to be on the receiving end of that every day? Our own mother certainly didn’t have that kind of innate kindness. She’d split before I hit the one year mark.
“She’s in her no fear stage.”
I stood at my brother’s voice, shaking off the old memories. “She doing well with the new baby?”
Jared hooked his arm around my neck and dragged me toward the kitchen.“Obsessedis a word I’d use. She wants to be just like Bee. The baby she drags around is a little creepy though.”
“God, yes. First thing I thought. Its head is crooked.”
My brother snickered. “Yeah, it’s been banged on every surface in the house. And been in Lola’s mouth twice.” He sighed and I saw the tired around his eyes, but also a contentment that left a pang in my chest. “Tell me you have beer in the chest of drinks.”
“Duh. Some hard cider and beer, and soft drinks for those who can’t enjoy.”
“Bless you, my son.”
We passed Christian who had Honey on his lap as they stared at Gina. They were talking quietly, heads together as the big, usually stern cop held a protective hand along her mid-section.
Had the Cove struck again? What was it with the people of this town? Was it the town that created the baby fever or the people? Probably a mix of both. All I knew was that I would never have sex in this town.
I wasn’t going to take any damn chances even if it sounded ridiculous to anyone who didn’t live in our zip code.
Jared dug a local brewery IPA out of the chest and popped the tab. He took a long drink then sighed. “Good stuff.”
“You rarely drink.”
He shrugged. “Being the Chief, I’m usually on call no matter what, but Bonnie convinced me to take a week’s paternity leave. Christian and Brady have been stepping up to cover, and now that we have a new guy, things are a little less hectic.”
“Yeah, Jimmy, right?”
He nodded. “He’s a good guy. City cop, so I’m worried more that he’s too bored than if he’s good at his job.”
“He showed up for a drunk and disorderly call at the restaurant. Seems like a solid dude.”
“Yeah, we’re getting on track. Have another hire coming on board and I’m interviewing for a few part-timers to start before summer hits. We’re getting busier every year.”
I dug out a diet cola for myself. It had been a long day and a headache was brewing. “Because you people keep the baby boom at an unprecedented high.”
Jared grinned. “Speaking of, I have a question to ask.”
“Bee’s family is into the christening thing. We’ve never been overly religious, but it makes her family happy so I’m fine with it. Would you be Caden’s godfather?”
I paused with the can an inch from my lips. “Wow. Me? Don’t you think other people are more qualified for that kind of thing?”
Nerves jangled in my belly and I was a little shocked to see the can tremble.
I set the can down and stuffed my hands in my pockets.
“It’s mostly a formality, but after Sami’s entry into my life, I really don’t want to take any chances. If something ever happens—”
“Don’t even say it.”
Jared hit me in the shoulder. “Again, it’s just a failsafe. The Ramos family will always have your back if anything ever truly happened to me, but I’m a cop. I need to make sure all my family is taken care of.”