Page 129 of Protector Daddy
“No kidding. I was mad she’d picked that bench because it wasn’t close to most of the ducks.”
“Blame me.” I stepped closer to the swing and she wrapped her lower legs around me while I patted Boomer’s head.
“I am. You should be ashamed of trying to do something so sweet and romantic for me. Now drop your pants so we can christen this swing properly.”
“My romantic gift has been turned into a vehicle for illicit sex.”
“Yeah, Mav and Brady both want them too.” She held up a hand. “I don’t want to know. Truly.”
“You do realize we’re outside? Not like in your room.”
“Right. The chipmunks and baby squirrels might see me slap your ass.”
I had to grin. Sometimes I really liked not having neighbors.
“Unfortunately, it’ll have to wait.”
She pouted. “Fine. Be that way. Even if you’ll regret your hasty decision when I can’t see my toes and think your penis is nothing more than a wand of destruction.”
Boomer, sensing things about to occur he did not want to witness, leaped off the swing and ran away as if flames were licking at his feet.
Soon as he took off, I dropped to my knees.
Honey’s eyes lit. “If you want to start that way…”
“No.” I was nearly doubled over laughing now. Maybe we did have too much sex if me being on my knees meant to her that I wanted to go down on her. “Hang on.”
She cupped her knees. “Hanging.”
I pulled the small black box out of my pocket and she got the gist quickly.
“Oh my God. I thought you forgot.”
I was still laughing. “How do you forget to propose?”
“You’re a man. It’s not impossible.” She kicked my thigh. “Get on with it.”
That was my Honey. Always knocking me off my rhythm until we made a whole new one.
“I have a speech. Wait your damn turn.” I blew out a breath and realized I’d completely forgotten the words I’d planned so I just might as well consent to her male bashing.
I had ways to get even that benefited me quite well.
“I love you. I will love you until the end of time and then in your next life, I’ll be the weird dude who only snarls but watches you secretly from the shadows. You glow so brightly that in every lifetime, I will forever be dazzled by you.” I swallowed hard and gripped her hand tightly. “I want a short engagement. I don’t want to wait any longer to call you my wife.”
She sniffled. “Yes, though you forgot the question part again.”
“Nope, I planned ahead just in case.” I nodded to the second floor of the house where Reagan was unrolling a large banner with black letters.
Hoey, will you marry me?
Honey started to giggle as I swore under my breath and stood. Could we not get one thing right?
Apparently not.
“I can be kind of hoe-y,” she said helpfully, hopping off the swing to hug me from behind. “And I still say yes. Get the ring on me, sir. Time’s a-wasting.”
I shook my head and turned to her where she stood expectantly, holding out her left hand. I slipped the ring on her finger and miraculously with our record, it fit.
“You got one thing right,” she whispered, checking out her ring from all angles so the large heart-shaped diamond sparkled in the sun. “Actually, you got way more than that right. I love you so much.”
She collided with me in a hug as she always did, except now I always felt our baby first between us.
And that was the very best thing of all.