Page 24 of Protector Daddy
“I know it was a shitty thing to do. I’ve never done something like that before.”
“Then why would you start now?”
“Because I’ve only dated boys who were half out the door as soon as they put their pants back on. I don’t know what it’s like to date an actual…man.”
“Want to find out?”
“Do I have a choice?” I tossed back.
“Of course you do, Honey. I’m not trying to strong arm you into sticking around.”
“You just can’t help yourself.” I shut my eyes. “Why would you even want to date me? I mean, do you?”
“I wouldn’t have invited you here if I didn’t want to get to know you better. Obviously, I’m not a hookup kind of guy. And if I was? I wouldn’t do it with my fellow cops’ sister. That’s just asking for strife.”
“I’m not a child,” I snapped.
“I know that. Clearly. Since, uh, what we did proves it, right? I’m just saying there are easier conquests than you.”
“Really? Because I was naked how many hours after that non-interview?”
He stopped pacing and locked his hands behind his neck. “Are you always this difficult?”
“Absolutely. Sometimes I’m even worse. You should be grateful I’m not PMSing right now.”
“I am. Trust me.”
I picked up a pillow and tossed it at him, making Boomer leap off the bed to snatch the pillow and shake it as if it was prey he was duty bound to kill. Christian nimbly snatched it from his mouth and tossed it back on the bed, starting the game all over again. This time, Boomer trampled me in pursuit of his goose-feather prize.
I laughed and rolled with him, tugging at the pillow to play. Christian climbed on the bed to wrestle with us, tossing the covers over Boomer and then me. The dog scampered over us excitedly but somehow never played too rough.
Christian peeled the blanket off my head and framed my cheeks in his hands before he kissed me. Just before he swooped in, those intent gray-blue eyes narrowed on mine and I had a second to thinkoh, boybefore we were tangling in a whole new way. Boomer tried once, twice, three times to nose his way between us, finally letting out a human-sounding sigh and flopping down beside us to rest his wet nose on my bare breast. Christian nudged him back and resumed kissing me without missing a beat.
“I’m not kissing you pre-sex.”
“I heard you loud and clear before. About the peas. Though I do have some.”
“Well, there’s a relief.” I edged back and traced the curve of his mouth with my blood red fingernail. “They’re handy to have on hand.”
“I usually use the bag for migraines, but this is a more fun use.”
“You think so?” I gave a testing wiggle against him and soon realized the bull might be trying to be respectful, but it wouldn’t take much to make him break his lead. His boxer briefs were seriously thin and just one rub was enough to start my engine again.
I’d witnessed Christian exploding once already. I wouldn’t mind a second time. For science.
“Honey,” he warned.
“Hmm?” I batted my eyelashes. “Did you need something?”
A groan rumbled in his throat and he fisted his hands in my hair, holding me down in a way my nipples did not mind in the slightest. “There’s always other sexual things we can do that don’t involve penetration…there.”
“Is this Cove birth control efforts talking? You know, backdoor is the safest sex to prevent pregnancy—” I clamped my lips shut. “Not that I’m suggesting—nope, dear God, no. That’s best with a certain sized man and it isnotyou.”
I didn’t expect him to laugh or how it would transform his normally serious expression into one that was almost lively. Almost happy.
Had I done that for him? Hadwedone that?