Page 49 of Protector Daddy
“I’ll be just around the corner,” he told me, stepping back. Bonnie sighed wistfully and gave him one final pat.
“Okay. Thanks. I don’t know how long this will take or when you get off but maybe we can go for a nightcap up at Brothers Three Taproom? Is that part of the orchard open later? I’d rather not hang out in town if we can help it.” Not that he’d even mentioned doing something after this, but I was obviously a thirsty chick.
And not for a nightcap.
“You could use Jared’s boat,” Bonnie chimed in. “They’re not using it and they’re about to put the boat away for the season.” She glanced around and lowered her voice. “He has a fully stocked bar.”
“Oh, I don’t know if Christian—”
“I have other plans in mind, but if they fall through, I’ll doublecheck with Jared. Thanks.” He strode away in that authoritative way he had that made a woman worry about a ticket or pray for a thorough pounding.
I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. Maybe that was just me.
What did he mean by other plans? What was he plotting?
I wasn’t going to dwell on it. I needed all of my faculties for this job, clearly.
Bonnie pointed at me as she leaned back in the chair Christian had vacated. Her newly highlighted caramel waves fluttered around her face. “Do not desecrate my son-in-law’s boat.” At my shocked face—not that she warned me not to do it, that she knew I was excitedly anticipating doing so—she let out a loud cackle and patted my arm. “Just joshing ya. Do what you do. I know how precious alone time is.” She swiveled to the rows of monitors. “So overwhelmed yet?”
“A little.” I blew out a breath. “A lot.”
“So was I at first. And back when I started, we only had two of these screens, not the amount we have now. Add in the expansion of the town and all the new officers coming in, never mind the integration with the also expanding fire department….well, let’s just say this job keeps you on your toes. Speaking of—” she pointed beneath the desk to her open-toed shoes and her ruby red nails, “pretty, right?”
“Gorgeous.” I laughed, most of my tension dissipating in a rush. “I really appreciate you helping me tonight of all nights. And for the boat, though not sure we will be making use of it. It’s kind of cold too.”
And Christian’s other plans were still on my mind.
“Eh, it’s easy to offer out someone else’s belongings.” Bonnie chuckled. “But you’re welcome. I’m excited to see you nail this job.” She coughed delicately. “Moving on! Now the first monitor is for tracking the location of all the vehicles that have been signed out of the department.”
I grabbed my mini notebook out of my purse to take notes. I hadn’t even tried when Christian was instructing me since I’d been too fixated on studying his rugged profile.
Girl, you have it bad.
Or so, so good.
Three hours later, I’d taken pages of notes, my hand was cramping, and I’d handled half a dozen calls. By the end of my mini shift, I was starting to feel as if I could possibly one day do this job with a modicum of efficiency.
Which was a good thing because Bonnie informed me Jared already had me on the schedule next week, along with the other new girl he’d just hired.
Nothing like a trial by fire.
“Oh, hey, look at you. Already all official, working the switchboard.”
I looked up from my notes to find Jimmy grinning down at me as he passed his new uniform hat from hand to hand. His dark hair dipped attractively over his forehead and his smile was criminally charming. “Little more high tech than a switchboard, but yeah. Just starting some training. Not officially official.”
“But you wouldn’t be training if you aren’t coming on board.”
“Well, yeah.” I pulled on the end of my ponytail. Why did I feel disloyal by talking to someone who was now my new coworker? Christian’s behavior had been almost caveman-ish.
And hot. Still, I shouldn’t encourage such a reaction. And I also shouldn’t think twice about talking to someone who was now my colleague. “How was the ride-along with Brady?”
“Good.” He lowered his voice. “Kinda boring, to be honest. Does this town ever liven up a bit?”
I had to laugh. “Crescent Cove isn’t exactly the place for excitement.”
“So that’s why you and Prune Face are such big news around here?”
Somehow I kept my expression neutral. I hoped. “Yeah, but he’s amazing in bed. So, you know, balance.”