Page 55 of Protector Daddy
I dropped my phone in my purse and stood up slowly, making sure my body brushed his on the way. His pupils flared as he licked his lips and it took all my willpower not to grab his face and pull him in for a kiss. “I always have an appetite for you.”
“I didn’t mean for me, I meant for food. But an appetite for me is also appreciated.” He held out a hand and I slipped mine in his, my heart squeezing at the way he locked his fingers so tightly around mine. “Still feel like a hayride?”
I frowned when my gaze snagged on the clock on the wall. “It’s past eleven.” Proving it, Bucket of Love flipped the sign from Open to Closed and started shooing people out the door.
“So it is.” We crossed the restaurant to the exit, well aware the few remaining patrons were watching us go. Christian held open the door and let me exit first, lowering his head to take a sniff of my hair. “You smell like peaches.”
“New shampoo. Like?”
“Love.” He reached down and slipped his hand under my dress, palming one ass cheek so deftly that I tripped on uneven sidewalk and he had to grab me. “I should’ve warned you,” he said, his voice thick with laughter.
“You should have. Now you have to make it up to me.”
“What would you like?”
“A hayride orgasm sounds nice. Though I still don’t know how you managed to get us in after closing.”
“The world holds many mysteries.” He opened the passenger door of his truck and inclined his head. “After you.”
I climbed up into the seat and sat back, wiggling a little to recapture the memory of the warmth of his broad hand on my cold backside. “Enjoy the easy access now,” I warned as he climbed in on his side and immediately turned on the vehicle to bump up the heat. “Bare leg season is officially over. My ass is freezing.”
His gaze swept over me, lingering on my currently knocking knees. Without saying a word, he turned the vent toward me and then placed his broad hand over my knees. “I’ll keep you warm.”
He reversed out of the space and signaled out of the parking lot, quickly navigating through the nearly deserted streets. It was a crisp night as the goosebumps on my arms and legs could attest to and by this time of night, most people were either in their homes or enjoying a round of pool at The Spinning Wheel.
Not going on hayrides in the woods.
I shivered and tightened my suede coat around me. I’d worn it all night because I’d never really warmed up.
“Just give it another couple minutes and you’ll be toasty,” Christian said though I hadn’t said a word.
Was the guy a mind reader along with being a wizard at dispensing orgasms? Wouldn’t surprise me.
It didn’t take long before we were pulling in to the parking lot at the orchard. As predicted, the place was mostly deserted other than a scatter of vehicles parked near the main building that housed the general store and a bit farther away, near the Lodge that had suites for overnight guests. The Taproom and Event stage were a bit more toward the outer reaches of the property.
“Are you sure about this?” As soon as his truck rolled to a stop, I unbuckled my seatbelt and looked around pensively. “I’m not even sure any of these cars belong to customers.”
“They probably don’t. This is a private hayride.”
“So this is where it ends. Mickey will look for my body. She won’t be dissuaded.”
Christian’s rich laughter rolled out of him and I stared at him, shocked to hear such a full-bodied sound come from him. “I guarantee you’re in good hands with me. His hand slipped up my thigh and I shivered for a whole new reason. And I haven’t forgotten your request.”
“Me neither. Just that one move and my panties are soaked.”
“Let’s see.”
Before I could blink, his fingers were slipping between my legs and his groan filled the truck at what he found waiting for him. “You should’ve told me.”
“What?” I asked breathlessly.
“How much you needed this. I thought I was the only one who was bad off.”
“No.” I sucked in air, closed my eyes, and went for broke. “Three times this week I woke up needy in the middle of the night and had to…take care of myself.”
“You never have to take care of yourself unless you want to. You can call me anytime, night or day, and I’ll come to you.”
A breathless giggle escaped me. “What if you’re on duty?”