Page 65 of Protector Daddy
So I could imagine his gloved fingers driving through my hair as we kissed by the gazebo as we had last week. And then after, he’d helped me feed the ducks because he was basically the cutest man ever.
“You’re going to be a good father,” I added when Mav remained silent.
I hoped he wasn’t brooding over Christian. Because I had no intention of walking away. The few misgivings I’d had in the beginning had dissolved into nothing.
Now the only misgiving I had involved wondering if he wanted to commit to me as much as I wanted to be his. And if he wanted that too, what was he keeping from me?
He had secrets. I knew that without a doubt. It was early days so I had faith he’d reveal them in time. Still, I was impatient. I didn’t doubt his fidelity—we spent so much time together, he didn’t have time for anyone else—but I could read the darkness behind his eyes he thought he hid so well. But he couldn’t hide it from me.
My brother swallowed hard enough for me to notice his throat jumping. “I hope so. Brady’s pretty much nailing it.”
“He nails everything.”
“Not anymore. That was last year’s Brady. He’s a properly married man now.”
We exchanged a look and laughed like loons as we turned to go into Brewed Awakening, dodging customers headed out with their hands full of bakery bags and steaming cups of coffee.
The scent of Macy’s strong full-bodied brew hit me full in the face as soon as I stepped inside. Normally, that was one of my favorite scents in the world. Today it seemed slightly off.
“Think Macy’s burning the beans?” I asked in an undertone, leaning close to Mav.
He let out a mock gasp. “Better not let her hear you say that. You’ll be tossed on your butt on the sidewalk.” He nudged me toward one of the tables near the large windows, festively chalk decorated for the holidays in bright colors. Most of the design was appropriately holiday-oriented, but since Macy was Macy, the turkey wearing a bright red stocking cap was being threatened by a knife-wielding Michael Myers stalking him from behind a nearby Stop sign.
I shook my head. Only Macy, man. Her Halloween love knew no bounds—and she paid no attention to the time of year. It was Halloween every day as far as she was concerned.
“Grab a table, Honey Belle. I’ll get your usual?”
“Sure. Just instead of coffee, I’ll take an Earl Grey tea,” I decided.
“Man, you’re serious about the coffee.” He feigned a shudder. “Going to hot tea. Next you’ll start carrying a bag of knitting with you.”
“Never know. I did see the cutest pattern for a duck onesie online. I’m thinking baby Mavan will look adorable in it.”
His dark brow arched. “Mavan? What, are we like Bennifer now?”
“If the couples name fits…” I giggled and pulled out a chair before dropping into it. “Go get our food before they run out.”
“Or before there’s a run on fancy schmancy tea.” He rolled his eyes and headed off to do my bidding.
He was a good brother, as things went. I’d almost completely forgiven him for his marital sin of leaving out his favorite sister from his elopement. I supposed I could see how he’d had other things on his mind.
I pulled out my phone and smiled as Christian texted.
I miss you.
That was it. Just those three words sent a rush of joy surging through my chest. Rather than answering right away, I just basked in the fact that a guy so fucking amazing—and hot and good in bed and sweet—missed me. I stared at those words until they blurred and then I held my phone to my chest and made sure Mav was still at the counter so I could let out a long feminine sigh of pure happiness.
Was this what being in love felt like? I had to assume so.
A beautiful dark-haired girl with strips of magenta in her hair rushed up to the counter, causing Mav to move to the side. “Hi, I’m sorry, I’m new here but I’m absolutely dying for a cherry mochaccino and I just heard you tell someone you were running low on cherry syrup.”
“Oh, sure, we have enough to make one more.” Vee smiled brightly at her, nearly busting out of her Brewed Awakening shirt under her apron. I was pretty sure she was pregnant with baby number four, I thought it was. But she’d had twins so only three pregnancies.
Still, whoa, that was a lot of babies close together. She was simply glowing though so she didn’t seem to mind.
She was married to Christian’s younger brother Moose. As local lore went, they’d danced around each other for a while and it had required a misplaced want ad for a baby daddy for them to get together, but they’d clearly been meant for each other.