Page 69 of Protector Daddy
“I am, yes. And so are you. Whenever I say his name, your eyes get all crinkly.”
I splashed my face with more water. “I’m probably in love with him. And that’s so very bad.”
“Because I’m not thinking straight about him already. How am I supposed to make clear-cut decisions when my heart is already all messed up? Forget hormones or babies—”
The door burst open and I clamped down on my tongue so hard I tasted blood. Alas, it wasn’t enough to stop Mav from charging inside to challenge all comers, even if that included my possibly problematic uterus.
“I tried to give you time but you seemed sick and—” His jaw locked. “You did not just say hormones. Or babies. I’m gonna kill him. He is going to be dead at my hands. I won’t even need a weapon.”
Vee slapped her palm on his chest. “Calm yourself down, buddy. She does not need your testosterone spilling all over her right now. If there’s a situation, Honey is more than capable of handling it. Just as your wife is,” she added pointedly, which made my brother’s ears tinge red and his chest rise and fall even faster.
“There’s a situation? I knew it.” He turned away from Vee to slam his hands on the wall. “This is my fault.”
Vee’s pale brows lifted to flirt with her wispy blond bangs. “Okay, didn’t expect that one.”
“It’s not his fault. Just the timing of Christian and me getting together coincided with his marriage. Long story,” I assured her. “He’s just being melodramatic.”
“I should say so. Want me to leave you two alone? I’ll just go bag that soup.” She shot out the door before I had a chance to answer.
Who could blame her? Family squabbles were never something outsiders wanted to wade into. Hell, I didn’t want to wade into it either and he was my brother.
My pain-in-the-ass lovable brother.
“Mav, take a breath,” I advised, patting his back. “You’re not pregnant so chill out.”
“You’re pregnant? Are you sure? Why?”
“No, I’m not sure. I’m hoping I just ate my food too fast or something. Or my stomach violently opposes Christian having a daughter almost my age.” I squeezed my eyes closed. “I can’t go back to work today. I’ve only had this job a couple weeks, but I just can’t do it. I know he’s on that stakeout now, but he’ll come back and if he looks at me…” I pursed my lips. “I have to be rational about this. I’m probably not pregnant. I just can’t be rational when he’s next to me.”
“I’ll cover for you. You were sick. Half the restaurant saw you run off.”
“Oh, great. So how many are saying I’m pregnant?”
His face turned mutinous. “If I hear anyone gossiping, I’ll lay them out.”
I smacked his arm. “You will not. Officer of the law, remember? Gossip can’t hurt me. It’s no big deal.”
He tugged me into a quick hug. “I just don’t want you to deal with any of this yet. You’re so young. You have your whole life ahead of you. Fucking Christian.”
“Yeah, that’s the crux of the problem.” I couldn’t help grinning as I peered up at his scowl. “But I really care about him. He makes me happy. And crazy. But still happy. It’s just all so fast and I want to go slow and be rational.”
“Good luck with that in this town. I’m beginning to think they pump in baby juice through the air conditioning. The ultimate town planning setup. Just make sure we all keep having babies so the Cove is endlessly thriving.”
“You and your kind get the easy part.” I jammed my knuckles into his ribs.
“Do you want me to drive you home?”
“I think I can walk a block,” I said drily. “But thanks. I’ll call the Chief, let him know I’m not feeling well.” And I’d buy a pregnancy test too, just in case. Even if it was far too soon for it to read accurately, I was almost sure.
“If you’re certain you’re okay.”
“No, I’m not certain, but a ride home won’t make me so. Thanks though.” I swallowed hard as the worry for Christian reared its head again. Amazing how his newfound daughter and possible newfound baby—newfound to me in both cases—had wiped away my nerves about his stakeout. “Will you watch out for him?”
Mav’s brow furrowed. “You mean not kill him?”
I had to laugh. “Of course not. But that stakeout thing. Make sure he’s okay for me.” I waved a hand. “I know it’s his job and I’m being ridiculous and yes, I have to get used to it if we’re going to be anything. I’m just new at all of this, you know?”