Page 71 of Protector Daddy
Quaint was definitely the word for the Cove. College visits. God. There was something very weird about going on a college visit with the child I’d never gotten to take to her first day of kindergarten.
Absolutely. That works for me. I’m sure Gigi and Gramps were happy to see you.
I sent that text and then my fingers paused over the screen. I wanted to ask if she’d told them she was staying with me for the day, but I decided I didn’t want to know.
She’d made it clear she hadn’t told her mother about getting in contact with me to minimize drama. As far as I knew, she’d kept that promise for the last two years.
But her mother wasn’t stupid. She had to wonder why Reagan had chosen to attend Syracuse University, although its Newhouse School of Journalism had a great reputation and her grandparents were close by.
Both sets, although mine didn’t count in Penelope’s mind.
Swallowing hard, I texted Reagan again.
Look, I have someone I want you to meet beside my parents and siblings. Well, and your cousins too.
Reagan’s response was immediate.
Oh, yeah? Who?
My girlfriend Honey.
She sent back a ton of smiley face emojis.
Girlfriend? Ooh la la. Sure. I’m up for that.
I exhaled, a ton of bricks dropping from my tense shoulders. Well, at least some of the bricks dropped. I just wanted them to like each other. I wanted to not freak out Honey. I wanted not to lose her.
That I wanted most of all.
Oh, and I wanted my family to be able to find a way to understand what I’d hidden from them and for them to love Reagan and Honey as I did.
So, yeah, plenty of the bricks remained. And I couldn’t even worry that I’d used the term love with Honey in my mind, because who the fuck was I kidding? I’d fallen for her the very first night. Every night since we’d spent together had just made my feelings more intense.
I sent another quick text.
There’s something else.
Reagan replied right away.
Are you in love with her?
My face heated. As if that was my only concern. And I should be telling Honey this first but no part of this scenario had played out the way I’d hoped.
Yeah, I am.
Does she love you back?
I don’t know. We’re still new. But she’s young, Rea. Not much older than you.
I didn’t even blink at the shocked face emojis that flooded my screen.