Page 81 of Protector Daddy
“Sure, random man of randomness. Lift your chin. There you go. Perfect.” She patted my chest. “Though I gotta say, I wouldn’t have minded if you’d rocked the scruff a while longer.”
“I do not rock scruff.”
“Exactly. Change it up. Show the world a new badass side of Christian Masterson.”
I cocked a brow. “Scruff makes me a badass?”
“Well, something has to now that you no longer write indiscriminate parking tickets for my sister-in-law.”
“Watch it or I’ll start writing them for you.”
“Oh, yeah? Forcing me to up my BJ skills to get out of them, hmm?”
“As if such a thing could sway me.” But I had to grin as I dropped a kiss on top of her head. “But you’re more than welcome to try. Not that you could beat last night.”
“That wasn’t even a BJ. More like a creative cherry on top. You did all the work.”
“Inspired by you. Hot little thing that you are.”
She grinned. “Think you’re biased.”
“Oh, no think to it. I’m your number one fan, Honey McNeill.”
“Same goes.” With a saucy grin, she turned to face the mirror and pulled on the belt of her dress. “Does this make me look—”
I covered her mouth with my hand. “Don’t even say fat.”
She nipped the tips of my fingers. “I wasn’t. I was going to say appropriately girlfriend-like yet not trying too hard and also like I could be a mother-slash-friend to a teen. Maybe?”
“Okay, definitely didn’t guess you were going to say that mouthful.” I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed the side of her neck. “Thank you.”
“For what?’
“For being you. For distracting me last night so thoroughly that I actually slept. For not freaking about all of this. For not asking more questions than I can answer.”
“I’m thinking if we make a go of this forever thing, I’ll have time to ask anything that pops into my mind.”
I closed my eyes and tipped my head against hers. “We never even had the exclusivity talk and we’re already at forever.” I tightened my hold on her as if I feared she’d vanish. “Thank God for you.”
She gripped my hands. “And for you. Thank you for letting me spin out last night and still loving me. Or at least still being fond of me.”
I had to laugh. “I still love you. No worries there. I get being possessive. Remember me almost biting Jimmy for even looking at you?”
“Yeah, you did do that. It was hot.”
“It was kind of hot you wanted to risk a baby because you so wanted to prove I was yours. Even if I’d never do that.” I averted my gaze. “What I did do was risky enough. After what happened with Reagan, I’d never take that chance without making sure 110% that everyone was okay with whatever happened. Hell, we should’ve discussed it before I ever touched you. This town doesn’t lend itself to impromptu decisions.”
“I know. But I also know that we are a team. Aren’t we?”
I clasped her fingers tightly. “Damn straight.”
“You love me enough to take care of me even when I’m being an ass.”
“I do. And I always will.”
She sighed and reached up to slide her arm around my neck. “Not sure if you noticed how quickly I can get in and out of this dress. We could cut the tension.”
“We cut the tension twice last night.” Yet I already wanted her again.