Page 85 of Protector Daddy
Remembering she’d mentioned not feeling well yesterday, I knocked gently on the door. “You okay?”
Still didn’t answer. I was about to knock again when she opened the door and quickly brushed past me. “Fine. Oops, time for waffles!” She rushed down the hall so fast I didn’t even have time to see her face.
I glanced into the bathroom and noticed a balled-up towel in the sink. It was half soaked, as if she’d wiped her face.
Had she been sick? If so, why didn’t she tell me? Maybe she didn’t want to seem like she was bailing on our day with Reagan, but if she wasn’t feeling well, no way did I want her cooking for us and traipsing around the university.
I’d just keep a close eye on her. If she was still not feeling well, she wouldn’t hide the evidence from me.
When your boyfriend—andpossible baby daddy—was an experienced cop, keeping things on the downlow was basically impossible.
He couched his questions in concern.
Oh, you look pale. Do you have a headache?
I noticed you barely touched your waffle. Is your stomach off?
And the kill shot:
Don’t feel like I can’t do this alone if you need to rest.
In the bright light of morning faced with the reality of kneeling over his toilet, that negative pregnancy test from the night before seemed not to matter one whit. I knew what I was probably dealing with and it wasn’t sporadic episodes of spontaneous sickness.
I just wanted to give him this day with his daughter before I sprang what I was dealing with on him. That was being a reasonable girlfriend. If I was knocked up, the baby didn’t even show up on tests yet. Not like I was dilly-dallying on the reveal.
Even my brother checked on me while Christian, Reagan, and I were wandering around Syracuse University. I had pulled my jacket so tight around me to stave off the chill that Christian kept giving me sidelong looks.
And only half my chill was from abject fear.
I read Mav’s text super fast before dropping my phone into my pocket. Christian probably had the ability to read small text from a distance too.
Are you still pregnant?
Two minutes later, I ducked behind a column and pulled out my phone to answer.
Jackass, don’t say that. I never said I was. Also that question isn’t cool when women can lose babies.
Yeah, I know. Sorry. Didn’t mean it that way. Just meant are the signs still there?
I’m not talking about this with you.
Why? I’m down with babies. I’m like Mr. Mom now. Van says she’s so lucky to have my expert advice on pregnancy issues.
Yeah, right, I’m gonna tell her you said that so she beats your ass.
She weighs a buck twenty. She can’t beat me in anything but chess.
I let out a snort and looked up to find Christian staring down at me. Reagan was nowhere to be seen. “Who are you texting?”