Page 11 of Lost on Oblivion
Thenshe heard a strangely familiar noise, though she couldn’t quite place it.Whatwasthat?
Asthough to answer her question, there was rustling sound in the copse of purple trees to their right.Suddenly, a pack of animals burst from the underbrush and rushed towards them.
“Holyshit!”Andibreathed.Shetightened her grip on the weight bar.Whatthe hellwerethose things?Theyran on all fours and seemed to have green skin but they didn’t quite look like dogs.Theylooked like…but no, theycouldn’tbe.
Shewanted to rub her eyes but she didn’t dare let go of her makeshift weapon.Holycrap, these thingsweren’tanimals—they were people.Men, actually.Theylooked almost human except for their skin tones which ranged from an olive that was almost dark tan all the way up to a bright lime green.Itwas easy to see their different skin colors since all of them were completely naked.
Theywere rushing through the field on their hands and knees and making sounds like barking,Andithought.Orwere they?Aftera moment, she began to think they weren’t so much barking as saying one particular word over and over again.Butshe still couldn’t quite make out what it was.
Itwas too late to run—the pack of green men was too fast for them.Itseemed toAndithat the best thing to do would be to stand their ground.Shetook a tighter grip on the weight bar and balanced on the balls of her feet.Besideher,Cadehad dropped to all fours and a low growl was rising in his throat.Clearlyhe wasn’t going to let these wild men hurt her if he could help it.
Hisprotectiveness madeAndifeel better.Andthen the pack was on them, repeating that same, barking word over and over.
Andinoticed at once that they tried to bypassCadeand go straight for her.Sheswung the weight stick as hard as she could, but most of them were quick enough to dodge it.Thenshe felt something sliding under her dress and pressing against her ass.
“Hey, no!” she gasped, half turning to see who or what it was.
Oneof the wild green men had shoved his head under her shirt and was pressing his face to her behind.Andicould feel the wetness of his tongue and realized he was trying to lick her—thank goodness she’d worn panties!
“Stopit!Getoff me!” she exclaimed, thwacking the green man on the back with the weighted pole. “Youjerk!Getaway!”
Theoffender withdrew, but the other wild men were trying to get to her too.Itwas at that moment thatAndirealized what word they were barking over and over again.
“OhmyGod—you’ve got to bekidding me!”she moaned.Butnow that she had heard it, she couldn’t un-hear it.
Itreally did sound like barking until you realized exactly what they wanted, she thought, feeling sick.Earliershe’d thought that an animal’s main instincts were to breed and eat—it was clear which of those two things this pack of wild men was focused on.
“No—no, getawayfrom us!” she shouted, swinging the weight bar as hard as she could.Shewished now that she’d made it heavier so that it would pack more of a punch.
Cadewas growling and snarling, showing the long, sharp fangs that proved he was halfBloodKindred.Alreadyhe had sent several of the wild men yipping away back into the woods with fang marks on their throats.Helunged again, blocking a truly huge wild man with skin the color of a bright green crayon and a perfectly enormous pink penis sticking out from between his legs.
Infact,allof them had pink hard-ons,Andisaw.Theyhad pink hair too, but that wasn’t nearly as scary as all those bright pink alien dicks which were hard specifically because they wanted to breed her!
“No!” she shouted again, hitting another wild man with the weight bar as he tried to get his face up her skirt. “No, get away from me.Baddogs!Er—men.Bad!Bad!”
Atlast all but the biggest one with the crayon colored skin had run away.Thewild man andCadesquared off, both growling at each other.Andiwatched, her heart pounding.WasherProtectorgoing to be able to win this fight?Cadewas huge but so was the attacker.OhGod, if he lost and she wound up being taken by the huge green wild man…
Butshe had underestimated both herProtector’sstrength and determination.Cadewaited until the other man lunged and then moved with lightning-quick precision.Helatched on to the side of the other male’s throat and made a ripping gesture with his mouth.
Andididn’t hear the flesh tear but she didn’t have to—a moment later spurts of deep green blood were gouting out onto the bulbous plants and the wild man was growling and crying at the same time.Andiwondered why he didn’t put a hand to his throat to try and stop the arterial flow, but it didn’t seem to occur to him.Hejust whined weakly and backed away, clearly conceding the fight toCade.
“Goodjob,”Anditold herProtectorin a shaky voice.Thewhole attack had taken less than three minutes, but she felt as though they’d been fighting for hours.She’dhad no idea there were packs of roving wild men out here or she never would have left the ship!
Shelooked back, wondering if they ought to return but it seemed like a bad idea.Forone thing, they were now closer to the town than the ship.Andfor another, what would they do?Theship had no power so there was no way to even rehydrate any of the food cubes for dinner.Andthere was also no way to contact theMotherShip.No,Andidecided, the only thing she could do was go on.
Resolutely, she turned back towards the town.
“Comeon,” she said toCade, who was wiping some of the green blood off his mouth by rubbing his face against the plants. “Let’sgo—we need to get out of this field before they come back.Uh…do you want to get up and walk?Up?Up?”
Shemade a rising gesture with one finger andCadeseemed to understand.Hegot to his feet again, towering over her like no human man had ever been able to do.Andinoticed there was still green blood on his chin.Shewished she could wipe it off, but she hadn’t brought any napkins.Therewas nothing to do but keep going.
“Comeon,” she said toCadeagain, and pushed forward, towards the town.
Whatelse could she do?