Page 13 of Lost on Oblivion

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Page 13 of Lost on Oblivion

“I’msure it wasn’t,”Andisaid. “But…why would the women have to restrain their husbands?”

“Why, becauseTheIncidentmade ‘em all turrible sexed-up, don’t ya know.”GoodieOo-lah’s eyes—which were faded gray—widened dramatically. “Theywouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer anymore—that’s when a lot of women started using the control collars.”

“Butwhat do the control collars do?”Andiasked.

“Justwatch.”GoodieOo-lah nodded atCade, who was sniffing the display of collars.Hepressed his nose to a black leather one andAndisaw a spark of electricity pop out from the collar.

Cademade a sound of surprise and yanked his head back, rubbing his nose with one hand reflectively.Hefrowned at the collar, a low growl rising in his throat.

“Yup—that’s what they do.”GoodieOo-lah nodded in apparent satisfaction. “Keeps‘em in line, like—if you don’t want to use yourSweetDropsto do it,” she added.

“Sweetdrops?”Andishook her head. “Look,I’msorry butI’ma stranger here.Cadehere isn’t my, uh, ‘Manimal’—he’s myProtectorand the pilot of our ship.Weran into a meteor storm and crash landed in a field full of these bulbous green plants with pink insides.”

“Youran right through theBoom-boom crop?”GoodieOo-lah frowned. “Ohdear—FarmerJes-sa’s not going to be pleased about that.No, she’s not!”

“Wereally didn’t mean to—it was an accident,”Andisaid quickly. “I’venever even seen, uh,Boom-boom until today.”

“Wellthen, you ought to come taste some of our fresh-squeezedBoom-boom juice,”GoodieOo-lah said, smiling.

“That’svery kind of you, but honestlyIjust need—”

“Comealong with me andI’llget you some,”GoodieOo-lah interrupted.Thenshe turned and made her way further into the maze-like interior of the store.

Feelinghelpless to do anything else,Andifollowed her through the store withCadetrailing behind her until they got to a small counter.Sittingon it was a large square machine with a clear glass front.Insidewere many gears and cogs—it looked like the inside of a huge clock toAndi.

Onthe counter beside the machine was a basket of the bulbous green fruits they had seen out in the field where the ship had crash landed.

“Herewe go now.Let’sjust find a nice juicy one…”

GoodieOo-lah picked through the basket until she found a green fruit as big asAndi’sfist.Sheplunked it into a hole at the top of the clear-sided machine and pressed a button.Thenshe put a small cup at the bottom where there was a spoutAndihadn’t noticed before.

Andiwatched politely, though she was dying to ask more questions.Butit seemed better to stay on the shopkeeper’s good side rather than to interrupt this process.

Thecogs and wheels began turning as soon as the green fruit dropped into the machine.AsAndiwatched, they split the green skin, revealing the bright pink interior.Thisthey ground to a pulp and squeezed to make a thin stream of pink juice which drained into the small cup.

Assoon as the machine finished,GoodieOo-lah picked up the cup and proudly presented it toAndi.

“Thereyou go!Tellme that isn’t the freshestBoom-boom juice you’ve ever tasted!”

Andiactually was rather thirsty.Crashlanding, having a mini emotional breakdown, and fighting off the wild green men were all activities guaranteed to work up a thirst.Gratefully, she took a deep gulp of the pink juice…and nearly spit it out.

TheBoom-boom juice wasspicy!Ithad a flavor like a mixture of guava, passion fruit, and pineapple but the punch it packed madeAndifeel like she’d just taken a big drink of hot sauce!

Somehowshe swallowed the mouthful, though it burned all the way down and made her eyes water.

“That’s…so delicious,” she managed at last, trying not to cough.Hervoice came out in a croak.

“Doyou not want to finish it then?”GoodieOo-lah demanded. “You’veonly drunk half!”

Andididn’t know how she could possibly drink the rest—she didn’t have much of a spice tolerance and her mouth and throat already felt like they were on fire.Luckily,Cadecame to her rescue.Heducked his head and sniffed the contents of the cup.Thenhe plucked it from her hand and downed it in one gulp, licking his lips when he was finished.

Andiremembered that herProtectorlovedspicy foods, so she didn’t feel guilty for giving him the red-hotBoom-boom juice.Shejust felt relieved that he had taken it off her hands.

“Wellnow—Ican see yourManimalappreciates it!”GoodieOo-lah laughed. “Iwouldn’t let him drink too much of it though—not if you’re planning to train him to the breast instead of using a control collar.”

“Trainhim to the breast?”Andiasked, feeling lost again.

“Whysure!Thenatural spices inBoom-boom juice can be awfully hot when applied tosensitive placesif you know whatImean.”GoodieOo-lah winked at her, as though they were sharing a secret.

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