Page 16 of Lost on Oblivion

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Page 16 of Lost on Oblivion

Again,Cadehad no idea what she was saying, though he understood his name and the tone of her voice.Shesounded worried and anxious about something, but he couldn’t figure out what that might be.Herumbled approval again and butted his head against her midsection to let her know everything would be all right.

“Okay, let’s get you up again so we can get these down,” his female said. “Up…up,Cade.”

Shemotioned upward andCadeunderstood that she wanted him to stand.Herose obligingly so that she could finish pulling down the constricting black garment that had covered his legs.

Hismate took the garment but then she just stood there, staring at him.

“OhmyGod,” she whispered. “You’rehuge!”

Cadelooked down to where her eyes were directed.Sheseemed to be staring at his shaft.Didshe want him to breed her?

Theidea sent an immediate surge of primal lust through his body and his shaft began to twitch and harden.

Butthis seemed to alarm his mate.

“Wait—no!OhGod, no—please!” she exclaimed and took a step back.

Cadefrowned.Hehad been holding out his arms for her but now he put them down.Didhis mate not want him?Didhis shaft displease her?

Heunderstood instinctively that she was smaller than him and his shaft would have a hard time fitting inside her soft, sweet body.Butthere was an answer for that—he simply needed to lick between her legs and part her luscious pussy lips with his tongue.Oncehe’d lapped enough of her juices and put his tongue deep inside her, she would be able to open for his shaft—he was sure of it.

Hetook another step forward, reaching for her, but she frowned and said,


Hertone of voice was sharp—not inviting at all.Perhapsshe didn’t want to mate right now after all.Maybeshe was waiting and would want him to breed her later.

“Comeon,” she said, gathering the bundle of garments in her arms and nodding.Thenshe left the small enclosure andCadeunderstood that she wanted him to follow her.

Hefollowed obediently but there was a spark of impatience burning inside him.Thelittle female was his mate—when would he get to breed her?



“Well, well—he’s a big boy, isn’t he then?”GoodieOo-lah’s eyes widened as she caught sight ofCade’shalf hard shaft.

Andihadn’t been able to take her eyes off of it herself.She’dalways heard thatKindredmales had very large endowments but the thing hanging between herProtector’slegs would put any porn star onEarthto shame!Itwas long and thick and it had some kind of swelling at the base that she had never seen before.

“He’sgot himself quite a knot there,”GoodieOo-lah remarked, pointing at the swelling. “I’dbe careful ifIwere you,” she said toAndi. “Yousay he’s your coworker and there ain’t nothing between you, but that don’t matter to aManimal.TheScentgets ‘em all sexed up and if he decides to take you and gets that knot of his in you, you won’t be getting free until he pumps his seed inside you and gives you a big belly.”

Thewarning sent a shiver downAndi’sspine, followed by a wave of shame.Becausethe shiver wasn’t all fear—some of it was lust, too.She’dbeen wanting herProtectoralmost from the very first day they’d met—when she’d tripped on the carpet inCommanderSylvan’soffice andCadehad caught her.

Thethought of letting him breed her in his animalistic state should have been horrifying—instead she found herself picturing it in detail.Cadebehind her as she knelt on hands and knees, her legs spread wide as he shoved that massive shaft of his deep inside her.Itwould be an act of pure, animal lust and she could almost feel his big body covering hers, filling her…fucking her…breedingher.

Stopthinking like that!What’swrongwith you?she scolded herself.

Thegraphic image shockedAndi.Sincewhen did she picture herProtectorbreeding her?Shewondered if maybeTheScent, asOo-lah called it, also had an effect on women.Wasshe extra horny because of the strange chemical in theZo’rathianair?Whateverthe cause, she needed to be on her guard.

Butno matter whatGoodieOo-lah said, she couldn’t pictureCadeever harming her.Evenwith his mind in its current animalistic state, he had already shown that his first instinct was still to protect her.

“I’llbe fine,” she said firmly, refuting the other woman’s warning.

“Andyou’resureyou don’t want a control collar?I’llgive you half off the price,”GoodieOo-lah offered.

“That’svery kind of you butI’mnotgoing to put a shock collar on my coworker,”Andisaid firmly. “ButIreally do appreciate your help.Er…canIpay you for theBoom-boom juice?”

“Notat all.Onthe house.”GoodieOo-lah waved her hand in a shooing gesture. “Comeon now—I’llpoint you the way toGoodieTight-azz’s place.You’dbetter hurry if you want to get there before it gets too dark and she locks up for the night.”

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