Page 18 of Lost on Oblivion
Shestarted to shut the door inAndi’sface butAndisaid,
“Wait—please!Ihave something else you might want.”
Grudgingly,GoodieTight-azz opened the door again.
“Allright—show me,” she demanded.
Andireached into her money pouch again and withdrew two more chips—one solid silver and one pure gold.
GoodieTight’azz’seyes lit up with a greedy glow.
“Well, now…why didn’t yousayyou had precious metals?”
Shesnatched the two chips of metal fromAndiand bit them both to make sure they were real.
“Allright,” she said decisively. “These’lldo—at least for one night.”
“Onlyone night?Arethey real gold and silver?”Anew voice behindGoodieTight-azz madeAndilook over the landlady’s shoulder.
Standingjust behind her was aZo’rathiangirl who looked to be in her twenties—if theZo’rathiansaged like humans, that was.Shehad long, looseBarbie-pink curls and moss green skin.Hereyes were wide and golden and she was looking overGoodieTight-azz’s shoulder with interest at the two metal chips.
“Thatain’t none of your business,GoodieFlow-da!” the landlady snapped, closing her hand on the coins.
“Butyou charged me that amount to stay a whole week!” the girl with theBarbie-pink hair protested. “Whyare you charging this nice lady the same amount for a single night?”
GoodieTight-azz’s cheeks went bright green andAndirealized she was blushing—either with embarrassment or anger, or maybe both.
“Fine!” she snapped. “Thispays for a week, but ifIcatch you letting that bigManimalof yours do anything improper, you’re out on your ear andno refunds!”
“Oh, uh, thank you.”Andinodded and the girl behindGoodieTight-azz smiled at her.
“Whatever,”GoodieTight-azz snarled. “Comeon—I’llshow you to your room.”
Sheturned and stomped into the house, leavingAndiandCadeto trail after her.Asshe passed the girl who their new landlady had calledGoodieFlow-da, she winked atAndiand murmured,
“I’llsee you atThirdMeal!”
“Oh, uh, thank you.I’llsee you!”Andinodded and then hurried to catch up withGoodieTight-azz, who was moving at a terrific pace.
Theroom she had rented was round, like the rest of the house.Therewere two round windows on the wall, a round door that led into the bathroom area, and even a large round bed covered in a colorful patchwork spread where all the fabric patches were round instead of square.
“Thiswill be your room for the week,”GoodieTight-azz announced, nodding at the interior. “Thereare certain rules you must obey.First, asIsaid earlier, no hanky-panky with yourManimal.”Shestared up atCadewith a stern frown.
“Ofcourse.”Andinodded quickly.
“AndnoManimalson the furniture—thatincludesthe bed!”GoodieTight-azz went on.
“Er…then where isCadesupposed to sleep?”Andiasked, looking at the round bed doubtfully.Itwas certainly big enough for the two of them, though she wasn’t sure how she felt about sleeping with her hugeHybridProtectorwhile he was completely nude.
“There’saManimalbed under the main bed.Look.”GoodieTight-azz stumped into the room and grabbed a lever on the wall whichAndihadn’t seen earlier.Shelifted the lever and the bed rose three feet off the ground, revealing a dark, cave-like space underneath.
Andileaned down and peered into the space.Shesaw a thick, puffy pet-bed type mattress lying on the floor, under the bed.Itseemed to be covered in fur and it was, of course, round.
Itdidn’t seem fair to makeCadesleep under the bed, but she had no wish for the two of them to be kicked out into the chillyZo’rathiannight, so she simply nodded.