Page 2 of Lost on Oblivion

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Page 2 of Lost on Oblivion

Thewords died in her mouth as her glasses were plucked off her face by a big hand.Turning, she saw the blurry profile of her hugeHybridProtector.Hehad pulled the front of his uniform shirt out of the tight black uniform trousers and was polishing the lenses of her glasses carefully.Whichincidentally, showed an expanse of flat abdomen and chiseled abs which made her wish everything wasn’t quite so blurry.

“Thereyou go,” he’d murmured, when he finished.Hehad started to put the glasses back on her face…and then paused a moment. “Whyhaven’tIseen your eyes before?” he’d rumbled, frowning.

“Oh, well…I, um,Idon’t know.”Andiwasn’t sure what he meant.

“Imean it—why are you hiding them behind these thick oculars?” he’d asked, gesturing to her glasses, which looked like a toy in his huge hands. “They’refuckinggorgeous,Andrea—you shouldn’t wear these things all the time.”

“But…Ican’t see without them,” she’d reminded him, though her heart had been pounding in her chest.Shehad that feeling she often got when she was around him—the feeling of being helplessly aroused, though she was trying not to be.Hernipples were throbbing and her pussy was wet—maybe it had to do with his scent which wasincredible, she speculated distractedly.

Cadehad leaned towards her and she had wondered just for a moment if he might kiss her…but then he’d simply placed the glasses carefully back on her face.

“Youshouldn’t hide your eyes,” he’d rumbled softly. “Fuckinggorgeous.”

Andthen he had simply tucked his shirt back in and gone back to keeping a look out.

Andi’sheart had been beating like a drum and she’d had a hard time concentrating on finishing her task.Herwhole body was throbbing with sexual tension and she couldn’t help wondering ifCadefelt it too…or if this problem she had when she was near him was entirely one sided.Atlast she’d given up on harvesting the purple pussy willows and simply taken the pile she’d already collected back to the shore.

ThoughwhatCadehad said about her eyes was the nicest compliment anyone had ever given her, nothing had ever come of it, she thought sadly as herProtectorwithdrew to buckle himself into the pilot’s chair of the long-range shuttle.

Itwasn’t like she’d never dated before—she had.Butno one had ever made her feel small and feminine and protected like the bigHybrid.Andno one had ever made her feel beautiful either—not even her ex-fiancé,Herbert, who she’d broken up with prior to moving to theMotherShip.

Herberthad also been a scientist—aMolecularBiologistwho wore glasses even thicker thanAndi’s.He’dhad a very curious mind…but only when it came to science.Whenit came to anything physical, he was awkward—much likeAndiherself.Atfirst, she’d believed that would make them a perfect match.Butafter a few years of being engaged, it became apparent that it only made them extremelyboringin the bedroom.

Therewas nothing spontaneous about their lovemaking—nothingprimal, which was whatAndilonged for.Shewanted a man who was big enough and strong enough to justtakeher.AndCadewould have fit the bill perfectly…if only her bigHybridProtectorhad been interested.

Butalas, it was clear he wasn’t.Despitecomplimenting her eyes and catching her when she fell and buckling her in long after she ought to have figured out the five-point harness herself,Caderemained nothing but herProtectorand he never seemed to want more.

Andiwished he did.Shewished he would sweep her off her feet and take her in the bedroom and ravish her—to use a word from her mom’s oldHarlequinromance novels.Justonce she wanted to feel out of control—swept away by passion.

Shehad no idea how soon her dream would come true…or what a wild ride it would turn out to be.



“Ifyou’re ready to go,I’llnotify theMotherShipto fold space for us.”

Cadecast a sidelong glance at the little human female that was his charge as he spoke.Dr.AndreaSmythwas looking at him from behind her thick oculars, her long, wavy brown hair falling over her shoulders.Shewasn’t as tiny as someEarthfemales—but he liked that about her.

AsaHybrid,Cadewas even bigger than mostKindredwarriors, which meant that the vast majority of human women were too tiny and fragile compared with him.Hewas afraid he might break them if he dared to touch them.Andrea, on the other hand, had, as the humans said, “some meat on her bones.”Shewas what theKindredcalled anElite—a female theGoddesshad blessed with extra full curves.

Especiallyin her hips and ass.Gods, if he could ever get his face between those gorgeous thick thighs…

Stopit,Cadewarned himself.Stopthinking like that—you’re herProtector, not her mate.Andyou know you have no chance of everbeingher mate, so don’t even start imagining her naked.

Butof course, that thought only made him think of her more and wonder what her sweet, curvy body would look like unclothed.Hecouldn’t help picturing her full breasts and curving hips in the nude.Hewondered what color her nipples were and if she had a sweet little patch of curls between her thighs or if she was shaved or waxed bare down there.Hewondered what she would sound like moaning his name as he tasted her, lapping her pussy open and bathing her hot little clit with his tongue…

Suchlustful thoughts made itreallyfucking difficult to do his job, soCadetried again to push them out of his head.Itwas just that he foundAndreaso incredibly fuckingattractiveand he had from the very first.

Hestill remembered the moment they had met in the office ofCommanderSylvan, who was the head of theKindredHighCounciland also hisCommandingOfficer.Thepurpose of the meeting was just to introduce the two of them andCadehadn’t expected much.Hewas perfectly willing to be aProtector, but he wasn’t interested in human females because they were too tiny and fragile.ButthenAndreahad walked in, so tall and full-figured and gorgeous…and had promptly tripped on the edge of the carpet.

Cadehad jumped to his feet and caught her all in one motion—noting as he did so, how soft her full curves were.He’dcaught a whiff of her sweet, feminine scent too and her big brown eyes had gone wide behind the thick oculars she wore.

“Oh…thank you!” she’d gasped asCadehad reluctantly set her on her feet again. “I’msorry—I’mso clumsy!”

“You’refine,”Cadehad told her, hardly knowing what he was saying.He’dbeen lost in her eyes…in the feeling of her soft curves and her warm, feminine scent.

He’dbecome aware that his shaft was rock hard in his trousers and theMatingFistat its base was swelling with need.Hisfangs had been itching as well and when he touched the tip of his tongue to one, he found it was razor sharp.

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