Page 24 of Lost on Oblivion
Hewas clearly an olderManimalwith thinning hair and a pot belly which hid his shaft, much toAndi’srelief.Shereally felt like she had seen enough male nudity to last a lifetime in the short time they’d been onZo’rathThree.
Shewondered if the oldManimalwasGoodieTight-azz’s husband and why she kept him chained up, but she thought it would be better not to ask.Shedidn’t want to offend her new landlady.
Themeal was different from anythingAndihad ever had before.Forone thing, it seemed that theZo’rathiancustom was to have a sweet main dish with a lot of savory toppings.Andiwas served what seemed to be a giant dark blue waffle which covered her entire plate.Therewas a selection of “syrups” on the table, but not all of them were edible—at least inAndi’sopinion.Shetried a little of each, however, filling the shallow indentations in the waffle with the different colored concoctions.
Theone she liked the best was bright blue and had a strong taste of savoryThaigreen curry.Thesyrup she liked the least was pink and extremely spicy—it might have had someBoom-boom fruit in it,Andithought, as she took a small bite and then hastily swallowed it.
Meanwhile, under the table, theManimalswere also eating enormous waffles, though without any kind of syrup.GoodieTight-azz also served the olderManimalchained in the corner.Butinstead of a waffle, he got a small pile of dried brown pellets that looked like some kind of pet food toAndi.
Whenshe put the plate down in front of him, he made a whining sound and looked up at her with sad eyes.
“There’sno use in complaining,Manfred!”GoodieTight-azz snapped at him. “You’reon a diet—doctor’s orders.Eatthat up because it’s all you’re getting tonight!”
ThedietManimalfood looked awful toAndi, but she didn’t say anything.Flow-da, however, seemed to think this was a good topic of conversation.
“PooroldManfred,” she remarked. “Healways looks so sad when you serve him his kibble!”
GoodieTight-azz snorted.
“Sad?Ohyes, he’d like you tothinkso!Ifhe’d get out and run around the yard and exercise some, he might lose some of that gut!Butno—he always was bone-idle, even beforeTheIncident.”
“Then…he was your husband?”Andiasked uncertainly.
“Mybrother,”GoodieTight-azz said succinctly. “Wenever were close, but onceTheIncidenthappened, his wife left him on my hands.Wentup to theMooncolony andIhaven’t heard nothing from her since.”
“Itmust be hard on you, having to take care of him,”Flow-da ventured.
“Notat all.Ijust keep him on a short leash.Otherwisehe’d go join the wild packs that live out in the woods.”
“Oh—we were attacked by one of those packs on our way in to town!”Andiexclaimed.
“Youwere, were you?”GoodieTight-azz narrowed her eyes and peered atAndisuspiciously. “Andwhat happened?Didthey mount you?BecauseIwon’t have aManimallover in my house!”
“What?No!”Andiexclaimed. “Imean, they came after me butCadefought them off and we got away.”
GoodieTight-azz sniffed.
“Well…as long as they didn’t mount you.Iwon’t tolerate that kind of thing—it’s wrong.Justwrong.”
“Evenif something like thatwouldhave happened, itwouldn’thave been my fault or my choice,”Andipointed out.Shewas holding onto her temper with both hands—talk about blaming the victim!
“Awomanalwayshas a choice,”GoodieTight-azz snapped. “Forinstance, youchoseto go out there amongst the wildManimals.Mayhapyouwantedto get mounted.”
“YouthinkIwantedto be raped?”Andidemanded.Shewas really upset now.HowcouldGoodieTight-azz say something so asinine?
Herlandlady gave her a scornful look.
“Idon’t knowwhatyou want,Missy.AllIknow is that’s what happens with a lot of girls in this town—they show up with a big belly and say it’s because theManimalpack ‘attacked’ them.Huh—Iknow the truth—they went out into the forest because they were lusting to get knotted!It’swrong and disgusting the way some women act!”
“Idon’t think—”Andibegan but then she caught sight ofFlow-da, who was shaking her head and making a face, clearing cautioning her to be silent.
“Youdon’t think what?”GoodieTight-azz demanded.
“Er…Idon’t thinkI’veever had anything quite like this,”Andisaid, swallowing her anger with some difficulty as she pointed to her mostly eaten waffle. “Wehave a food a little like this on my home planet ofEarth, butI’venever had so many unique toppings to go on it before.”
“It’san old family recipe.”GoodieTight-azz sounded mollified andAndithought she was probably on safer ground now.Thoughshe would have liked to argue with her landlady more about her pig-headed views, she recognized that she couldn’t afford to.SheandCadeneeded a place to stay until theMoonshuttle came back.
Soshe shoveled another bite of the sweet and savory waffle into her mouth to keep herself from saying what she really felt.