Page 34 of Lost on Oblivion

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Page 34 of Lost on Oblivion

“Justpull your hair forward more—you’ll be okay,”Flow-da told her.Sheleaned across the dining room table and murmured, “So—is everything okay?IheardGoodieTight-azz yelling at you last night.”

“Oh, yes…”Andisighed as she settled in her chair.Cadewas under the table, but he was behaving—at least for now. “Sheheard it whenCadecracked the bathroom door trying to get to me and she came right in—didn’t even knock!”

“Oh, she does that.”Flow-da nodded grimly. “Ican’t tell you how oftenI’vehad to shoveHartford’shead out from under my skirt at the last minute around here!”Shesighed. “Ican’twaitto get to theMooncolony where things aren’t so uptight.Imiss lettingHartfordmount me.”

“Shhh!”Andilooked around warily.Theycould hear the clatter of pots and pans in the kitchen, but it struck her that you couldn’t be too careful around a woman likeGoodieTight-azz.

“Sorry—I’mjustoverthis place,”Flow-da said. “It’smakingHartfordcranky too—why,Ihad to let him lick my kitty forhourslast night to make him happy!”Shegiggled. “Imean, not thatIminded, butIwould have rather let him dootherthings if you know whatImean.”

Andithought of the things she’d allowedCadeto do to her the night before and blushed.Flow-da seemed to catch her expression because she leaned across the table again, eyes wide.

“Yougave him yourSweetDrops, didn’t you?” she murmured. “Andyour honey too—right?Youmust have—he’s behaving so nicely this morning!”

“Ididn’t do it like you’re thinking,”Andiobjected. “Imean, yes,Ihad to let him suck my breasts, butIdidn’t let him lick me…well, lick me between my legs,” she added primly.

“Hmm, but he got a tastesomehow, didn’t he?”Flow-da wiggled her pink eyebrows expressively. “Toldyou it would calm him down!”

“Cadeisacting better this morning,”Andiadmitted.

Ofcourse the night before she’d been hoping that he might be his old self when they woke up.Butno—his mind was clearly still stuck inManimalmode.Thatmuch had been obvious by the fact that he’d woken her up by sucking her nipples.

Andihad thought it was a dream at first because he’d been sucking gently and swirling his tongue around and around her tight peaks.Thefeeling of his hot mouth on her breasts brought her waves of gentle pleasure.

“Oh,Cade,” she’d whispered when her eyelids cracked open and she saw her bigProtectorbent over her breasts.Itwas so exactly like all her fantasies and dreams of him, that she’d been certain she was dreaming until he took her right nipple deep into his mouth and sucked hard, sending a bolt of almost painful pleasure right through her.

“Oh!” she’d gasped and arched her back in surprise. “Cade—what are you doing?”

Heronly answer had been a growl and then the events of the day before had come rushing back andAndihad realized it was no dream.HerhugeHybridProtectorreallydidhave the mind and desires of an animal and the only way she had to control him was to let him do exactly what he was doing right now.

She’dletCadesuck her nipples for almost half an hour before the door suddenly banged open andGoodieTight-azz was standing there.

“IthoughtItold you noManimalson the furniture!Icould kick you out for this, you know!” she snapped asAndigasped and tried to cover herself—a difficult proposition sinceCadewas still holding her possessively close to his side as he sucked and licked her.

“I…he…Cadeneeded comfort,” she said, trying to think of a good excuse. “Hewas upset because we’re in a strange place.”

“Well—atleastIsee you’ve still got your panties on,”GoodieTight-azz sniffed. “Manimalsain’t too good at getting around underthings—keeps ‘em out, which is as it should be!”

“Er…yes.Yes, it does,”Andiagreed.

Butonly if you don’t open your panties and let them in,whispered a guilty little voice in her head.

Andipushed it away and tried not to moan asCadecontinued licking and sucking her nipples.HegaveGoodieTight-azz a glare and growled possessively deep in his throat without relinquishing the peak he was currently bathing with his tongue.

“Well, hurry and finish giving him yourSweetDropsand then make him get off the bed!LettingaManimalsleep with you leads to the wrong kinds of activities—and like as not, a big belly,” the landlady lectured. “FirstMealis in fifteen minutes—don’t be late!”

AndthenAndihad been forced to get up and try to persuadeCadethat he’d had enough of herSweetDropsand he ought to let her get dressed.

“Soyou say he broke your door?”Flow-da said, breaking into her train of thought.

“Oh—yes!Thebathroom door,”Andireplied. “GoodieTight-azz says it’s going to cost me another gold piece so she can fix it.”

Flow-da frowned.

“Stingyold bitch!Why, you could buy a whole door for a silver piece!Askingfor gold to fix a crack is robbery!”

“Well,Idon’t want to make her mad, since this is the only boarding house in town,”Andisaid carefully. “Ijust hopeIstill have enough to buy a ticket for theMoonShuttle.”

“Oh, that’s only two silver pieces,”Flow-da assured her. “Theydon’t run it for profit, you know—all the money goes into the upkeep and fuel and that’s it.Backbefore the men all turned intoManimals, it used to cost a fortune to go to theMooncolony!Butnow it’s cheap—so everyone can enjoy it.”Shegrinned. “Wehave a lot fewer corporations and a lot more social safety nets sinceTheIncident—you know?”

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