Page 36 of Lost on Oblivion
Despitethe woman’s assertion that it had been recently washed,Andisaw some light greenish-brown stains on the pale blue fabric, which was something like cotton.Shefrowned—should she ask for a new one?Butsomeone was already knocking on the screen, asking if she was finished yet.
Witha grimace, she slipped the garment on and tied it at the back of her neck.Thenshe stepped out withCaderight behind her.Immediatelyshe sawFlow-da andHartfordstanding just outside the dressing area and went to meet them.
Flow-da was dressed in an atonement garment too, her smooth green back exposed.Hartfordseemed uneasy—theManimalwas nosing at his mistress’s hand and whining in the back of his throat.
“It’sall right,Hartford,”Flow-da said comfortingly, stroking his head. “Everythingis going to be okay—we’ll be out of here before you know it.”
Andiwanted to ask what was the deal with the weird clothing they’d been made to put on, but just thenGoodieTight-azz appeared.Shealso had on an atonement garment which showed her green back which seemed to have a lot of little white scars on it.Shewas dragging herManimal,Manfred, on a short leash.Hehad his choke collar on—Andicould see it constricting his breathing every time their landlady yanked on it.
Andiwondered why, ifManfredwasGoodieTight-azz’s brother rather than her husband—she hadn’t just given him up to one of theManimalAdoptioncenters?Shecertainly seemed to resent caring for him, so clearly she wasn’t keeping him because she actually wanted to.
Maybeit’s like back onEarthwith the animal shelters,she thought.Whereit’s mostly the young, healthy animals that get adopted while nobody wants the older or sicker ones.
“Thereyou are!Youtwo girls go and sit with on the novices’ bench—that’s where we put the new members,”GoodieTight-azz said, pointing them to a bench right up at the front of the meeting hall.
“Oh, but we’re not actuallyjoining—we’re just attending the meeting,”Flow-da was quick to point out.
“Nevermind—go have a seat,” their landlady snapped. “Goon—the meeting is about to start!”
SheherdedAndiandFlow-da to the front of the room where a stern looking woman with leathery green skin and hair that was more gray than pink was standing by the wooden podium.Whenshe smiled, her teeth were gleaming white and obviously fake.SheremindedAndiof an ancient crocodile.
“Well, well and what have we here,SisterTight-azz?” she asked, lifting grayish pink eyebrows.
“Twonew members—these girls and theirManimalsare staying at my boarding house,MotherStrict-ezz,”GoodieTight-azz said at once.
“Oh, we’re not—”Flow-da began quickly.
“Quiteready to sit with the regular members,”GoodieTight-azz finished for her firmly. “So, as new members, they’re going to sit here at the front so they can get the full benefit of your wisdom,MotherStrict-ezz.”
“Awise choice.”Thecrocodile-looking lady nodded and gestured to the bench at the front. “Please…sit.”
Exchangingan unhappy look,AndiandFlow-da settled on the hard wooden bench at the very front of the hall.Hartfordsettled atFlow-da’s feet at once, but it took some convincing forAndito getCadeto sit on the floor.
ThebigHybridkept pacing and sniffing the air, a low growl rumbling in his deep chest.Itwas clear toAndithat he didn’t like something about this place and felt threatened by it.Shehoped uneasily that the meeting wouldn’t last too long—she really didn’t have herProtectorunder control at all and she doubted this was the place to drop her top and let him suck her breasts to get someSweetDrops.
“Nowthen, ladies.Ifyou would all please settle down!Everyoneplease find a seat—we’re about to begin,”MotherStrict-ezz called in a surprisingly loud and strident voice.
Andiwinced a little—she wished they could have picked their own seats.Shewould have sat on the very last pew and tried to slip out without anyone noticing and she was sureFlow-da would have come with her.Hernew friend was looking extremely unhappy about being here.Andifelt the same way—this was hardly the fun and relaxing shopping trip the two of them had planned!
Onceeveryone was seated with theirManimalsat their feet, the meeting began.Butit was more of a sermon, from whatAndicould tell.Andnot justanysermon—it was definitely of the “hellfire and brimstone” variety.
MotherStrict-ezz stepped up to the wooden podium and gripped the sides so tightlyAndicould see her knuckles going white.
“EVIL!” she started out in a voice so loudAndijumped andFlow-da nearly fell off the bench they were sitting on.Sheshot a wide-eyed glance atAndi, who returned it with a look of her own.Thoughneither of them spoke, the message was clear:
Whathave we gotten ourselves into?
“SIN!”MotherStrict-ezz continued in the same bullhorn voice. “IMPURITY!”
Wasshe just going to stand there and shout at them,Andiwondered?Wasthere a point to all this?
ThenMotherStrict-ezz pressed a button on the wooden podium and suddenly a holo image sprang into view above her.Andiwas sitting so close to the front she had to crane her neck to see what it was, but when she figured it out, she gave a little gasp.
Theimage was of a middle aged but extremely fitZo’rathianwoman.Herhair was done in a short, sleek pink bob which framed her sharp features attractively.Shehad on glasses a little likeAndi’s—whatCadealways called her “oculars”—but it wasn’t the woman’s glasses thatAndiwas staring at.
Thewoman in the holo image hovering above their heads had on a skirt that was so short it showed the bottom curve of her ass.Asfor her blouse, it had aVneck that opened down to her waist, baring her breasts completely.Shehadn’t even bothered with the kind of sports bra that had the nipples cut out—she was justoutthere,Andithought—bobbing in the wind.
Asshe watched, the holo woman whistled and two bigManimalscame shambling up on their hands and knees.Withouthesitation, the woman offered them her breasts and the two of them raised up on their knees to start sucking her nipples.