Page 40 of Lost on Oblivion
Flow-da turned around and though she had a few spots of dark green blood on her green skin,Andididn’t see much damage.
“Youshould probably be all right,” she said. “Youmust not have hit yourself as hard asIdid—butIthoughtIwas beingreallycareful!”
“That’sthe thing aboutPainLeaves—they have these microscopically sharp leaves that slice you open with the least amount of pressure,”Flow-da told her. “Ithink they even use them for surgical instruments sometimes.”
“Well, it feels likeIwent to surgery with no anesthetic.”Andiwinced and twitched her shoulders again. “Ugh—I’msorry,Flow-da, butIreally don’t feel like going shopping now.”
“Ofcourse not!Weboth need to get showers and get cleaned up,”Flow-da exclaimed.
“Er…do you think it’s safe to go back toGoodieTight-azz’s house, though?”Andiasked. “Imean,Idon’t know if you saw her but she wasglaringat us as we left.”
“Oh,Isaw, all right,”Flow-da said sharply. “Butshe’s just going to have to deal with us leaving early—that was crazy in there!”
Andiwas glad she wasn’t the only one who thought what they had witnessed—and participated in—had been next-level crazy.Ifshe’d been by herself, she would have assumed it was a normal alien custom.Butthe fact thatFlow-da thought it was insane too made her feel better.Sheusually tried not to judge alien races if she encountered any during the course of her work, but the strange absolution ritual was beyond the pale!
“Soyou think we can go back to the boarding house?” she asked her new friend doubtfully.
“IknowI’mgoing—Ipaid her for two whole weeks.”Flow-da lifted her chin. “Andif she says anything,I’ll…I’lltell her to mind her own business!”
Andiwasn’t sure if either of them were really brave enough to tell off their awful landlady, but she wanted a shower to rinse off her back.Shewished she could take off the stained atonement garment and pull her dress back up into place, but they were out in public.Andalso, she didn’t want to get blood on her only dress.So, reluctantly, she decided to wear the garment back to the boarding house and take it off there.
SheandFlow-da walked down the long, curving sidewalk withCadewalking behind them andHartfordtrotting on all fours atFlow-da’s side.Hehad on leather knee pads and leather gloves with padding in the palms to protect him from the rough road and sidewalk paving,Andiobserved.Shewas glad thatCadewas willing to walk upright, since she had none of theManimalaccoutrements for him.
Itwas a long walk and they were just reaching the front of the boarding house when a woman who looked vaguely familiar toAndicame strolling along the sidewalk.Shehad twoManimalsbehind her on leashes but their collars seemed to be plain leather—not control collars or choke collars.
“Well, hello girls!” she called as she approached them.
“Er, hello,”Andisaid, raising a hand for a tentative wave.Shewas trying not to stare, but the woman looked sofamiliarfor some reason!
“Oh, it’sGoodieBo-long,”Flow-da murmured to her. “Benice—she’s a little eccentric but at least she’s not aNO.”
Theynodded at the woman and she nodded back, giving them a dazzling smile.Shehad a sleek cap of dark pink hair cut in a fashionable bob and she was wearing an extremely short skirt which flared out from her hips and didn’t even cover her crotch or her ass.Hershirt was cut in a deepV, which revealed her smooth avocado green skin and large breasts with pale pink nipples.
“Andhow are you two today?” she asked, as she finally came up to them. “Notgood,Isee,” she answered her own question as she examined their stained atonement garments and wrinkled her nose.
“We’renotNOs!”Flow-da said quickly.
“Notat all,”Andiagreed. “Ourlandlady just made us come with her to a meeting.Butwe didn’t realize, uh, everything that was involved.”
“Likebeating yourself with a branch ofPainLeavesuntil you bleed?”GoodieBo-long raised her dark pink eyebrows.
“Yes, unfortunately.”Andiwinced.
“Youknow,Iwillneverunderstand those people!”GoodieBo-long remarked.
Asshe spoke, one of herManimals—a big male who looked like he must have been a manual laborer beforeTheIncident—came up to her.Gettingto his knees he began sucking her left nipple.Goodie-Bo-long didn’t give any indication that this bothered her.Infact, she didn’t even stop talking—though she did take a moment to absently run her fingers through the bigManimal’sshaggy hair.
Aftera moment, theotherManimalcame around and began sucking her right nipple.Thisdidn’t fazeGoodieBo-long either.
“Imean, they’re justcrazy,”she went on. “Goingon and on about the end of the world and how we should all die out and how sinful it is to fuck aManimalwhen theGodsknow they’re all we’ve gotleftto fuck!”
Suddenly,Andirealized where she’d seen her before—GoodieBo-long had been the very first holo image thatMotherStrict-ezz had shown at the beginning of her speech.Shewondered ifGoodieBo-long knew she was being held up as an example of a loose and sinful woman—but from what she could tell, it didn’t seem like she would care much.
“Well,IlovemyManimal,”Flow-da said, lifting her head as she pulledHartfordcloser to her.Herubbed his head against her hip and made low, affectionate noises in his throat.
GoodieBo-long let out a rich, throaty laugh.
“Ilove mine too, my dear!Allof them!”