Page 45 of Lost on Oblivion
“Oh,Cade…”she gasped and couldn’t help titling her hips back some more to let him get even deeper into her.
Butafter a long moment of feeling filled to the limit, he slowly withdrew.Andiwondered if maybe he had gathered as much honey as he could—as much as she had at the moment anyway.
Herassumption seemed to be true because the next moment his long, hot tongue was sliding through her wet folds and curling around her clit.
“Oh!”Andigasped, quivering as she tried to hold still and not jerk and upset him.
Haveto stay open,she reminded herself.Haveto give him what he wants…
Butshe couldn’t help moaning as his long tongue swirled around and around her sensitive, throbbing button.Thepleasure was unlike anythingAndihad ever experienced—here she was, naked and helpless with her thighs spread wide to expose her vulnerable, naked pussy to her huge, animalisticProtectorwho was currently feasting on her shamelessly.
Beingthis helpless and vulnerable shouldn’t be turning her on, she lectured herself shakily.Thiswas a dangerous situation—Cadewas quite literally out of his mind!Yetsomehow, his hot breath on her inner thighs and ass and the feeling of his tongue teasing her clit caused her body to react helplessly.Shecould feel her juices gushing—she couldn’t help getting extremely wet when she was turned on, which her ex had hated.
ButCadeseemed toloveit.Heburied his face between her legs, licking her clit until she was almost on the edge of orgasm, then pulled back to plunge his tongue deeply into her pussy channel and collect her honey.Thenhe would pull out and lap her clit some more, makingAndimoan and twitch her hips helplessly as he pushed her closer and closer to orgasm again…
Finally, she was a quivering, moaning mess.Herwhole body felt like it was one throbbing mass—achingto come.Shecouldn’t take much more of this teasing!
“Cade, please!” she gasped, not sure if he could understand her in any way or not. “Please—Ican’t stand this anymore!Ineed…Ineed tocome.Please,Cade—make me come!”
Heranswer was a low, rumbling growl.Andthen he was flipping her over so that she lay on her back before him.
Andigasped and instinctively tried to close her legs, but the bigHybridwas too fast for her.Leaningdown, he wrapped his muscular arms around her thighs and split her wide—even wider than she’d been before.Thenhe sank down to his knees and pulled her forward so that her pussy was even with his mouth.Heglanced up at her for a moment—his golden eyes half-lidded with pure, animal lust.
Thenhe dived in.
Andicried out and bucked her hips as he began to devour her—licking and sucking as though his very life depended on it.Shehad never had a man go down on her like this—with such single-minded intensity—such pure, primal desire.Hewas lashing her clit with his tongue one moment and then sucking it into his mouth and teasing it mercilessly the next.
Butmostly he seemed to want to lick her from bottom to top.Startingat the mouth of her pussy, he would drag his hot tongue up her slit, bathing her aching clit along the way until he reached the very top of her folds.Thenhe would reverse the process and lick downwards until he got to her entrance again where he would thrust his tongue deep inside her to gather the honey she had made in response to his licking.
Atlast it was too much—finally,Andifelt herself beginning to come.
“Oh!” she gasped, her back arching and her toes curling. “Oh,Cade…Cade!”
Sheshouldn’t let him do this in his animalistic state—shouldn’t let him lap her open pussy until she came for him—came all over his face!Sheknew she shouldn’t do it—but somehow she couldn’t seem to stop.Herorgasm poured over her like hot, melted honey, drenching her in pleasure untilAndifelt like she might faint.
“Oh…Oh,Cade—yes!” she moaned helplessly. “Oh, yes—yes!”
Alow, hungry growl was her only answer and then he was lapping her again, repeating the process of teasing her tender clit and then sliding his tongue deep inside her to collect the honey his stimulation had caused her body to make for him…
Cadefeasted on his mate.Laterhe would breed her—but for now, he was content to taste her honey, right from the source and bring her to the peak of pleasure again and again.Heloved the way she moaned for him and called his name—one of the few words that she said which he understood.
Butjust because he didn’t understand all of her language, didn’t mean he was ignorant of her body.Heknew her now—knew what she needed and what she wanted and exactly how to make her come.
Shewas quivering now—her pleasure button too sensitive to touch for a moment so he slipped is tongue inside her and gathered the delicious honey she had made for him in response to his licking.Herfull curves were laid out for him like a feast, her large breasts tipped with their ripe nipples.Laterhe would suck more sweetness from them, but for now, his whole focus was on her pussy.
Cadenever wanted to stop tasting her.
Later,Andididn’t know how long it went on for.Cademade her come multiple times—a surprise, since she had never been multi-orgasmic before.Butevery time she tried to get up, he pushed her back down with a warning growl.Soshe felt she had no choice but to continue letting him feast on her…
Shewas just about to have her seventh or eighth orgasm—or maybe it was her ninth or tenth?—when suddenly the door burst open.