Page 47 of Lost on Oblivion
“Andi?” she gasped, her eyes going wide. “GoodieTight-azz?What’sgoing on?”
“Icaught these twofornicating, that’s what’s going on!”GoodieTight-azz snapped. “Sonow they’re leaving!”
“Butit’s dark out now!”Flow-da protested. “TheManimalpacks will tear them apart!Please,GoodieTight-azz—reconsider!Atleast wait until morning to kick them out!”
Andiappreciated her friend trying to help, but she was afraid allFlow-da was going to do was get herself shot or kicked out as well.
“It’sall right,Flow-da,” she called. “We’llbe okay—Cadecan protect me.”
Atleast she hoped.Hehad run off theManimalpack once—Andiwas sure he could do it again.Aslong as he wasn’t too outnumbered…
“Butthis isn’t right!”Flow-da was beginning to cry. “It’ssodangerousout there!”
“Ofcourse it’s right!”GoodieTight-azz snapped. “Icaught her with herManimalbetwixt her legs—his tongue buried deep in her cunny!Iwon’t have a fornicating whore in my house.”Sheglared atFlow-da. “Justkeep up your whining andI’llkick you and yourManimalout too!Isthatwhat you want?”
“No, no!”Andisaid hastily. “Please, letFlow-da stay!CadeandIare leaving right now—see?”
Shetwisted the knob and swung open the round door, shivering as a gust of freezing air came curling around her bare legs.
“Andi!”Flow-da called, her eyes streaming with tears.
Andihad the feeling that if she’d hadHartfordwith her, she would have come with her into the dark and cold.Buthe was still back in their room and of course, she couldn’t leave her belovedManimalbehind.
“I’llbe okay,”Anditried to assure her. “Comeon,Cade—we have to go,” she added, tugging on the bigHybrid’sarm, since he was still growling atGoodieTight-azz.
Witha last growl, he finally came with her.Andinoticed that he wasn’t shivering at all, even though he was nude.Shemight have tried to get him dressed again, but she’d been forced to leave everything in the room they had rented so briefly, including his clothes.
“Please—” she began, thinking maybe she could at least beg for their clothing.
“Anddon’t come back!”GoodieTight-azz yelled ignoring her plea.
Asthe door slammed shut in their faces, locking them out in the freezing cold night,Andiwondered what in the world she was going to do.
Zo’rathThreehad two moons, but they gave extremely weak light.Thereweren’t any streetlights either—maybe because no one ventured out at night.Soit was dark and freezing cold out on the street.
Thesidewalk felt rough and cold as ice against the soles ofAndi’sbare feet.Shefinished buttoning the shirt she was wearing and wrapped her arms around herself, shivering.
Cade, for his part, still didn’t seem cold at all.Hewas looking around with narrowed eyes, sniffing the air as though looking for danger.Itseemed like he must have found it because he made a low sound in his throat and suddenly crouched in front of her in a protective stance.
Shedidn’t have to wait long for an answer.Adeep, inhuman howling split the air.Couldthat noise come from a humanoid throat, she wondered, feeling sick with fear?Wasit theManimalpack or something else—some monstrous beast that was native toZo’rathThree?
Cadestiffened and growled, deep in his throat.Heseemed to get bigger somehow and whenAndicaught a glimpse of his eyes, she saw that they had gone from gold to red.
OhGod, that could only mean one thing—he was going intoRage.Itwas a berserker state of fury thatKindredmales only went into when they felt the female they were protecting was threatened.ForCadeto go intoRagenow certainly signaled trouble!
Shehad barely finished thinking that when there was a loud noise at the end of the street and she saw a bunch ofManimalsrushing towards them, out of the darkness.Theyweren’t easy to see, since they had green skin, but they were coming at a terrible pace and there were alotof them.Manymore than the pack she andCadehad fought off back in theBoom-boom field!
OhmyGod, there’s no way we can fight off so many!Andithought, her heart sinking.They’llrip us to pieces—or else they’ll ripCadeto pieces and fuck me to death!OhGod,Idon’t want to die this way!
Thefirst fewManimalswere almost on them when a light suddenly pierced the blackness and an earsplittingKa-BOOM!split the air.
Andiflinched, looking around for the source of the light and sound.Toher surprise, she sawGoodieBo-long striding down the steps of her mansion.Inher hands was a long stick-like weapon which she had raised high in the air.