Page 65 of Lost on Oblivion
“Comealong, my dear—Ido believe it’s time forThirdMeal.Let’sgo see what delicacies my chef has prepared for us.Doubtlessthey’ll be much more palatable than the disgusting slop you had to force down atGoodieTight-azz’s sad excuse for a dining table.”
Asthey left,Andithrew a worried look over her shoulder.GoodieTight-azz andGoodieStrict-ezz were both glaring at her andGoodieBo-long.Thephrase, “Iflooks could kill” leapt nimbly to mind.
“Youdidn’t have to do that,” she murmured toGoodieBo-long.
“Oh, yesIdid.Thosehaughty, holier-than-thou bitchesneededto be taken down a peg or two!”GoodieBo-long said. “AndImeant whatIsaid, my dear—Iwilltake this case to theCapital!Infact,I’mgoing to go right home and draft a missive this veryminute.”
“Um…all right.”Andiwasn’t sure what else to say.SheappreciatedGoodieBo-long’s hospitality and generosity but it felt like her hostess definitely had an agenda.Shehadn’t rescuedAndipurely out of the goodness of her heart—she wanted to use her as a pawn against theNewOrdercult.
Andididn’t like that idea—didn’t like it at all.Itfelt like the conflict with theNOswas going to lead to trouble, but she wasn’t sure how to extricate herself andCadefrom the situation.
Shewished again that theMoonshuttle was already there so she andCadecould leave this awful little planet behind.Thingswere escalating faster than she liked—both with the people she’d met hereandwith the bigHybrid.Itfelt like events were very close to spinning out of control andAndididn’t like that feeling—not one bit.
Shejust wanted to get out of this town and offZo’rathThreeas soon as possible before things went any further!
Thatnight, thoughAndihad sworn not to let it happen,Cademounted her again.
Shehadn’t meant to let him do it, it just sort ofhappened,she told herself.Andit started innocently enough—she’d just wanted to give him a bath because he’d gotten rather messy at dinner.
Thefood thatGoodieBo-long’s chef had prepared was, as promised, exquisite.Themain course was long, thick noodles in a blue cream sauce topped with bright pink balls of tender, succulent meat.Therewas fresh baked bread as well, with a pale green, zesty butter-type spread to put on it.Dessertwas a kind of light, whipped confection that remindedAndiof chocolate mousse, though instead of chocolate, it tasted of some kind of citrus.
Allof it was wonderful butAndihadn’t wanted to sendCadeunder the table to eat with the otherManimals.Oneof them wasManny, theManimalwho’d attempted to mount her earlier and she knew they wouldn’t get along.Plus, it hurt her heart to see the bigHybriddown on the ground, eating with his face in the plate like some kind of animal.
“Please,GoodieBo-long,” she had said, when they came to the grand dining table which could easily have sat twenty rather than just the two of them. “Please, couldCadesit here beside me instead of eating under the table?I’msure he could manage to be fairly neat it ifIcut his food up for him first.”
GoodieBo-long had given her a considering look.
“Youreally care for this male, don’t you my dear?Hemust not have oppressed you or beaten you before he became aManimalfor you to still have feelings for him now.”
“Oh, he never did either of those things—Cadeis myProtector!”Andisaid earnestly. “Infact,noneof theKindredwould beat or oppress a woman!Theyworship aGoddess, you see, and they believe that every woman has a little piece of her within them —a spark of divinity that is worthy of worshiping and cherishing.”
“Dothey now?”GoodieBo-long put her chin in her hand and stared atCadethoughtfully. “Howvery…unique.”
“Theyareunique andCadewas—is—very special to me,”Anditold her. “Please,Idon’t want to treat him like an animal.Iknow he’s in there somewhere—I’malready going to have so much to explain once he gets back to his right mind.Idon’t want to make him eat off a plate on the floor.”
“Verywell, my dear—you may try.”GoodieBo-long nodded her head graciously. “ButIdoubt he will be able to handle any cutlery.”
“We’llsee,”Andihad said. “Andthank you so much.Cade—come here.Sitbeside me.”Andshe had seated the bigHybridto the chair on her left, so she could reach over and help him with the food if necessary.
GoodieBo-long had been right about the fact thatCadewasn’t able to handle the cutlery provided.Butto be fair, they were eating with long, slippery, silver sticks that were very like chopsticks.Hedidmanage to hold one of the sticks in his big hand and stab the food to bring it to his mouth.Theprocess was still rather messy, but much better than making him eat on the floor like a dog, she thought.
Afterwards,Andidecided to give the bigHybrida bath in the large marble tub.Shedidn’t get in with him though—she was afraid that would lead to more of what had happened in the playroom earlier that day.
Instead, she knelt beside him and washed him thoroughly.Shestarted by gently unfastening the leather thong from his thick, golden-brown hair, then she washed it by hand.
Cadeseemed to enjoy this.Hegrowled contentedly and closed his eyes asAndiworked her fingertips into his scalp.Shewashed his beard too and then, when she’d rinsed everything, she got a big, puffy sponge and began scrubbing his muscular chest and arms.Herumbled with pleasure when she made him lean forward so she could scrub his broad back.
Shehesitated to wash him below the belt, but he seemed to be enjoying himself so much, she didn’t want to stop.
Don’tyou meanyou’reenjoyingyourself?whispered the naughty little voice in her head.Admitit,Andi—you’re having entirely too much fun washing his big, naked body.
Andicouldn’t deny it was true.Thiswas like a dream come true for her—getting to touchCadeall over.She’dfantasized about something like this for pretty much the whole time they’d been working together and she was sure that she would never get the chance again once they got back to theMotherShip.
Still, she didn’t want to take advantage.Shewashed his long legs and feet before finally going back to his shaft, which was half-hard and just below the surface of the water.