Page 67 of Lost on Oblivion
Cadegrowled hungrily and lapped even deeper, entering her with his tongue and then filling her with it as it somehow increased in size once it was inside her.Andistill didn’t know how he was doing that.Earlier, she’d thought that it felt like being filled with a cock—now she knew differently.Therewas nothing quite like being filled with the bigHybrid’scock.Itwas so long and thick and—
SuddenlyCade’stongue was withdrawn.Andimoaned and shifted her hips, waiting for him to caress and tease her clit which would cause her to produce more honey for him to lap away.Instead, he stood up behind her.
“Cade?” she asked, turning her head. “What—?”
Andthen she felt it—the broad crown of his cock was sliding over her slippery inner folds until it found the mouth of her pussy.
Andihad a sudden flash of guilt coupled with a worried thought—she hadn’t put the knot-guard back to its previous position at the middle of his long shaft.Whichmeant if he entered her now, he would be able to get all of that thick length inside her—all but the knot, that was.Butshe still shouldn’t let him do it!
“Cade, no!” she exclaimed, trying to wiggle away from him. “No, we really shouldn’t do this!We—”Buther words ended in a moan as he gripped her by the hips and—with one long thrust—entered her fully.
Andigasped and twisted her hips, spreading her legs even wider to try to be open enough for him.God, had she thought he was stretching her out before?Well, that had been nothing—he had his entire thick length in her now—she could feel him hitting bottom inside her.Itdidn’t hurt—much.Butshe could certainly feel herself stretching to accommodate him.
Afterthe initial thrust, however,Cadestopped and held still.Itwas as though he was giving her time to get used to his thickness inside her,Andithought.
“Cade,” she moaned softly. “OhGod, you’re sobig!”
Heranswer was a soft rumbling growl and then, still gripping her hips tightly, he began to pull out.
Andibit her lip, a mixture of relief and disappointment filling her.She’dbeen so sure he was going to fuck her—sure he was going to flood her pussy with his cum.Butnow it seemed like he was stopping almost before they’d even started.He—
Andthen he shoved his shaft back in again, hitting bottom inside her and making her breasts jiggle with the force of the thrust.
“Oh!”Andigasped and realized that she’d made a mistake—Cadehadn’t been pulling out, he was just gathering momentum to fuck her.
Andfuck her, he certainly did.Thistime he wasn’t just holding still with his shaft inside her—this time he was thrusting long and hard, fucking her as deeply as he could.Well,almost, since the knot-guard kept his knot outside her.
Andimoaned and tried to brace herself with her feet on the floor as she leaned over the bed, but apparently she wasn’t open enough forCade.Hetook her left thigh in his big hand and raised it, opening her even more as he widened her stance.
“Oh—oh—oh!”Andigasped as he pounded into her.Nowthat he’d given her a chance to get used to his girth inside her, he clearly wasn’t holding back.Hefucked into her deeply, making her moan and gasp and grip the gray satin coverlet in her fists as sparks of sensation showered through her entire body.
Ithink the coverlet isreallywrinkled now, don’t you?whispered a sarcastic little voice in her head.Doyou still think it was a good idea to lean over and try to fix it?
Andihad no answers—she felt dazed by the thick cock pumping inside her, overcome with pleasure and shock at the same time.Shecould feelCade’sbig body looming over hers as he held her in place—clearly he wasn’t letting her go until he came inside her.
Butwhat if he gets me pregnant?she couldn’t help thinking.OhGod—GoodieBo-long said they can’t get you pregnant unless they get the knot in but what if that’s only forZo’rathianManimals?
Thenshe lost her train of thought because one ofCade’sbig hands slid down to cup her pussy mound possessively.
“Oh!”Andigasped as the heel of his hand rubbed against her sensitive clit.Shedidn’t know if he was trying to stimulate her on purpose or if he was just being possessive, but it really didn’t matter because he was hitting just the right spot.
Tiltingher hips some more, she ground against his hand as he thrust into her.Shecould feel her orgasm bearing down on her but she was almost afraid to come.Hewas in her so deep and stretching her so wide, she was afraid the internal contractions as her pussy spasmed around his huge cock might be almost painful.Also, an orgasm would carry his seed deep inside her, making the chance of getting pregnant considerably greater.
Butthere was no stopping it.Witha gasping moan that was almost a wail,Andifelt the pleasure overwhelm her as she started coming on the thick cock buried inside her.
Cadegrowled in her ear, his breath hot on the side of her neck andAndiwas afraid he was going to bite her again for a moment—she didn’t know if she could take it if he pushed her into another, even more intense orgasm with his essence.
Toavoid his fangs, she lowered her head even more, pillowing it on her arms as she cried and gasped and trembled while the pleasure rushed through her.
Andthen she felt it—Cademust have allowed her orgasm to trigger his own, because suddenly something hot and wet was spurting deep inside her.
Andimoaned as a second orgasm washed over her.Shehad an idea thatCadewas giving her exactly what her body wanted—what it needed and craved.Forthe first time she understood whatFlow-da had been talking about when she said sheneededto be bred.
Cadegrowled in her ear again and it sounded almost like a word.
“Mine!”Andithought he said, though she couldn’t be sure.
ThebigHybridtightened his grip for a moment, holding her still so she couldn’t twist away from him even if she’d tried, as he filled her, spurting deep in her pussy over and over, filling her to overflowing.