Page 76 of Lost on Oblivion
“It’snone of your business,” the tall woman barked at her. “Andif you don’t want to get into a lot of trouble, you’ll move along.”
“ButAndihasn’t done anything wrong!”Flow-da exclaimed. “You’regoing to make her miss theMoonshuttle!”
“Flow-da, just go!”Anditold her.Shehad a feeling the grim-facedChiefStern-son couldn’t be reasoned with and she didn’t want to get her friend in trouble.
“But—”Flow-da began.
“Go—enjoy your new life!”Anditold her, trying to sound unconcerned. “Ican always catch the next shuttle—I’llsee you in a few weeks.”
“Ifyou know what’s good for you, you’ll move along,” theChiefsnapped atFlow-da. “Thisdoesn’t concern you!Ordo you want me to have one of my deputies take you in for questioning?Iunderstand from your landlady that you and yourManimalhave a very, shall we say,closerelationship.”
Flow-da’s green skin suddenly went pale with fear.
“I…we…” she began, clearly having a hard time getting the words out.
“Go!”Andiurged her. “Please,Flow-da—I’llbe fine.”
StillFlow-da seemed frozen in place, unable to desertAndidespite theChiefPeaceKeeper’sthreats.ThenGoodieOo-lah put an arm around theZo’rathiangirl’s shoulders and herded her towards theEmporium’sfront door.
“Comealong now, dearie,”Andiheard her say. “Youdon’t want to get mixed up in this trouble.Goon to the moon right now, while you still can.”
Flow-da gaveAndione last backward glance—a look full of guilt and anxiety—and then she was out the door withHartfordat her heels.
Andibreathed a sigh of relief that her friend had gotten away but she still seemed to be in hot water herself.
“Allright,” she said evenly, looking at the tall woman who was still holding the weapon pointed squarely at her chest. “What’sthis all about?”
“Whatit’s about is bringing you and that whore,GoodieBo-long to justice!” snappedChiefStern-son. “Whichmeans you aren’t going on theMoonshuttle,Missy—you’re coming withme.I’mplacing you under arrest for having indecent and carnal relations with aManimal!”
Thelarge female who was talking to his mate seemed to be getting agitated.Thenshe waved something in at his mate—a weapon?Cadethought it must be.Atfirst he had believed they were only talking, but now he saw that his female was being threatened and a low growl rose in his throat.
Hestepped forward, intending to make the enemy who was frightening his mate pay, but suddenly something sharp bit him in the throat.
Hegrowled in surprise and raised his hand to bat the stinger away, but suddenly the world around him was blurry and strange.
“Cade!” he heard his female gasp. “OhmyGod, what did you do to him?”
“Don’tworry, he won’t be harmed,” the one who had threatened her snapped. “You’rethe one who’s going to pay for your depravity!”
Cadedidn’t understand this, of course—he only heard a lot of yelling.Thenhis female was hovering over him, worry written all over her beautiful face.Hewanted to reach out to her, to tell her everything would be all right and he would protect her no matter what.Thathe would give his life to save hers.
Butbefore he could even lift a hand to her, everything went black and he knew no more.
“Whatdid you do to him?”Andiknelt by the bigHybridwho had collapsed on the floor.
Herheart was pounding and she was crying with fear and fury.Therewas a small, black dart sticking out of the side of his thick throat.Andiplucked it out and threw it away before cupping his scratchy cheek in her palm.
“Cade?Cade, please be okay!” she begged brokenly. “Oh,God…”
“Gether up!”ChiefStern-son barked and suddenly two women were dragging her up and away from the bigHybrid.