Page 78 of Lost on Oblivion
“What?How?Howcould that be?”Andidemanded.
“I’veheard of what otherNewOrderchapters do to women they consider to be ‘morally corrupt,”GoodieBo-long told her. “Lookat theChronometeron the wall—what do you see?”
“Uh…”Andisquinted at the digital readout flashing on the wall beyond the bars. “Isthat right?” she asked at last. “Havewe really been out nearly twelve hours?”
“Youhave—Iwasn’t given the mercy of a knock-out dart,”GoodieBo-long said. “I’vebeen sitting here bored, with nothing to do except watch you snore.”
“Idon’t snore!”Andiexclaimed, and then realized they were getting off the subject. “Goback to what you said aboutCadebeing part of my punishment—how can that be true?He’smyProtector—he would never hurt me!”
“Ohno?Thinkof it, my dear—it’s now been twelve hours since yourManimalhas had either yourSweetDropsor your honey—or any kind of access to your pussy,”GoodieBo-long remarked. “Heshould be just about ready to goPrimalby now.”
“GoPrimal?”Andiasked.Shevaguely rememberedFlow-da telling a story about a friend whoseManimalhad “gonePrimal” and attacked her.ButsurelyCadewouldn’t do anything like that—would he?
“Anunfortunate side effect of theMagroagaricustrisporusinfection in males,”GoodieBo-long said dryly, as though she was giving a lecture, “Isthe tendency of the excess sex hormones to build up in their system.Ifthey aren’t given what they need to control their sexual impulses, they go intooverdrive, if you will.Resultingin a state of hyper-sexuality in which theManimalwill fuck just about any female he comes across to death—if he doesn’t tear her apart with his teeth, first.”
“What?”Andicouldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Surelyyou must be exaggerating,” she said blankly. “Cadewouldn’t do that to me!Hewouldn’t attack me!”
“Ifyou want to know how he’s feeling, consult your own body,”GoodieBo-long said. “Thinkhow long it’s been since you’ve been licked or sucked or mounted and think about how you feel as a result.”
Anditook a moment to take stock of herself.Herheadache had let up some now that she was sitting upright and she realized that she was, indeed, feeling the effects of her twelve-hour sexual fast.
“Ifeel…empty,” she said at last, squeezing her thighs together tightly. “Andachy.”
“Andalmost painfully aroused,Iimagine,”GoodieBo-long remarked. “That’sbecause your body has gotten used to getting serviced regularly.”
“Butif it’s this bad for us, how much worse must it be for theNewOrder?”Andiremarked. “Howcan theystandit?”
“TheNewOrderhave the same sexual urges that we do but they don’t give in to them—so they don’t feel nearly our levels of need,”GoodieBo-long remarked. “Ifthey’d just gone ahead and found some niceManimalsto fuck them, they wouldn’t be so sour and unhappy right now.”
“So…ourManimalsare feeling the same way we are right now?Uh, extremely aroused?”Andiasked.
“That’san understatement, my dear,”GoodieBo-long said dryly. “Takewhat you’re feeling and multiply it by ten and you’ll see why your dear, sweetCadewon’t hesitate to split you apart with his cock the moment they put you in a pen with him.”
“But…but hewouldn’t!”Andiprotested. “Andanyway, what about the antidote?”
“It’seither already kicked in and you’ve missed your window of opportunity because it went to work on him while he was knocked out, or it has yet to take effect,”GoodieBo-long told her. “Sometimesit can take up to thirty-six hours to work on extra large subjects—which yourManimalcertainlyis.Thatmeans that by the time they bring us to trial tomorrow morning, he will be at the end of his window.”
“Somaybeit will be all right,”Andiwhispered. “Ifthe antidote you gave him takes the maximum time to take effect because of his size.”Shedrew her knees up and wrapped her arms around them. “Maybehe’ll come back to himself before he can…can attack me.”
“Maybe.ButI’dsay the odds are quite slim,”GoodieBo-long told her.
“WhatshouldIdo then?Fighthim?”Andidemanded.
“Ohno, my dear—you have no chance in fighting off aManimalthat’s gonePrimal.Whatyou do issubmit.Offerhim your cunny and pray that he knots you instead of going for your throat.”
“Butwhy would he do that?”Andidemanded.
“Becausetoo much testosterone can send aManimalinto a fury,”GoodieBo-long lectured. “Akilling fury, if you’renotlucky.Abreeding fury, if youare.ThoughIpromise you, even if you get out of it with your life, it’s going to be averyrough ride.Don’texpect any sweet treatment—yourManimalis going to want to breed you as deep and as hard as possible and he won’t stop until he feels he’s planted a baby in your belly.”
Andishivered at the thought.Cadewas so huge—so powerful.Evenin hisManimalstate he’d always been gentle with her.Butthere was no doubt he could easily hurt her if he wasn’t being careful.AndifGoodieBo-long was telling the truth, being careful with her would be the last thing on the bigHybrid’smind.
“Atleast you’ve only gotoneManimalto deal with—albeit an extremelylargeone,”GoodieBo-long pointed out. “I’mgoing to have to deal withtwoat once andMannycan be savage even when he’snotin a fury.”Sheshook her head. “I’llhave to work extra hard to keep them both happy so they don’t rip me apart.”
Andifelt sick.Shecurled up on the cot and wrapped her arms around herself, shivering.Itwas cold in the dank cell and she didn’t haveCadeto keep her warm.Infact, ifGoodieBo-long was telling the truth, he was somewhere getting worked into a lustful frenzy that might end in her death!OhGod—what was she going to do?
Atear rolled down her face, followed by another and another.Sheturned her face to the wall, not wanting her sarcastic cellmate to see her cry.ShewantedCadeand she wanted to go home—back to theMotherShip!Shewanted to leave this miserable,God-forsaken planet behind and never come back again!
ButI’llnever get away—I’llprobably die here,she thought to herself miserably.Cademight kill me while he’s out of his mind—which would ruin his life, not to mention his career.