Page 80 of Lost on Oblivion

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Page 80 of Lost on Oblivion

“Multiplewitnesses have seen the two of you having relations with yourManimals!”ChiefStern-son went on relentlessly. “Therefore, it is my judgment asChiefPeaceKeeper, that the two of you shall be enclosed with those sameManimalsfor an extended period of time until you have each learned your lesson.”

“Andwhat lesson is that,Stern-son?”GoodieBo-long demanded. “Thatyouget to make the rules just because you don’t like people fucking theirManimals?Whodied and put you in charge?”

“Enoughof this!Putthem to their punishments!”MotherStrict-ezz’s voice drowned out even the boos and hisses.Shewas standing right besideGoodieTight-azz,Andisaw, and her mouth was puckered in a sour expression of disapproval and disgust.

“Agreed,MotherStrict-ezz.”ChiefStern-son nodded. “Bringin theManimals—but don’t remove the shock collars and leashes until they’re safely in the pens,” she ordered.

Severalwomen came forward.Twoof them were leadingMannyandGobion long leather leashes through the tall grass.BothManimalswere growling—their eyes red with angry lust.Themoment they caught sight ofGoodieBo-long, the growling increased and the two of them started yanking on their leashes.

“Theyknow theirMistress,Isee,”ChiefStern-son said, sounding extremely self-satisfied. “Goon—put them in the pen with her and see how well they play with her now that they’ve both gonePrimal.”

AndisawGoodieBo-long go pale, but she kept her chin up and refused to betray any fright.

“Here, boys,” she called to theManimals. “HereManny…here,Gobi.Doyou want to mount me?Comeon—don’t be shy.”

Therewere murmurs of disgust and anger at her words but the moment the two women let theManimalsoff their leashes and collars, they both rushed atGoodieBo-long, growling in fury.

“Wait!No, wait!”GoodieBo-long’s voice suddenly went high with fright. “Isaidmountme—you can both mount me as much as you want.Manny, down—get down.Gobi, my sweet boy, you don’t want to do that, do you?No!Noooo!”

Herwords cut off with a shriek and a gurgle as a gout of green blood rose in the air.

Anditurned her head—she couldn’t watch.She’dalready seen enough to turn her stomach because it was clear that bothManimalswere in a killing fury andnotin the mood to mount their formerMistressat all.

Therewere horrible wet tearing sounds and awful screaming.Andiplugged her ears with her fingertips as best she could and squeezed her eyes tightly closed.

Iwon’t watch andIwon’t listen!she told herself fiercely.Iwon’t…Ican’t!IfIdo,I’llnever sleep again!

Butdespite trying to block everything out, she still heardMotherStrict-ezz’s bugling voice when she shouted,

“Nowfor the other whore!Sendin herManimaland let her have a taste of what’s coming to her!”

OhGod…oh no!

Andi’seyes flew open and she saw the gate to her enclosure opening.Suddenly,Cadewas there.Thoughhe had mostly walked upright as aManimal, now he was on his hands and knees and his eyes…

Hiseyes…dearGod, his eyes are red!

Andifelt her stomach flip and her blood turned to ice water in her veins.Thismight be her own death she was seeing in the eyes of the bigHybrid.Thismight be the end of her.IfCadedecided he would rather kill her than mount her, he could do it with no trouble at all.Alreadyshe could see the tips of his fangs, extending down past his top lip and a low growl was rumbling in his deep throat…

Suddenlyshe rememberedGoodieBo-long’s advice when she’d asked what to do in this situation.

“Submit!” she’d said. “Offerhim your cunny and pray he’d rather knot you than rip your throat out!”

Buthow well had taking her own advice worked for the other woman?

Notwell,whispered the little voice in her head.Notvery well at all.

Still, what else could she do?Therewas nowhere to run—even if she’d been able to outrun the bigHybrid, which she definitely couldn’t.Theywere locked in the enclosure together and the fence was un-climbable—its thin metal slats were all vertical.Sorunning was out, climbing was out, and fighting was most definitely out.

Allshe could do was submit and hope for the best.

Andifelt very small and helpless as she knelt slowly in the tall grass.Itfelt cold and ticklish on her bare skin.Shestill had on the short skirt and loose silk blouse she’d been wearing when she was arrested at theEmporiumbut of course, no underwear or bra.Itwould be easy enough to offer herself to herProtector, who was currently crawling towards her as sinuously as a big cat.

“Cade,” she whispered, as she knelt before him. “Cade, you’re myProtector.Youswore an oath never to hurt me—you promised you would die before you’d let me come to harm.Doyou remember that?Doyou?”

Shethought maybe she saw a flicker in those red, lust-filled eyes, but she wasn’t sure.Shecouldn’t tell if she was getting through at all or not.Ifonly she knew if the antidote was still in his system!Ifonly she knew if it had taken effect yet.Ifit hadn’t,Cademight come back to himself at any time.If, however, they had missed their window of opportunity, well…

ThenI’min big trouble,Andithought to herself.Theworst troubleI’veever been in my whole life!

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