Page 83 of Lost on Oblivion
“Andrea?Areyou all right?” he said hoarsely, shaking her shoulder.
Tohis horror, she was limp and unresponsive.Gods, what had hedoneto her?
Asif in answer to his question, blurred and faded images began coming to his mind.Heremembered being filled with a lustful fury—an anger so strong that he wanted to kill.ThenAndrea, kneeling before him and baring her throat.Hereyes had been filled with fear.Andthen she had spread her legs and offered herself to him.
Butnot by choice—because she felt shehadto,Cadethought grimly.Gods, had he just assaulted the female he had promised to protect?Thewoman he had loved from the first moment he saw her?Hehad sworn never to haveAndreabecause he couldn’tBondher to him and now he had broken his vow to himself and hurt her in the worst way possible!
Notassaulted—assaulting—you’re still doing it.You’restillinher,a little voice in his head pointed out.
Cadefelt sick.Hisknot was slowly going down so he must have come in her.Butwhat had caused her to faint?Hadhe beaten her?Hetried to access his spotty and faded memories and didn’tthinkhe had hit her, but he had certainly taken her against her will.Andhe was beginning to think he had done it more than once.Flickeringimages filled his brain but he couldn’t pay attention to them now—he had to get himself andAndreaout of here—whereverherewas.
Atlast his knot went down enough for him to withdraw.Thegush of seed that followed let him know that he had done more than fuck her—he had bredAndreaand bred herhard.Hefelt sick.
“Andrea?” he murmured, turning her over so she lay on her back. “Andrea,I’mso fuckingsorry.Please—come back to me, baby!”
Atlast her eyelids fluttered and her lovely eyes opened.
“Cade?” she whispered, and then her eyes widened in fright. “Please, don’t hurt me!I’llgive you anything you want—you’re myProtector, remember?Please, try to understand!”
Cade’sheart burned within him.Hewanted to die.
“Andrea, it’s me,” he said, forcing the words out. “Idon’t know whatIdid to you—Imean,Ican guess butIdon’t…Ididn’t mean to.I—”
“Cade?” she gasped, her eyes getting even wider. “Isit really you?Didthe antidote work?Youcan think now?Youcan understand whatI’msaying?”
“OfcourseIunderstand,” he said roughly. “Iunderstand a hell of a lot more thanIwant to.WhatIdid…”Heshook his head. “It’sfuckingunforgivable.”
“It’sbetter than whatGoodieBo-long’sManimalsdid to her.”Andreanodded to the side andCadelooked to see what she was talking about.
Inthe enclosure next to the one they were in, he saw a sight that first confused him…and then turned his stomach.Twonaked males were covered in what looked like green paint, he thought.Butthen he saw the mangled remains of a woman—a woman who looked like all the people standing around their enclosure.Shehad green skin and green blood—that was what the two males were painted with—herblood.
“Theymust have fucking ripped her apart,”Cademuttered. “Gods—fucking horrible!”
“Theydid,”Andreasaid in a low voice. “TheywentPrimal—just like you did.Butyou didn’t kill me or hurt me like they hurt her.”
“Don’ttell meIdidn’t hurt you!”Cadesaid harshly. “Idon’t know what the fuck has been happening for the past few days butI’mgetting flashes of memory and none of them are good.”
Andreashook her head.
“Wedon’t have time to argue about this now.Wehave to get out of here—how long have you been awake?”
Cadeshook his head.
“Idon’t know—not long,Idon’t think.I…Iwoke up inside you,” he added, forcing himself to admit it.
Andreabit her lip.
“I’msorry about that,” she said, apologizing as though it washerfault that he’d forced her. “I’lltry to explain later, but for now, we really have to go.Weonly have a thirty-minute window before the spoors take effect again and turn you back into aManimal.”
“Awhat?”Cadeasked.Thenhe shook his head.Ifthey only had thirty minutes from the time he had awakened, they didn’t have long. “Nevermind—where’s the ship?” he asked.
“Overthere,Ithink.”Andreapointed out over the open landscape, filled with purple grass and trees. “See?Youcan catch the sun winking on the viewscreen.Butthere’s a huge hole in it.Orthere was when we left it, a week ago.”
“Awhole week?”Cadeshook his head.Nowonder he had so many strange and awful memories floating around in his brain!Andthey were still coming.Buthe couldn’t stop to examine them now. “Theship hasSmarttech,” he said firmly. “Ifit’s really been a whole week, it should have healed itself by now.”
“Thenwe have to leave!”Andreasaid urgently.Shesat up with a wince and seemed to realize what a state she was in.Blushing, she pulled down her skirt and tried to cover her breasts with the loose blouse she wore.
IttwistedCade’sheart to see her in this state—the state thathehad put her in.