Page 9 of Lost on Oblivion

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Page 9 of Lost on Oblivion

Sheput a hand to her head where he had been licking and then looked at her fingers.

“Hey—I’mnot bleeding anymore!Didyou…did you heal me?” she asked.

Cadecouldn’t answer in words—not that he understood the question.Henudged his head against her again, noting as he did that her breasts were soft.Asweet smell was coming from them—a smell that called to him.

Henudged her once more, pressing his nose to her cleavage which made her gasp and say,

“Cade!” in a shocked voice.

Cadedrew back.Herecognized his own name and the tone of his female’s voice was sharp.Wasshe upset again?

Hescanned her face anxiously.No—her eyes had stopped leaking and the corners of her mouth were no longer turned down.Shewas still making that sweet scent though—it drew him like a magnet.Itwas coming from her breasts—from the tight points of her nipples.

Cadeliked the look of them—they looked full and ripe and suckable, but there was a fabric barrier in the way.Dippinghis head, he latched onto one tight point anyway, sucking hard to see if he could get the source of the sweet smell to come to him.Heknew not to bite—no part of his female must be hurt.Butthe fangs in his mouth had grown long with desire and his shaft was throbbing, though it too was confined in some kind of fabric, which seemed wholly unnecessary.

“Oh,Cade!”Hervoice was shocked again as she pushed his face away from her full breast.

Cademade a noise of pure frustration in the back of his throat.Thesweet scent was calling to him!Hewanted it—neededit.Whydid his female deny him?Whywouldn’t she let him suck?Heonly wanted to taste her and make her even more his.Shewas his mate—he needed to claim her.

Whatwas the problem?



“That’sit,”Andisaid in a shaky voice as she scrambled to her feet. “Wehave to see about getting out of here.”

Cadewas acting more and more like a pet—or he had been before he went for her nipple, anyway.Infact—aside from going for her nipple—he’d reminded her a lot ofSpark, theGermanSheppard/Labmix that had been her family pet when she was little.Hehad always known whenAndiwas sad and had come to lay his head in her lap, whining softly while she cried.

Hedidn’t look any different though, she thought.ThebigHybridwas still completely humanoid—he was justactinglike an animal.Hehad been so sweet, licking away her tears and trying to comfort her—even though it was clear he didn’t understand what she was saying or why she was sad.Again, he reminded her of her old pet.

AfterSparkhad passed, whenAndiwas only ten, her mom hadn’t been able to get another dog.Shesaid it made her too sad.Andihad felt the same way—she’d never intended to get another pet after the trauma of losingSpark.

Butnow she apparently had a pet after all—a hugeKindredwarrior who was much bigger thanSparkhad ever been.Evenon his hands and knees,Cade’shead reached her waist easily and he outweighed her by at least a hundred pounds—all of it pure muscle.

Andirubbed her tight nipple, which still tingled from where he’d sucked her.Therewas a wet spot on the front of her dress and she wished again that she had worn a bra.Fora moment, she’d been so shocked she had simply let him suck her.Ithad felt good butAndifelt guilty—herProtectordidn’t know what he was doing, which was why she’d had to finally push him away.

Cadewas still making frustrated noises and nosing at her thighs.Alook between his legs showed that there was a definite tent in his tight black trousers.

Hismind is stripped down to its most basic animal instincts,Andithought.

Andwhat were an animal’s main instincts?Toeat and to breed.Theywere going to be in trouble here if she wasn’treallycareful.

Ihave to figure out how to get us off this planet before things got out of hand!Anditold herself.Buthow?

Thefirst thing she needed to do was go back to the front of the ship, she thought.Maybethere was some kind of emergency beacon she could activate or a way to call theMotherShip.

Buther optimism was greatly reduced when she was actually standing there, staring at the control panel.Cadealways handled the ship with such ease—he made it look simple to fly the long-range shuttle.Lookingat all the sleek buttons and knobs and dials, though,Andifelt her heart sink.Therewas no way she could figure this out!

Itwasn’t like there was a button marked “Help” or “EmergencyBeacon” she could press.Everythinglooked extremely complicated and besides, all the lights were out.Theship seemed completely dead, which meant that even if she pushed and pulled to her heart’s content, nothing was going to happen.

“Okay, sothat’snot an option,”Andimuttered to herself.Butneither was staying here in the broken shuttle with her enormousKindredProtectorwho now had the mind and instincts of a wild animal.

Glancingthrough the viewscreen again, she saw the buildings in the distance.Maybesomeone in the town could help her?Surelythere were other women there—if this really wasZo’rathThree, they must know what to do with a man who had been stripped down to his most primal instincts.Becauseall of the men here were in the same situation, if whatCadehad told her was right.

“Allright—that’s what we’ll do,”Andisaid, speaking both to herself and toCade, who had followed her to the cockpit and was nosing at her knees. “We’llgo to town and see if we can find some help.Andmaybe they’ll even have the facilities to make a long-distance call to theMotherShip,” she added hopefully.

Thoughto be honest, she didn’t know theMotherShip’scoordinates or how to get in touch with them.Butshe pushed that doubt to the back of her mind resolutely.Shehad to trysomethingand sitting around in the shuttle waiting forPrimalCade, as she was beginning to think of her animal-mindedProtector, to get horny again wasn’t an option.

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