Page 92 of Lost on Oblivion
“Givingyou what you needed?”Hefrowned incredulously.
“Becauseof the effects of theMagroagaricustrisporusspoors,”Andireminded him. “AndI’vestillgot them in me,” she added, shifting on the couch uncomfortably.
Nowthat she was sitting so close to the bigHybrid, it felt like her body was going into overdrive.Feelingthe warmth of his skin and smelling his warm scent was making her pussy feel empty and hot and wet at the same time.Hernipples were tight too—a reminder that he hadn’t sucked theSweetDropsfrom them in days and days.Therewas never very much, but it had built up in the time they had been apart in the decontamination suites and now her breasts ached intensely.
Cadeinhaled deeply and narrowed his eyes at her.
“You’rein need now, aren’t you, sweetheart?Ican fucking smell it on you.”
Andibit her lip and nodded.
“Yes,” she admitted.Therewas no sense in lying, even though it was terribly embarrassing. “I’vepretty much been in need all week long—ever since we got back to theMotherShip.Imean,Igot used to you, uh, breeding me all the time onZo’rathThreeandIhaven’t had any, er, ‘help’ since we came back.”
“Haveyou tried helping yourself?”
Thiswas even more embarrassing, butAndiknew she had to answer truthfully.
“Yes,” she admitted. “But, uh, touching myself doesn’t do it.Ineed…”Shebit her lip. “Ineed to be filled—to bebred.Yousee, the spoors don’t just make you, uh, horny—they make you want to…to try to get pregnant,” she finished in a rush.Herface felt so hot she was sure her hair was in danger of catching fire.
“Hmm…”Cadefrowned. “Well,Ican’tget you pregnant becauseIcan’tBondyou to me.”
“Iguess we would have formed a bond if it was possible already, huh?”Andiasked, shifting on the couch again as she remembered all the timesCadehad bred her as aManimal.
“No, not necessarily.”Hefrowned. “Becausein order toBondyou,Iwould have had to knot youandbite you—filling you with my essence and my seed at the same time.”
“Oh.”Andinodded. “Youbit me several times, but you only, uh, knotted me once—that last time,” she said.Herheart was speeding and she could feel her body getting hotter as her need got worse. “Sowhat would happen if you did that—Imean, if you really did try toBondme to you?” she asked.
Cadeshook his head.
“AFailedBonding—Ihad that happen to me once before whenItried to bond a female to me.Itwas fucking painful for everyone involved.”Hesighed. “Hername wasCy’thara.Wedidn’t last long after that.Itwas years ago butI’venever wanted to repeat the experience.”
“Oh,”Andisaid again, looking down at her hands, which were clasped in her lap. “Then…Iguess you don’t want to, uh, do anything, huh?”
“Doanything?”Caderaised an eyebrow.
Andicleared her throat, determined to be more direct.
“Imean, you don’t want to help me out with my problem—with the way the spoors are making me need to be bred,” she clarified, trying not to blush again and failing miserably.
“OfcourseIwant to help you, baby.Hey, look at me.”Cadelifted her chin so that she had to meet his golden eyes. “Beenwanting you from the first minuteIsaw you, likeItold you,” he growled softly. “OfcourseIwant to breed you—Ijust need you to knowIcan’tBondyou to me, as much asIwishIcould.Soif we have sex, itisn’tgoing to lead toBonding.”
“Iunderstand,”Andisaid quickly. “Itdoesn’t have to—it can just be a…a friends with benefits type situation, if you want.Ijust…”Shelooked up at him, feeling a mixture of desire and shame. “Ineed to betaken,Cade.Ineed to feel you stretching me out and filling me up.”
Hisgolden eyes went half-lidded and he leaned forward, looming over her in the way thatAndiloved.
“Sure, baby,Ican fill you up,” he growled softly. “Ican give you what you need.”
“You…you can?”Andi’sheart was pounding and she felt so hot, she could barely breathe.
“Absolutely.”Cadenodded. “Butthere’s somethingIwant you to do for me first.”
“What’sthat?”Andiasked.Whateverit was, she would do it—she was beginning to feel really desperate!
“Iwant you to tell me more about how you tried to ‘train’ me onZo’rathThree.Youkept talking about ‘SweetDrops’ and ‘honey’—what exactly did you mean?”
“Ohwell—theSweetDropsare a kind of nectar the spoors cause your breasts to make,”Andiexplained. “Lotsof women used them onZo’rathThreeto ‘train’ theirManimalsbecause they seem to have a soothing effect.Thatis, as long as you were giving yourManimalyourSweetDrops, you could keep him from goingPrimal.”