Page 14 of Safeword: Mayday
Marcus didn’t have to say it twice — Heather was up and on hands and knees within seconds. She’d seen a trapeze bar hanging from the ceiling over the bed while she was on her back, but didn’treallywant to know why it was there. Marcus obviously did some pretty bizarre things in this bed.
She trusted Kyle to not let Marcus do anything too bad, and in a way she trusted Marcus, too. He’d gone out of his way to make her comfortable, and he’d repeatedly told her she only needed to tell them to stop and they would. Still, the whole afternoon had been wacky.
“Lose the towel, Heather, and come up on the bed a little more.” Something about Marcus’s tone made her move a little faster than normal.
Several minutes later, Heather was on all fours, her legs spread wide to lower her groin so it rested on Kyle’s face.
She gasped when Kyle’s fingers opened her lower lips, and moaned when he pushed her clit hood up and ran the rough part of his tongue directly over her clit. She’d never felt any pleasure from him — or anyone else — messing with her clit before, but this time she felt heat and her hips wanted to move. Whether it was the positioning with her on top, or the fact that her clit was sensitive from the clothespin earlier, she wasn’t sure — but she certainly wasn’t bored.
An unknown sound had her looking behind her, and her eyes went big as she focused on the bright blue medical gloves on Marcus’s hands.
“Time for a new sensation, Spitfire.”
He grinned. “You didn’t like Little Birdie, and Spitfire suits you, the way you flew me around. Also, it fits your personality.”
She started to respond, but Kyle gave her more suction. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her hips moved to grind her private bits over his face. She was a little mortified and stilled her hips, but made sure her clit was still over his mouth because she neededmore.
Marcus chuckled. “Whatever you just did, Kyle, you should do it again.”
She glared at Marcus, and he chuckled again. “Remember, you get to tell Kyle what to do — whether it’s to do it again, or to be more gentle, to suck harder, use his teeth, stop using his teeth. Whatever you want, you only need to tell him. He’s good, but he’s not a mind reader. Plus, you’re in charge and helikesinstructions. Also, his cock is right in front of you — feel free to tease and torture him. I have plans for later that’ll require him being hard, so you probably don’t want to allow him any relief just yet.”
He’d moved behind her while he talked, so she didn’t bother trying to respond. She was nowhere close to this being enough to make her orgasm like before, but what Kyle was doing felt amazing.
She was glad Marcus seemed to be through with conversation, because she wasn’t sure she could form sentences much longer.
Heather was fairly certain Marcus planned to do something to her asshole, and her first instinct was to tell him not to, but she didn’t. He’d been right about the clothespins, and that had allowed him a level of trust. She was willing to see what happened and how it felt before calling a stop to it.
In the shower, Kyle had meticulously opened her lower lips and cleanedallher private areas when he soaped her, and he’d even cleaned herback thereon the outside, so she wasn’t too concerned with Marcus looking and maybe touching her there, but shereallydidn’t think he needed to go inside.
“This is about new sensations, Heather,” Marcus ran a finger down her buttcrack and circled her most private place, and Heather suppressed a shudder.
“It isn’t about power games between you and me,” Marcus told her. “The goal is to give you new sensations.”
His finger stopped circling her ass, and the warm weight of his hand rested on her sacrum. “We need to talk about how you can communicate things to me, so I know what just feels weird as opposed to something truly wrong. When you’re flying, you don’t use themaydayterm unless there’s a serious problem. When a pilot uses it on the radio, ordinary radio traffic stops. No one speaks unless it’s about themaydaycall.”
Kyle stopped doing the wonderful things he’d been doing, and she gritted her teeth to keep from snapping at them. “I know whatmaydaymeans. I’m a fixed wing pilotanda helicopter pilot, with a commercial license for both.”
“My point here is if you find yourself in serious physical or emotional difficulty, I want you to saymayday. If you say it,everythingstops immediately. Okay?”
“Why can’t I just saystop?”
“Sometimes, saying ‘no’ is kind of a habit. It feels wrong for someone to stick their finger up your butt, so you saynoandstop, when you don’t really mean it. You have to go the step farther in your head before you saymayday, to decide if you truly want things to stop.”
Kyle moved his head sideways enough to talk. “Marcus can almost always tell when you’re truly distressed, and usually stops before anyone needs to safeword, but it still needs to be there, just in case.”
“Kyle won’t ask for a safeword,” Marcus said, “so we’re going to make it a universal safeword for the three of us. If he says it, we stop. If for some bizarre reason I say it, ya’ll stop.”
“Okay, I get it, but do we have to have this talknow?”
Kyle turned his head back under her and sucked her clit into his mouth. She let out a deep groan, and then a little squeal when Marcus’s finger circled her bottom hole again.
He was right about it being a different sensation, but what he was doing in concert with Kyle’s mouth worked, and she both wanted it to stop and didn’t. Her hips moved her groin against Kyle’s face again and she froze, but Kyle’s hands moved to her legs and encouraged her to keep moving.
What kind of person humps her boyfriend’s face?
She didn’t have a chance to go any further with the thought though, because Marcus’s gloved finger pressed into her bottom, and she said, “Marcus, that’s not, you shouldn’t—”