Page 22 of Safeword: Mayday
Heather nodded, reached for Kyle’s hand, and walked them through the woods back towards the point. Kyle pulled back a little when they stepped from dirt to rock, but she was counting on him not wanting to show his fear in front of Eric, so she kept walking.
Using his own guidelines, she stopped when they were seven feet from the edge, took both his hands in hers, and encouraged him to sit.
Finally, she sat in front of him, between his legs, and leaned against him to give him a barrier between his body and the spacious view. She wanted him to relax and see the sight before them as beautiful, rather than as a potential death hazard, but she honestly didn’t know how to make it happen. All she could come up with was to try to make him feel safe, and hope he’d figure out how to appreciate it and take in the beauty of this wonderful, fascinating planet.
Marcus sat beside Kyle with his legs out straight, and she laid her arm across the other man’s leg, with her hand resting lightly just below his knee. They were also about six feet from the right-side edge, and Marcus had given Kyle another barrier.
Eric, Ranger, and Jim Bob called their goodbyes as they rode off, and it was just Heather and both men once again.
Chapter 13
“Is everyone going to assume I’m submissive if I’m with you?” Heather asked Marcus.
“Would that be a problem?”
“I’m not submissive.”
“There’s nothing wrong with being submissive.”
“I didn’t say there was, but I’m not, and I don’t want people to think I am.”
“Would you be bothered if people thought you were dominant?”
“Yeah. I mean, maybe not people in the lifestyle, but if other people thought I was, it would bother me.”
“No one outside the lifestyle knows what I am, so they’re the only ones who’ll jump to the same conclusion as Eric.” He shrugged. “They won’t have to be around you long to realize you aren’t submissive — though there’s going to be a lot of curiosity about a dominant woman who has my affection.”
“I have your affection?”
Kyle answered, his chest rumbling against her back. “Of course you have his affection. He wouldn’t have offered to help us out, otherwise.”
Heather looked at Marcus, wanting him to answer the question, and he gave her a genuine smile. “I like you. I think you’re great for Kyle, but it’s more than that. If we hadn’t spent the day together today, I’d have been disappointed. I want to see you, do things with you. I enjoy spending time with you, and I’m loving this chance to help you explore your sexuality. I don’t know where this is going, but I’m looking forward to seeing what happens.”
Heather wasn’t prepared to take the conversation farther. Declaring that she was starting to like Marcus felt awkward, so she changed the subject. “Eric didn’t know Kyle.”
“No. He isn’t involved in the local scene.”
Heather remembered his girlfriend of the previous year telling him to change clothes before they went out, and she asked, “Kyle, was Margie dominant over you?”
“Yes. Since Margie and I broke up, I’ve driven to Nashville to have those needs met. I’m not comfortable outing myself locally.”
“Have you gone to Nashville since—” She broke off and started again. “When’s the last time you went to Nashville?”
“My last trip was about a month before our first kiss. I had a trip planned for the weekend after, but then you kissed me and agreed to go out on a date with me, so I canceled the trip and haven’t been back.”
That was the exact question she hadn’t wanted to finish — had he been back since they’d been an item. Kyle had understood, and he hadn’t made her outright ask it to get an answer. She might not fully understand thissubmissivething, but she grasped enough to recognize it was important to him. Not a want, but a need.
“I want to learn how to give you what you need.”
“We can talk about the things that turn me on, and Marcus can teach you the things you’re interested in learning, but I’m more interested in watching you explore your blossoming sexuality right now.”
She rolled her eyes and reached for her water bottle. “Nothing is blossoming. Exploding perhaps, but not blossoming. Marcus, you said you had reading material for me? I’ll have the brunt of the day to read tomorrow. I’ll fly my contractor guys to New Orleans and then hang out in the plane for the day while they go off and do their thing.” Sometimes, she rented a car and explored a city she’d never been to before, but she’d been all over New Orleans more times than she could count.
“I have a few nonfiction books that explain the nuts and bolts, but you might learn more about the power exchange aspects by reading some fiction books. They give a better idea of the emotions behind it, and the need for trust.” He met her gaze. “Trust is huge in what we do. Understanding the emotions and wants and needs is probably more important than the nuts and bolts right now, so it feels right to start you with the romance books.”
Heather looked over her shoulder at Kyle. “Do you still want me to tie the rope off, so you can walk or crawl to the edge? Or do you need it before you stand up? How are you handling the view?”
Kyle sighed. “I know you and Marcus think you’re helping by getting between me and the edge, but it just makes me afraid for the two of you.” He took a fortifying breath. “But it’s time I started working on this with an end goal in mind. My original aim was just to be able to fly commercially, but I’m in love with a pilot who has her own helicopter. I know there are a lot of things we could do together if I wasn’t terrified to fly with you. It’s time I started dealing with my shit again, so I can work towards flying with you.”