Page 30 of Safeword: Mayday
When it was over, she found herself laying on him, her head on his chest, gasping for air. She was in excellent shape; she didn’t gasp for breath like this, what was up with that? She thought about releasing Kyle’s hands, but she didn’t want to get off of his cock just yet, so she just laid her head back on his chest and tried to get her heart to stop racing.
She considered lifting her head, but stayed put. “Yeah?”
“Can you let me up, please? I really need to get the ginger off.”
He sounded a little distraught, but that didn’t make sense. He’d put the ginger on her, not on him.
Oh,but then she’d rode him, and they didn’t bother with condoms because they were both clean. She went to her knees and released his hands, thankful Marcus had warned her to use knots she could release fast. Kyle rolled to the side, off the bed and onto his feet, and headed toward the bathroom. He wasn’t running, but he wasn’t exactly taking his time, either.
She felt awful. She hadn’t even thought about the ginger affecting him. He’d had gloves on for his hands when he put it on her.She should have thought. She heard the shower turn on, and she followed him into the bathroom to check on him.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t even think of it hurting you. You should’ve said something! Isn’t that what we have safewords for? To let the other know when something hurts?”
“It wasperfect. If I’d wanted you to stop, I’d have let you know.” He’d soaped himself so his cock and balls were buried in a heavy lather, and now he used the handheld sprayer to rinse it away. “Here’s a good litmus test — if I have a hard on, it’s a good hurt and you shouldn’t stop.” He turned the water off and touched the tip of her nose with his wet finger. “There are a lot of hurts that make my hard-on go away thatareokay, and you’ll learn those, if you’re interested — but if you see a hard-on, you don’t have to wonder. Ever.”
“But you had to run in here to wash it off!”
“While it was happening, it was good for me. Really, really,reallygood. But once I’d gotten off and it was obvious you seemed to be done, it was too much. As soon as I couldn’t handle it, I let you know, you released me, and I fixed it. You have absolutely no need to apologize. Really. That was... it wasperfect, Heather. It was even better than I’d fantasized.”
He’d stepped out and dried himself while he talked, and now he pulled her into his arms. “I love you so much.”
“Youpromiseyou’ll tell me if anything hurts in a bad way?”
“If you ever hear me saymayday, you’ll know there’s a problem and the power exchange is over. I take responsibility for saying it when I need to. It’s my job to let you know if there’s a problem.”
“I amsoout of my league here. What if I hurt you and I don’t mean to?”
“No one’s going to get hurt with the little bit we’re doing now. Ginger doesn’t actually burn, it just makes the nervesthinkthey’re burning. It’s safe. When we get to the more extreme stuff, Marcus will make sure we both know how to do things safely, and how to watch for danger, but this, tonight, it was good, wasn’t it? Just us?”
She relaxed a little more in his arms.Goodwas an understatement. “Yes, it was great with just the two of us, but we need Marcus to help us learn. And...” She considered how to word what she was feeling and thinking. “Marcus is starting to grow on me. Plus, I think he gives me something you...” Crap. She didn’t want to hurt Kyle’s feelings, but he kept insisting they had to talk abouteverythingif it was going to work with three people. “I don’t know, maybe it’s something you’ll be able to do later, but the orgasms I got from Marcus were different than the ones I just had with you. Don’t get me wrong, Ilovedbeing in control, but maybe having Marcus kind-of in control isn’t so bad?”
He kissed the top of her head and pulled her in a little tighter, but quickly relaxed his arms so she didn’t feel trapped. “I think that’s information Marcus should have, don’t you?”
“Probably, but I’m not sure it makes me submissive. I mean, I don’t feel at all like the submissives felt in the books he had me read — none of those emotions, none of their thoughts. I couldn’t relate at all. I don’t think I’m wired that way, but…” She sighed because she realized she wasn’t making sense, but went ahead and finished her sentence. “But letting him dictate what happens, and having him give instructions — I think that may work for me.”
“We’ll figure it out. I promise.” He kissed the top of her head again. “Do you want to shower before going to bed, or are you ready to go to sleep?”
“I can do a quick shower now, so I won’t need to bother with it in the morning.”
Kyle must’ve realized she needed a few minutes to herself. He hung a towel outside the shower door, reached in to turn the water back on, and silently returned to the bedroom. Heather took a quick shower and dried off, then put on an oversized shirt and crawled into bed, happy to snuggle into Kyle’s embrace — something about his arms was like coming home. She’d never believed in soul mates, but when they settled in like this, it was as if everything was right with the world.
“What time did you set your alarm?” she asked.
“Five fifteen. What time do you need up?”
“Not until six. When will you leave?”
“Around five thirty. I have a tummy tuck and a face lift scheduled first thing, then two patients still in the hospital I need to touch base with, and I’m seeing patients in my office all afternoon.”
“You’re on call this weekend, right?” Major surgeries were usually early in the week, with the more minor procedures on Thursday and Friday. He usually scheduled more surgeries and procedures just before he was on call, so he’d be the one making decisions if there was a problem over the weekend. Heather knew more about plastic surgery than she ever expected to.
“Yes, and I’m scheduled for nine procedures Friday, plus another face lift. Several of our group have them packed in back-to-back all day, so I’ll likely be fielding phone calls most of the weekend.”
The doctors in his practice took turns being on call over the weekend, and they handled everyone’s patients, which sometimes was a huge deal that meant constant phone calls, and sometimes was only a few phone calls plus a couple hours of rounds each day.
“Wake me up to give me a goodbye kiss before you go. My alarm is set, so it’s okay if I fall back to sleep, but I want my kiss. I’m spending the morning at the ranch, so if I wake up early, it’s an extra thirty minutes I can work with Phantom. The ground has dried from the rain earlier in the week, and I’d like to get some jumping practice in.” She rubbed his chest, stroked over his ribs. “If Marcus is free this weekend, would it be okay for us to spend time with him? It might mean he and I are alone when you leave to do rounds. Or, if you decide to stay home and sleep after surgery tomorrow, it may mean he and I have an evening to ourselves. I feel kind of weird about that, but I think I’m ready to talk to him.”