Page 33 of Safeword: Mayday
Hmm, a one-word answer. Probably time to back off. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s your money, and you seem to have plenty of it. Nothing wrong with paying people to make your life easier.”
He pulled his keys from his pocket, touched a key fob to a pad over the deadbolt, and then reached for the doorknob, “No offense. Are you ready to talk aboutyounow that you aren’t flying?”
She took a breath, caught off guard, and then said, “Yeah, sure. No time like the present, I guess.”
“It makes you uncomfortable? To talk about yourself?”
Heather stepped inside, and Marcus closed the door behind her.
“With you? It seems to work out that way. Especially once you consider I’m not really used to talking about sex at all, and your conversations require a whole lot of... I don’t know, sometimes I feel like my conversations with you make me vulnerable, and that’s not a comfortable feeling for me.”
“I’m sorry you feel that way. If there’s anything I can do to make you feel less vulnerable, please tell me.”
“This whole sex thing is kind of new to me. Just have some patience, I guess.”
They’d made it through the huge great room into the kitchen by that time, and Marcus pulled a pan out of the fridge. “The instructions say to bake at three hundred and fifty degrees for forty minutes. Let’s get this in the oven and then I’ll show you around. I think I might like to take a quick shower before we eat, too. Would you like to join me?”
Heather didn’t know what to say, and as she was trying to think of how to answer, he said, “No need to give me the deer in the headlights look. There’s more than one shower if you’d rather hold off on seeing each other naked.”
“You just caught me off guard. I’m not really sure where you and I stand. I mean, you’ve done...things... to me. And I gave you a blowjob. And you’ve seen Kyle and I having sex. And you’ve given me some, well, some earthshattering orgasms — but you’re not my boyfriend, and some of this feels awkward.”
Marcus put the lasagna in the oven, and she asked, “Doesn’t the oven need to heat up first?”
He pushed some buttons on the number pad above the oven and said, “No, it’s a new model, and it heats up almost immediately. Here’s what I’d like to see happen. I’d like to give you a quick tour of the house and then let you undress me, then me undress you, and then I’d like for us to take a practical shower together. Lots of soap and warm water, but nothing overtly sexual. And then I’d like for us to put on these fabulously soft robes I have, and eat lasagna together, and talk a little about the new experiences I’d like to introduce you to this evening.”
Heather closed her eyes, and without opening them, asked, “Am I being high maintenance?”
He chuckled. “Not even a tiny bit. You’ve seen the living room, though you probably didn’t notice that the way the rafters are built allow for slaves, submissives, and masochists to be suspended. There are also various implements on the walls that allow someone to be attached to said walls. The dining room is through here, but the table seats eighteen and is mostly just used for parties.” He motioned off to his right. “I usually eat in what the realtor called the breakfast nook, but it just looks like an eating area with huge windows to me. I love the view here though, and when I need to work while I’m here, I usually set up by the windows.”
He walked down a hall and she followed him, watching as he gestured to the left. “There’s a movie room in there, and this is the game room — do you play pool?”
“I know how, but I’m not especially good at it.”
“You’ll note the three stripes of rope going around the room in here, and you’ll note that one is about waist level of the average human, one about the level of arms held above the head, and one is at the floor. The ropes are secured firmly to the wall every eighteen inches, and can be used to restrain wrist cuffs, ankle cuffs, or harness holding a submissive in a variety of possible positions.”
“You’re serious about your parties, aren’t you?”
“It’s a wonderful spectacle — the Dominants playing games while their submissives kneel at their feet, or are bound to the wall to watch. The sight of a dozen or more people secured to the wall in here during a party is beautiful. Better than art.”
“It’s a long drive for a party.”
“I host people for the weekend a few times a year. I have three guest bedrooms, and you already know there are rental cabins just below us.”
He walked down the hall, and Heather followed him into one of the most masculine bedrooms she’d ever seen. It looked like something out of a medieval castle, with tan walls, navy bedding, navy curtains, and lots of wood and wrought iron. The headboard and footboard were a complicated wrought iron design, and the four-poster bed had the biggest columns she’d ever seen on a bed — as big around as a large tree trunk. It looked like a normal king-sized bed though, not another monstrosity of a bed like he had in his playroom at home. There were also two armoires in the same rich tones as the wood of the bed, and a leather padded wooden bench stood against one wall.
“This is my bedroom. I would be honored if you decide to stay in here tonight, but I’ve had a bed freshly made up in another room in case you don’t feel comfortable with that. No need to make a decision now, I just wanted you to know it’s entirely up to you. No pressure. When we get to that point we’ll figure it out, but right now, I’d like a shower.”
He reached for her hand and urged her towards what appeared to be a dressing area and then through a large doorway into a spa-fantasy bathroom with a huge tub, and a separate shower that matched the one at his other house, with lots and lots of showerheads and jets all over the place. He walked to the shower and reached for the number pad, hitting a few buttons to get it started and then turned back to her. “If you’d like to strip me first, I’m all yours.”
“Why don’t I just take my clothes off, and you take yours off?”
He shrugged. “We can do it that way, if you’d prefer.”
He began unbuttoning his shirt and she did the same. They mirrored each other with pretty much everything, with the exception of Heather’s bra, but Marcus took his belt off as she took her bra off, so the synchronization thing they had going didn’t get interrupted. Not a word was said, but they connected as they moved together, in a way Heather couldn’t quite define. Marcus’s eyes showed both a serious intent along with an unexpected playfulness, and the contradiction was unexpected, but appreciated.
When they finally stepped into the shower, she realized he’d turned the water on in such a way that their bodies were getting wet while their heads stayed dry, and she smiled with thanks because she didn’t really want to wash her hair and deal with it before they ate.
Marcus sudsed a poof, and when she stepped near him, he gently touched her shoulder to face her away from him. She complied and he began washing her shoulders, working his way down to her ankles. He washed her methodically and she enjoyed the attention and the sensations. Somehow, by doing it in a way that was obviously not supposed to be a turn on, it freed her to be able to enjoy it. When he was finished, he handed the poof to her and moved to an area the water wasn’t hitting, so her hair wouldn’t get wet when she returned the favor.