Page 37 of Safeword: Mayday
“Harder, please.”
She heard, “My pleasure,” and then she got her wish.
The rhythm picked up and the impact levels increased. Before long she felt more than warmth. Heat. Burning.
She started moving around a little, as much as her restraints would allow — not so much to avoid the lashes, but because she just couldn’t stand still. Her arousal levels were off the charts. Sheneededan orgasm, and the strikes hurt, but she wanted them to hurtmore. She wanted to feel this pain. It was almost like when she used to cut herself, back when she’d thought it helped her feel alive, and she wanted that now. “Please, more, harder, I need... I don’t know what I need, I just needmore.”
Without pausing, the strikes began landing on her upper back, and she gasped.
Maybe she’d been wrong, and this wasn’t leather? Each strand felt as if it delivered a line of fire to her naked skin, and there were a lot of strands hitting at once. It hurt — there was actual pain — but she didn’t want it to stop.
She marveled at that, the pain she felt, each lash making her more and more alive, and somehow, more relaxed with each strike.
Heatherneededto come. Her clit throbbed, her insides felt empty. “I want...please, Marcus, I want to come... this isn’t enough, please help me.”
“You’ll come several times before I’m through. For now, trust that I know how to build up to those earthshattering orgasms you like so much.Trust,Heather. Feel the sensations. Let the orgasm build in you.”
“I want more Marcus.Please. More sensations. More pain. Please.”
The flogging stopped. “I can do that. We’ll start with six strikes of a cane. You may want to safeword a few seconds after the first strike. I’m going to ask, if you can handle it, that you allow for three of them before making that decision. If it’s truly too much, please safeword immediately, but if you can hold for three, I think they’ll work for you.”
She was out of breath, from just standing still. “Yes, okay.”
Not even a minute later, something hit both sides of her ass at once. A single horizontal line, but it wasn’t so bad...until... a line of fire ignited across every nerve ending the cane had struck. She noisily inhaled air until her lungs were beyond full; every muscle frozen in place except her diaphragm.
The heat and weight of Marcus’s hand touched her shoulder, and it grounded her, gave her another sensation to concentrate on. Was it possible for someone to create this much actual pain without causing damage? She hadn’t thought so, and then the second strike landed and this time she was ready for the lightning strike to her nerve endings that came just afterwards, or she thought she was.
She screamed out every bit of air she’d just dragged into her chest. The hand on her shoulder moved to her left breast, circling the nipple, and then squeezing her entire breast. She gasped at the sensation, and then the third strike landed across her ass cheeks and she was going to remain silent this time, but then the pain registered and she heard her shrieks echoing off the walls and back to her once again.
His hand left her breast and he must’ve moved to her other side, because before she was ready for the next strike, one landed from the opposite direction, but it wasn’t quite as harsh, and she only needed to gasp when the secondary pain hit this time. She was trying to catch her breath, not knowing when the next strike would land, when one landed under her cheeks, on the top of her thighs, immediately followed by one to her ass again. Overwhelmed by the pain, she gave a full-throated scream and tried to lift herself up by her wrists, but her feet were bound in place, and she couldn’t.
Marcus’s arms came around her from behind, his front to her back, the heat of his body against the heat of hers, and she felt the places he’d struck with the floggers and the cane — hotter than the rest of her.
He plucked at her nipples, massaged her breasts, and then reached down between her legs to play with her clit. He kept at it until she was moaning and thrusting her hips, fruitlessly trying to come, and then he stepped back. “I want to use a single tail on you, Heather. My intention is to make you orgasm from the pain. It’s going to hurt so much worse than the cane.” He dropped his voice to a whisper. “I want you to orgasm from the agony I pile onto you, lash after lash after lash, can you do that for me?”
“I don’t know, but I’m willing to see.”
“That’s all I can ask of you. I’m going to step away from you now. You’re safe, but it’s going to hurt, and I’m going toenjoyhurting you.”
She nodded, and thankfully he didn’t insist she speak. She didn’t know how much time passed, and she heard the sound of air. A lot of air, followed by what she thought might be a gunshot, but she didn’t feel anything.
“It’s okay. I’m just warming up. That’s the sound of the single tail. I’ll let you know when it’s coming so you can be prepared. Just relax a few minutes, and listen.”
She heard him pop it again and again, at least a half dozen times, and her fear climbed with every snap.
Finally, he told her, “Okay, Heather, here it comes.”
Pain exploded in her right ass cheek. Not a sensation she’d been taught toidentifyas pain, but actual, excruciating pain. She screamed, and was about to yell out her safeword, but then the butt plug came to life in her ass and she remembered she was horny, and the pain blurred into something else. It still hurt like a motherfucker, but she didn’t want Marcus to stop.
She was terrified for the next strike, but she was also scared it wouldn’t hit. And then pain exploded in her left ass cheek and she screamed again — and then felt herself tipping over the edge. The sensations in her body floated up and detonated, like fireworks, all over her body. He was with her now, hands on her nipples, squeezing them, twisting them,hurtingthem, “That’s it, come for me Heather.”
Overwhelmed by pain, pleasure, and too many other sensations to try to name, Heather let it all take over, like a tidal wave inundating her, sweeping her up on the shore, and then out to sea. Her entire body spasmed, pulling at the cuffs on her wrists and ankles, fighting to jerk and release despite the bondage, or maybe in part because of it.
The release lasted forever, her inner muscles squeezing and flexing around the plug in her ass, her pussy flexing around nothing. Every time she thought the orgasm was dying down, he’d do something else — run his hand around her clit, or pull at her nipples, or turn the vibrator in her ass up even more. Once he gave her ass ten hard hand-spanks right over where the last whip had landed, and it was like a whole new tidal wave drowning her in pain and sensation while her insides rocketed with pleasure.
When she at last hung by her wrists, wrung out as one does a dishrag, she felt him releasing her from the spreader bar over her head and realized her ankles had already been released. His strong arms lifted her like a baby, carried her through the house, then gently settled her on the bed, on her side. The plug was still in her asshole, spreading it wide, though it was turned off. She wanted to ask him to take it out, but she couldn’t form words.