Page 40 of Safeword: Mayday
It also meant only half of the cane strikes had been hard enough to leave a mark. If she had to guess, she’d say the first three.
She gingerly ran her hand over the single-tail marks and felt heat. She poked and prodded, and while she could feel the damage, knots under the skin and a whole lot of heat — it was more discomfort than pain. No biggie.
The cane marks were raised up, with bruising under and over and around the welts. She imagined if her pain signals were working right, they’d hurt like a bitch.
She donned panties and a pair of yoga pants with a loose t-shirt, brushed her teeth, and decided to part her hair on the side with a dramatic swoop across her forehead. It didn’t feel like a make-up kinda day, so she zipped her toiletry bag up and headed towards the kitchen, hoping Marcus was in there, but determined to look for food whether he was there or not.
She stopped in the doorway and took in the view — Marcus at the breakfast nook with his laptop open, working away. He was gorgeous, and it felt intimate, seeing him in boxers without a shirt, his hair still mussed.
But she’d come to the kitchen for food and caffeine, so she walked to the fridge, opened it, pulled one of the small bottles of Coke out, unscrewed the cap, and drank from the bottle while she closed the door.
Marcus leaned back in his chair, smiling at her. “I have glasses in the cabinet two steps to your right. You don’t have to drink from the bottle.”
“Not necessary. Thanks for thinking of me and getting some Cokes. How long have you been up?”
He glanced at his laptop’s screen. “About an hour and a half. I was going to wake you at nine if you weren’t up yet.”
She glanced at the clock on the stove and saw it was 8:45. She had no idea when they’d gone to sleep, but she felt rested so it probably didn’t matter.
“Well, I’m up and I’m starving. I didn’t see eggs in the fridge last night — what’s for breakfast?”
“We have fresh peaches to cut up into oatmeal, and there are some baked-yesterday peach pastries in the box on the island.”
She took the four steps to the box and opened it, reached for a pastry, and took a bite. It was so flaky, and sweet, and light, and, “Mmmm, that’s perfect.”
He laughed. “Almost sounded like the noises you make five minutes before an orgasm hits. Speaking of which, how do you feel this morning?”
“I have a few bruises on my ass, I assume from the cane and single tail.” She shrugged. “I haven’t tried to sit on something harder than the mattress yet, but nothing feels out of sorts.”
“I’ll want to take a look later, but for now, I’ll take your word for it. I’ll get the oatmeal started and begin cutting the peaches up. Everything I used on you last night is laid out on the other end of the island. If you want to talk to me while you look through it all, I think that may be a good way for us to get started on our analysis today.”
She’d noticed all the toys and tools lined up when she entered, but had studiously ignored them.
“Doeseverythinghave to be analyzed?”
He looked up sharply, and then took a breath, gentling his features. When he spoke, it was with an even voice. “No, but you’re new to bottoming, and it looks like you’re going to be a Dominant as well. That’s a lot to learn all at once. Not only do we need to talk about how each implement made you feel, but I also need to show you how each one is used safely, in case you want to give Kyle some sensations similar to what I gave you.”
“I seem to have hit a sore spot, I’m sorry. You’re right, of course — we need to talk about it, it’s just that it was so magical, I guess part of me would prefer not to pull it apart and talk it to death.”
He walked to her and turned her so she was facing away from him, then pulled her back to his front and wrapped his arms around her, over the top of her arms, pinning them down. He leaned down to kiss just in front of her temple, and straightened. “I’ll try not to pick apart the magic. It was good for me, too, and I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. This is a bit of an exercise for me, having you here as an equal and not a submissive. I may have to ask for patience from you a couple of times — looks like now is one of them.”
Heather turned in his arms and rested her cheek on his chest. “You’re not used to having people talk back to you, and I’m kind of bad about doing that, right? But if you don’t allow submissives to talk back, then how do you know how they really feel? That doesn’t sound conducive to good communication, to me.”
“They’re required to tell me how they feel, and can be punished for not doing so in some cases, but they’re also required to say it in respectful terms. So instead of ‘does everything have to be analyzed’, it would be more like, ‘Sir, I’m really not up to the analysis right now, is there something you can do to make this easier, please?’“
She nodded against his chest. “Okay, I can see that. I’m getting a pretty big pass, only having to saypleaseandthank you.”
“Yes. But I should do the same. So, if you could please step to the island and look over the items, they’re placed from left to right in the order they were first used. Pick them up, get the feel of them if you wish, and tell me how they felt as they were used on you.Please.”
He let go of her and she stepped to the island. “Is that hard for you? Asking me instead of giving an order you know will be followed without argument?”
He began pulling things from the cabinet onto his work surface. “Being a Dom comes with a lot of responsibility. When I give an order, I have to take into account what I think her needs are, as well as my wants and needs. Shegivesme her submission; it’s a gift, and I can’t abuse it. So, when I give an order, I don’t just do it willy-nilly. I find myself doing the same when I tell or ask you to do something, which makes it frustrating when I see you deciding whether to follow my instructions or not. I don’t put that level of thought into, say, telling a nurse or administration person at the office to do something. I trust them to know their own job better than I do, so if they contradict me, then I listen and we make a decision together. But in my personal life, my intimate relationships with women... yeah, I guess I’m used to just having people do as I tell them, most of the time, and having you not do so is taking some getting used to.”
“When you talk about it like that, I wonder if I’m capable of being what Kyle apparently needs.”
“Kyle loves you. I was worried about him falling for someone vanilla, but then I met you and saw what he saw — a vibrant woman who goes after what she wants. He wanted, wants, to belong to you. Let him belong to you Heather, that’s all you have to do. Figure out what brings you pleasure, and he’ll move heaven and earth to make it happen. He’s a dream come true for a Dominant personality, and he loves you.”
She nodded, and suddenly it seemed the easier conversation might be about the kinky items on the island. She ignored the butt plug and lifted the first flogger.