Page 77 of Safeword: Mayday
Heather looked at Kyle, intending to ask him how he felt about that, but the look on his face told her all she needed to know. Kyle wanted a contract, too.
“Spend a week writing out what you’d like to be put into the contract,” she told Kyle. “I’ll do the same, and we’ll compare notes next Sunday evening.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re supposed to tell me about stuff like this. It’s one of those things I didn’t know that I didn’t know.”
“I knew we’d get around to doing it eventually. If it had bothered me, not having one, I’d have told you. It wasn’t time yet, but now that you’ve seen how negotiations work, I think maybe it is.”
Chapter 36
Heather woke in Marcus’s bed, curled against Marcus. Ruby was in her cage in the corner, her wrists attached to the front of her collar. Kyle had slept at home, since he had to wake at four this morning to be at the hospital by five for a day of surgery.
Heather had felt strange about making Ruby sleep in the cage, but Marcus had explained, away from Ruby, that sleeping in his bed was a privilege for Ruby, not a right. He said that so far she’d spent about half her nights in his bed, and the other half in the cage.
It was only 5:40, and the alarm wouldn’t go off until 6:00. Ruby was still asleep, and so was Marcus, but Heather didn’t think she could roll over and go back to sleep. She reached for Marcus’s cock and wrapped her hands around it. He wasn’t hard, but wasn’t exactly soft, and with a few strokes, it started filling, expanding, and he gave a low groan.
“Keep that up and I’ll bury myself in your ass.”
She caught movement out of the corner of her eye and told him, “I think Ruby’s awake.”
“Good, she can watch me fuck your ass before I get her out and administer her morning discipline.”
Morning discipline? They’d had three days under their new contract, and Heather had worked sixteen hour days, so she hadn’t been around to see how things were going. “She gets spanked every morning?”
“Spanked, flogged, caned — whatever the fuck I feel like doing.”
His mention of the cane was all it took, and she suddenly craved the feel of it slicing across bare skin. Heather had grown tolovethe cane. “I wouldn’t mind a few cane strokes before you fuck my ass, please.”
“As the lady wishes — I’ll get the cane while you lube that adorable ass.”
Heather opened the top drawer in the nightstand, squirted some lube into her hand, and reached around to lube her own ass. By the time Marcus returned, her asshole was slick and she’d cleaned her hand with a baby wipe.
They’d learned a few of the large diameter canes were capable of giving her actual pain, and that she enjoyed it, in a perverse sort of way.
He put the wedge on the bed near the edge, and Heather climbed onto it without being told.
“Stretch up and grab the handles.”
The headboard was stained to look like the door to a castle, or perhaps a fancy dungeon, and had wrought iron hardware that helped with the effect.
Heather reached up and grabbed the handles — doing so meant she wasn’t as likely to reach back as he was striking, and if she did, he’d see the movement in time to keep from hitting her hand.
“Twelve strokes. Three at a time. Four groups, thirty seconds apart. I intend for them to hurt. Ready?”
Sometimes, he told her exactly what to expect. Other times, she had no clue how many, or how fast. She preferred knowing, and for quickies like this, he usually obliged.
Not always, though, and it was totally his decision. Not hers.
He landed the first three and she gasped at the sharp slices, trying to ride the pain out until it dulled, but the second set of three came before she’d gotten the pain from the first set under control, and she screamed through these three, took a breath when they were over, and forgot how to breathe, just froze in place, mouth open, silent, not breathing.
The next set of three landed, a little slower than the first two sets, but also harder, more intense. She pulled more air into her lungs and her voice dropped several octaves. “Ohhh,fuck.”
And then her body relaxed, her ass muscles unclenched, and she was ready for the last set. Shewantedthem. Ached for them.
Marcus said, “That’s it,” and then she felt the next three. The pain was intense, but she kept her muscles relaxed and absorbed the fire and heat of every slice into her body. Her breathing barely hitched this time, and there was no sound.