Page 82 of Safeword: Mayday
* * * *
Heather was up early the next morning, so she could meet the contractors at the ranch at seven. Marcus was getting a blowjob from a still straitjacketed Ruby when she left, so Heather gave him a peck on the lips goodbye, caressed Ruby’s head, and held Kyle’s hand as they walked through the house. He liked to walk her all the way to her car, when she left before him.
He started their kiss, but Heather finished it, and brushed her hand across Kyle’s dick, over the top of his pants. She loved how he got so hard from just a kiss.
She opened her car door and got in, but didn’t close it.
“It isn’t working.”
Kyle closed his eyes a few seconds and then opened them. Heather couldn’t tell if she saw sadness or frustration, or possibly a mix of both. “I know.”
“I don’t know how to tell Marcus. I know he’ll be disappointed, but the four of us in one house isn’t something I’m interested in pursuing long term. I can’t really give a specific reason. The sex is great, Ruby is nice enough, and everyone is tip-toeing around each other trying not to step on anyone’s toes...” She paused at that, thinking. “Maybe that’s the problem? If it was working, we wouldn’t have to tip-toe around each other? I don’t know, but we need to have a conversation about it.”
“Agreed, and sooner, rather than later. I don’t like seeing you unhappy, and this clearly isn’t working for you.”
“Is it working for you?”
“Yes and no.”
“So, you’d be okay with it if I wasn’t having issues?”
“I’m not certain I would be. It’s easy to say it isn’t working for me because I can see it isn’t working for you, but I agree everyone is being too cautious, and it’s possible I’d want to escape the way that feels, if given enough time.”
Heather sighed. “It’s only been eleven days, and we’re supposed to have another twelve days in our little experiment. Do you think it’ll get better, if we just let it play out?”
“It might.”
“Then let’s leave things alone and see what happens.”
“Another five days, and then you and Iwilltalk about it again.”
She smiled. “For a submissive, you can be really bossy sometimes.”
Kyle gave her another peck on the lips and closed her door, and Heather left to go talk to her contractor and then spend some time with her horse.
* * * *
Heather’s phone rang about five minutes after noon. She saw it was Marcus, so she answered with, “How was the blowjob this morning?”
“The blowjob was fine. The slave appears to be getting more than she bargained for.”
“Have the two of you talked about it?”
“We had a thirty-minute conversation this morning over breakfast, and while we got ready. She called timeout for our talk, and it looks like it’s going to be a permanent timeout.”
“She’s calling it quits before the three months are up?”
“It wasn’t just her decision. We both agreed it isn’t working. She thinks she’ll be fine as a slave to a single Master, but I think she’ll be happier as someone’s pet, or maybe a more extreme submissive. Based on what she says she wants, she doesn’t appear to be slave material to me. At any rate, my heart doesn’t beat double-time for her, and her heart’s not beating double time for me, either. No harm done, no hard feelings, and she wants to talk to you, to make sure the two of you can remain friends.”
Heather sighed. “I’m sorry, Marcus.”
“It’s not your fault, and I’m disappointed, but not heartbroken. Like I said, there wasn’t that extra spark. I’ve enjoyed having you at the house full-time, though. How has that worked for you?”
“Honestly? Not so great, though I think that was mostly because it seemed we were two couples living together, instead of a foursome. I think I spent less time with you when we were living together as a foursome than when we were in two houses as a threesome.”
“You’re right, which is another reason it wasn’t working with Ruby. I’m convinced that with the right person — someone like Amy, who truly gets off on being a slave — we can be a happy foursome.”
Amy was his housekeeper, and Heather agreed there was a big difference in the way Amy and Ruby reacted to orders.