Page 4 of Muskoka Blue
“Hey, John.” He gripped the pastor’s hand. He’d first met John and Ange McPherson when he’d started attending their Toronto church, then they’d moved here five years ago. His living here over summer meant John was still his pastor more than anyone else. It was often hard to get to church once the season’s schedule released. “How are you doing?”
“Can’t complain. You?”
Dan shrugged. “Can anyone complain when they wake up to that view each day?”
“God’s country.”
“For sure.” He glanced back to where Sarah was gingerly sitting up in the hammock. “So, is it true?”
“‘I’d rather be reading…’” He quoted the phrase emblazoned on her T-shirt.
She nodded, clutching her book to her chest as the hammock began a wild swing. Then, before he could blink, she’d rocketed from the hammock only to stumble at his feet like a beggar.
“You okay?” He offered a hand to help her upright.
“I’m fine,” she muttered, ignoring it.
“Falling for me, eh?” he teased.
She stiffened, startled green eyes shooting to meet his before she ducked to collect her book. “Excuse me.” She slid open the glass door and slipped inside.
He turned to John and Ange, eyebrows raised.
“You must forgive her. Sarah has…well, let’s just say things haven’t been easy for her.” Ange eked out a smile. “She may be a little prickly at times, but she used to be one of the warmest, loveliest girls you could ever hope to meet.”
“Uh huh.” Uh oh. He appreciated his pastor’s wife, but not Ange’s hopeful look, nor where this conversation seemed to be going. Better change the subject. He nodded to John. “We’ll have to go fishing soon.” The fish seemed to like John, almost leaping onto his line whenever he was out.
John’s expression lightened. “That’d be good.”
Fishing consumed most of the conversation for the next half hour as the sun began its slow descent through the pines. An aroma of garlic and onions tickled his senses, digging anticipation for when they finally sat down at the dining table.
Dan gestured to the vase of pink and red roses Ange slid to the table’s end. “They’re pretty.” And looked expensive.
“Sarah gave them to me for my birthday yesterday. And a voucher for the Muskoka Shores spa, too.”
He nodded. “Did you enjoy your day?”
“How could I not? We had a lovely meal at Muskoka Shores, thank you.” She patted his hand. “You and Sarah are both so sweet and thoughtful.”
“Glad you enjoyed.”
Sarah plunked a steaming dish of lasagna onto a hot pad in the middle of the teak table, then slipped into the vacant seat, opposite Dan. She didn’t look at him.
“That smells fantastic,” Dan said. “Is this another secret family recipe, Ange?”
“Ask Sarah. She made this.”
He eyed the cook. Nope. Still not playing.
“Let’s give thanks.” John reached across the table to hold his wife’s hand.
Dan reached across to grasp Sarah’s hand, her soft fingers barely holding his as her uncle prayed a blessing on their food. As soon as John finished, she dropped his hand like a hot tong. The action lowered his defenses a fraction more. Yeah. Definitely not like some of those other women.
The next minute was a frenzy of plate passing as they loaded up with garden salad, garlic bread, and the baked pasta dish.
He forked it in. Nearly moaned. “This is really delicious. Sure beats whatever I would’ve had to throw together.”