Page 47 of Muskoka Blue
“Sarah, these are my friends from university, Rob and Jason. They’re up for a few days to do some fishing.”
Sarah glanced at the men. “Hello.”
The darker haired one nodded, but the shirtless, tanned blond offered a broad grin. “Sarah. It’s really nice to meet you.”
Sarah briefly smiled, then turned to Dan. “I, um, just came to see if you wanted to come to dinner tonight, but obviously you’ll be busy…” Her voice trailed off, and she studied her scuffed toenails. She really needed a pedicure.
“Oh. I promised the guys a grill tonight. We’ve got lots to catch up on.”
She heard Rob’s voice behind her. “Looks like we do, Danny boy. Looks like there’s lots to fill us in on.”
Sarah’s gaze tangled with Dan’s again. “Okay. Well, maybe tomorrow or the next night. Anytime is fine with Ange. And you know her, the more the merrier.” She hoped Dan would come. Standing before him now only reinforced how much she’d missed him.
“Thanks. We’ll aim for the day after tomorrow. We’ve a big fishing trip planned tomorrow, so we might even have some fish to bring.”
“Okay. I’ll let them know. Have fun.” She gave a small smile and headed back, her steps slow, heavy with the disappointment that weighted her soul.
* * *
“So, who is she?”
Dan frowned as he steered the boat round the rocky outcrop jutting out into the lake. Rob’s unbridled interest in Sarah had not abated through the past day and a half, which was kinda disturbing. Rob was a blond, blue-eyed manager in a Toronto car dealership and also something of a ladies man—which was good, as it often took the heat off Dan. Girls seemed to be attracted to Rob’s Nordic looks, charm, and never-ending supply of new cars and forgot about Dan, which was just the way he liked it. Although, it had been gratifying to note that despite Rob’s abs having been on display, Sarah had barely given him a glance.
“You didn’t give much away yesterday, Dan my man.”
“Down, boy.” Jason’s lazy chuckle broke in from the back of the boat. “She’s obviously Dan’s woman.”
Dan rolled his eyes. Jason’s recent engagement seemed to have made him see romantic outcomes everywhere. “No, she’s not.”
Rob perked up. “I’m not stepping on your toes if I ask her out?”
“No.” Dan’s stomach grew queasy. “But I don’t think she’ll say yes.”
“Why not?”
Rob’s self-confidence was something to behold. “I think she’s a little wary of dating.”
Rob shot him a smart-aleck grin. “Yeah, but that’s you, not me.”
Dan swallowed. Judging from Sarah’s cool behavior post camp, maybe that was true. He’d thought time at a hockey skills camp in Toronto with Mike and Brent would help refocus him. It hadn’t. Meeting Brent’s wife again, seeing how the two couples got on, only drew envy and reinforced his desire for a certain other Aussie woman to pay Dan attention.
He steered the boat around another rocky headland, the huge pines standing to attention like soldiers.
“That’s Sarah, isn’t it? Couldn’t miss that hair.” Rob pointed out the figure on the little beach. He cupped his hands like a megaphone. “Yo, Sarah!” Rob started waving.
Dan’s stomach knotted as she waved back then disappeared through the trees. He frowned as he steered closer to the dock. Rob didn’t tend to take time to really develop relationships with girls, and there was a long string of disappointed ladies who’d been promised the world, gaining nothing but dust as Rob drove off alone into the sunset. He’d bet Rob was attracted to the thrill of the chase, the mystery of the pretty girl. Rob hadn’t gotten to know her, let alone seen her give a proper smile. Wait until he did. Dan groaned.
Jason shifted over, an amused glint in his shrewd gray eyes. “You do like her.”
“She’s a friend.” Dan frowned at Rob. “A good friend, and I don’t want anyone hurting her. She’s been hurt enough.”
Rob shrugged. “Dude, if you’re not gonna ask her out, I will.”
As if she’d say yes anyway. “Fine. Ask her at dinner tomorrow night.”
“Fine.” Rob smirked. “I will.”
The next day,after a solid morning workout, Dan headed next door. This was just a neighborly visit, to see if the walleye they’d caught yesterday would be helpful for tonight’s meal. But when John informed him that Ange and Sarah were in town buying groceries, his level of disappointment told him something more.