Page 61 of Muskoka Blue
Dan handed Sarah a mocha and the final coffee to Sam, then sank into the leather lounge next to Sarah, trying to follow the swirl of conversation as Sarah and Ange chatted with his mother and the men planned a trip for walleye.
“Dan let me borrow your book,The Blue Castle.At least I’m guessing it’s yours and not Dan’s.” Sarah’s gurgle of amusement drew his smile.
As his brother, Dad, and John started contrasting the benefits of inline spinners and crankbaits, Dan switched his attention fully to the women, who’d arranged an excursion to Bala’s Museum in a few days’ time.
His mother smiled at Ange and Sarah—even looked a little excited for once. “We’ll have to go to Don’s afterward. They make delicious scones.”
“Helen, have you tried their butter tarts? There’s nothing better.”
Ange’s expression reminded him of Sarah’s intense enjoyment of the blueberry jam and that ice-cream sundae. Some things definitely ran in families.
Sarah’s face was alight with enthusiasm. “That sounds like so much fun.” She turned and caught his gaze. “Hey, Dan, we’re going to see the Lucy Maud Montgomery museum! Isn’t that exciting?”
“Sure is.” If you’re a girl, maybe.
She wrinkled her nose. “Obviously you’re not a kindred spirit.”
“Obviously you’re a big fan.”
She shrugged. “I grew up watching the movies every Christmas with my sister. It’s a tradition. Anyway, you can’t diss Anne. It’d be like me saying something mean about that Wayne Grotsky guy.”
The laughter escaped before he could stop it. “You just did. It’s Gretzky, Princess. And you can’t compare a fictional character with the Great One.”
She tossed her head. “Aren’t they both supposed to be national icons?”
His mother nodded as Ange stage whispered, “Anne is a redhead, Dan.”
“So-o-o, that explains it. You like her because of the color of her hair, don’t you?”
She nodded, smiling. “We’re rare and special, so treat us with respect,friend.”
His heart skipped a beat as Sarah smiled that sparkly smile. Rare, special, that was certainly true. But friend?
Denial was useless. This friend thing definitely wasn’t gonna work for him.
Chapter 15
Bala was another of the pretty towns on Lake Muskoka, teeming with tourists enjoying the summer sunshine. Sarah grinned at Sam as she tried to stop the double choc ice-cream cone from dripping onto her top. A shorter, stockier version of Dan, in his early twenties and sharing the family’s dark hair and eyes, Sam was as laid-back and relaxed as his brother. He seemed to understand her—unlike his parents, who were far more serious and looked at her sometimes like she was a tropical parrot in the exotic bird exhibit at the zoo.
“She can’t help it, bro. It’s like a curse.”
She looked up from the waffle cone to catch Dan’s chuckle. “What?”
He pointed to her white knee-length skirt, now delicately spotted with brown.
She groaned. “I just don’t understand how that always happens.”
“None of us do, Princess. None of us do.”
Oh well. She’d never manage to look all polished and put-together like his mother. Not that any of that mattered anyway, when she and Dan had agreed on being friends.
“So, are we ready for our pilgrimage?” Ange turned to the men. “You’re certain none of you want to come?”
“We’re going to check out the marina, maybe give one of those brand-new boats a test drive,” John explained, hands up at Ange’s raised brows. “We’re only looking.”
“Boys and their toys.” Sarah snickered as she gulped more ice cream. A tiny piece of cone caught in her throat. She choked, wheezing, her eyes watering as she fought for breath before eventually coughing it up. Her cheeks sizzled as strangers turned around to stare.
Dan passed her his bottle of water. “You okay, Princess?”