Page 64 of Muskoka Blue
They walked outside to the front porch, where she stopped while he stood on the step below. Watching pines glowed hazily as the leaves of the poplars shivered in a light breeze.
Sarah gazed into Dan’s warm brown eyes framed by those thick, dark lashes. Tiny golden specks glinted softly in the late-afternoon sun. It was so much easier to see his beautiful eyes when his face was at her eye level. She swallowed and forced a smile. “Thank you for all your help, Dan. You’ve been such a good friend. I feel heaps better, and I couldn’t have done this without you.”
She bit her lip and looked down. What else could she say? What would be the point of admitting how much he’d come to mean? One day she might visit Toronto, but by then he would’ve forgotten all about her. Her chest was tight, her stomach felt like it was full of rocks, and for some reason she desperately wanted to cry.
Be brave.
She looked up, willed her lips to curve. “I wish there was a way I could show my appreciation.”
“I’m just glad you’re feeling better.” His expression was serious. “I’ve enjoyed getting to know you these past weeks.”
“Maybe some of the time you did. I know I’m not exactly low maintenance.”
“Maybe I like a challenge.”
“Well, lucky you! Challenge is my middle name.” Her smile slipped. Her heart ached so much it was getting hard to breathe. Best to do this quick. “Bye, Dan.”
She leaned forward. Just one hug was all that was required. She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and squeezed lightly, his scent tugging her senses as he hugged her.
“Don’t forget me,” he whispered.
She blinked back moisture. “I won’t.”
She moved to kiss him on the cheek, but he shifted his head slightly so her lips found his mouth. Instead of the quick peck she’d intended, her lips softened, clinging to his.
Her eyelids fluttered closed, and she melted into him, reveling in the tender strength of his arms around her, the faint taste of coffee on his lips, the masculine roughness of his jaw. His arm slipped around her waist, his hand sliding through her hair as if he’d been longing to touch her.
Heat curled in her stomach, and she pressed closer, savoring the rush of nerve-tingling potency melding their lips together. She was kissing him. He was kissing her. She was sinking into blissfulness—
No. Guilt spiked at her first kiss since Stephen’s death, a kiss unlike any she’d known before. Her eyes snapped open. She broke contact and pulled back, breath shaky, limbs trembling.
Dan blinked. A deep smile curved his lips. “That was…quite a thank you.”
Her cheeks grew magma hot as she dropped her gaze. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.” Sarah took a pace back, another, then turned on her heel, shame chasing her as she raced inside and slammed the door to her bedroom and huddled on the bed. She touched her burning lips, her heart quivering between self-reproach at kissing someone other than Stephen, desperate longing for the impossible, and remorse for leaving Dan out on the front steps alone.
* * *
What had just happened?Dan stared at the closed door, heart pounding as he exhaled in a vain attempt to calm the sensations pulsing through his brain and body. That kiss had been amazing. After almost two weeks of minimal contact, Sarah’s little hug had sparked his whole body to life. But when he’d turned to say something and her lips had touched his—
Oh man.
Her lips had been so soft, so sweet, so yielding, he’d barely been able to breathe. The spark that had always been there had kindled into this fire rushing through his veins. As the kiss had grown in intensity, his arms had slid around her, cradling her waist and her soft, soft hair in a perfect embrace. Perfect—until a stray thought wondered if she imagined it was Stephen she was kissing.
His heart clenched. Was that why she’d apologized? If only she had meant to kiss him.
He blinked, almost dizzy at the thought.
Should he pound on the door and demand an explanation? Somehow he didn’t think that would go down well with John and Ange. And hadn’t Sarah made her thoughts pretty clear anyway? But how could she kiss him like that and it mean nothing?
Indecision kept him rooted, one foot on the step, one foot one the ground as he waited, hoped, and prayed that Sarah would reappear. That she’d smile and he’d see tease. That she’d draw near again and finally agree to give them a chance. And maybe they could kiss again…
The cooling shadows pressed in, the door stayed closed, and his heart and hopes wilted. So that was no, then. Or was it more a case of not yet?
Regardless, he should probably leave before John questioned why he was still here.
Somehow, he made it to his car and drove away. He barely noticed the road as the past two months replayed in his head, that kiss—that kiss!—cutting across everything to make him re-analyze it all. Far from being the relaxing, peaceful vacation he’d anticipated, he’d been pulled and pushed and challenged by Sarah. Despite all their differences and a loitering sense that he was never going to be good enough for her, he was captivated.