Page 72 of Muskoka Blue
“Focus on me.”
His eyes held warmth, tenderness, kindness.
She sucked in a breath.
“Now exhale.”
The world steadied. She took another breath.
“That’s good.” He wrapped his arms around her. “Oh, Princess, I was so scared.”
Sarah shut her eyes and let herself be held. His strength. His scent. His lips in her hair. His heart thudding loudly in her ear. She was safe. It was all so familiar and so right…
And so wrong.
Sarah opened her eyes and stared at the beautiful brunette who gazed at them wide-eyed. Oh. As much as she’d like to burrow into Dan’s arms and hide here forever, he wasn’t available. Not for her, anyway. She blinked back tears.
Be brave.
She took another breath and pulled back, away from the false security Dan’s arms offered, turning from him. She offered the woman a shaky smile. “Actually—”
Dan chuckled behind her. “Ella, this is Sarah.”
The brunette lifted a brow. “Sarah?” Her features sank into a frown. “So who is Lou?”
Sarah wanted to groan. “Uh, no one.”
“I don’t get it.” Ella placed a hand on her hip as her frown deepened.
Plastic rustled behind Sarah. Fresh panic shot through her. The bear? She turned.
Dan looked up from collecting her scattered groceries. “Princess, I think your eggs are kind of scrambled now.”
“I don’t care.”
Nothing mattered much anymore. Except getting away from this gigantic mess of confusion and going home.
* * *
Dan carefully pickedup the pieces of a smashed bottle, trying to focus on something other than those shivers that kept shooting up his spine. That moment when the bear had stopped in front of her… He took another deep breath and slowly released it.Thank You, God.
He glanced over to where Sarah was picking up the bike. “Sar, tell me you’re not thinking of riding back.”
She still wouldn’t meet his eyes, ignoring him as she swung one leg over.
He stood up and grasped her arm. “Sarah. No.”
The green eyes finally looked up at him. Fear mingled with something else—wariness? Disillusionment? She shook her head slightly.
He took a breath to control the spike of panicked temper. “I’m driving you. Get in the Jeep.”
She dropped her gaze.
“Sar, if you don’t get off the bike, I’ll pick you up and drag you over there. Don’t think I won’t.”