Page 74 of Muskoka Blue
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Sarah took a sip of tea.Perfectly made. She bit her lip to stop the tremble. Why did Dan remember things like that? Didn’t he realize it was paying attention to the details that made her feel so special? How could he do that, then run back to Ella? Why didn’t he want Sarah instead? What was wrong with her? Her chin quivered, her chest grew tight. Who was she kidding? What was right about her?
She hung her head as tears leaked from her eyes, tracking down her cheeks to splash into her teacup. Salt trickled into her mouth. She pressed her lips together to hold in a sob.
Be brave.
She sucked air through clogged nostrils.Breathe. She lifted her chin. That’s right. She was not going to feel sorry for herself. She took another deep breath and exhaled. Anyway, Dan was a grown man. He could see whomever he liked. And ofcoursehe’d want someone uncomplicated and baggage-free, especially if she looked like Ella—they were perfectly matched, right down to their clear, honey-tanned skins. She glanced at her freckled, sunburned arms. She could never rival Ella in the looks department.
She took another breath. What was the point in even thinking like this when she’d be leaving soon anyway? How stupid was she to think two such different people would ever be able to make a go of things? And wasn’t she just one of his Mr. Fix-it projects anyway?
Another breath. Resolve strengthened. She lifted her chin. She’d just have to do the noble thing and let him go. Not that she had any choice in that, apparently. He’d already made his choice and gone. Maybe she should take a leaf from his playbook and go too.
The thought settled, firming into substance as a memory prodded.
Be brave.
Eyes blurry, she picked up the local newspaper, flicking through its pages until she found the advertisement she’d recalled. She pulled out her phone and dialed the number, clearing her throat until her voice reached something approaching steady. Sure, she could do this on the internet, but there was a finality about hearing herself own her decision.
“Hello? Yes, I’d like to book a ticket to Sydney, please.”
“Sydney, Nova Scotia?”
“No. I need to go home.” Sarah’s breath caught. “I need a plane ticket to Sydney, Australia.”
Chapter 18
“Dan, thanks so much.” Ella stared up at him, her big Bambi eyes blinking. “It’s been so wonderful to stay here.”
“You’re welcome. I’ll be praying for your cousin.” He glanced at the occupants of the car and lifted a hand. “I hope the radiation helps.”
“Thanks.” She pushed to his tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “See you soon.”
He summoned a smile. “Bye.”
As the car doors slammed, he glanced surreptitiously at his watch. This had taken longer than he’d wanted, but he still had time… A final wave and the yellow car finally turned out of his drive. He raced back inside, grabbed his wallet and keys, and got in the Jeep.
An hour later he was at the cottage’s back door, heavy laden. He knocked on the door. “Sar? Sar? You in there?”
No answer. He quietly slid open the glass door. “Princess?”
He glanced around the dim room. Late afternoon shadows stretched across the floorboards. He could just make out the blanket-covered figure lying on the couch.
“Hey, sorry I took so long.” Dan held out a bag of groceries. “Replacements. You don’t have to have scrambled eggs now.” He peered at her more closely, then placed the bag down. “Sar?”
She didn’t move. One arm was stretched along the couch, red hair splayed across her face as she slept. He knelt beside her, touched her hand. He frowned. Too cold. He grabbed the blanket from the other couch and gently laid it over her. Her breath caught, and he thought she’d stir, but no, the soft, steady breathing resumed. Sarah was out.
He sighed. He should’ve gotten here sooner.
Dan slowly shifted back and sat on the coffee table, knocking a note pad and pink cell phone to the floor. She had a phone? His stomach churned. Why hadn’t she called? He picked up the note pad, glancing at it absently before pausing at the page that curled open.
Flight details. Booking confirmation number. His heart froze.
Thoughts whirled in his brain, the jigsaw of pieces shifting into a new sequence, presenting a picture he’d never noticed before. Boyd had been only half right. Maybe Sarah had liked him once upon a time, but instead of being a mere rebound, time apart had obviously made her think twice, as her words earlier had attested. And here was the proof.
Sarah didn’t want him. She’d rather be on the other side of the world.
Dan layon the dock’s still-warm boards and stared up into the heavens. A thousand white pinpricks dotted the blackness as, somewhere below, frogs gently burped their goodnights. He placed his hands behind his head as the horror of the day continued swirling in his brain.