Page 94 of Muskoka Blue
“Oh, sorry. I was just wondering when you were coming back.”
“Late Saturday. Hey, can you come see me on the Sunday? We have the day off, and I thought we could see a show.”
“Oh, I’dloveto, but that Sunday I’m rostered on music.”
“Ah. Well, maybe I could come see you.”
“That’d be good.” She forced a smile. Maybe by then she’d have figured out what to say.
* * *
His first Sunday back,and Dan was stuck in chilly Toronto. Sarah had canned their date, pleading sickness that she didn’t want him to catch, and she’d begged him not to visit.
She had at least agreed to FaceTime, and he noticed she seemed a little less vibrant than the last time. Maybe the cold snap that had brought the season’s first snow was getting to her.
When he asked her, she sighed. “The snow is pretty, but I don’t mind admitting I’m looking forward to warmer weather when I get back home.”
“You know you don’t have to leave at the end of the year.”
“I think your government might disagree. My visa expires January second.”
He chewed his lip. “Well, maybe we’ll just have to have some time together over Christmas.”
“Didn’t I mention it before? Ange and John are having Christmas here in Muskoka with my parents.”
Then when the heck would he ever see her? An idea sparked. “Maybe I could convince my family to do the same.”
“You think they would?”
If God did a miracle. “I can ask. Hey, that reminds me. There’s another team function coming up next weekend. Can you make it?”
She pulled back from the screen, peering at something beside the computer. “Would you believe it, but no.”
Figured. Didn’t she want to see him? Sometimes he wondered whether she even loved him. She still hadn’t said it yet. “How about November twentieth? There’s a charity function that I’m going to, and partners are welcome.” He forced a chuckle. “Might help convince some of the guys that you’re not just my imaginary girlfriend.”
“They don’t think that, do they?”
“They’re not used to seeing me with any girl, so I’d love for them to meet you.”
She checked again. Slowly nodded. “I think so.”
“And you accuse me of over-excitability,” she teased.
“I like your version of over-excitability.”
She smiled, the first real smile of this call. Tension lining his chest released. “Oh, and can you save New Year’s Eve?”
“The night before my flight leaves?”
The night before she’d leave with his heart. “There’s a party at a big hotel downtown for the team, and I want you there as my date.”
She hesitated. “I’ll have to see what Ange and John’s plans are. I think there was talk of staying in the city with John’s parents again, with the flight so early the next day.”
“That would work. I don’t mind kidnapping you until sunrise if necessary.”
“Good to see those stalker vibes I sensed weren’t too misplaced.”