Page 38 of Finding Home
Not tonight, sweetheart.
He moved his lips to her ear, sucking her earlobe into his mouth, then biting it gently. She responded with a sharp gasp that bordered on a cry.
“Give it to me,” he demanded, his voice thick and heavy with his own desire. To coax her over the edge, he scooped his two fingers inside her, pressing forward and rubbing. “Give it all to me.”
And at the command of his words and actions, she splintered, her spine bowed up, her breasts thrusting toward his chest with the momentum. She clamped a hand over her mouth hard, stifling a scream as she came forcefully beneath him.
Slowing his strokes, he watched her ride out the last of her orgasm. Her eyes were closed, and her chest heaved, gulping down greedy breaths. Her hair stuck to the overheated skin of her face and neck. She’d never looked more beautiful.
Dropping his head to her breasts, he enjoyed their softness against his skin, almost as much as the thud of Hope’s heart racing beneath them. That had easily ranked as one of the most erotic experiences in his history and he hadn’t even come. His rock-hard erection throbbed painfully against his jeans as a reminder.
As Hope’s body relaxed in the aftermath of bliss, the sexy purr of satisfaction that came from her throat only made things…harder. He pressed his forehead to hers, trying to recompose himself.
“You’re killing me,” he growled against her cheek, and to his surprise she giggled. He leaned back to better see her face. “Didn’t anyone ever warn you not to laugh at a man who’s just rocked your world?”
Her eyes flashed in the dim light. “Or what?” she whispered, her smile luminous and heart stopping. She wiggled her hips against his aching cock.
He sucked in a breath. “Careful,” he cautioned them both, lifting himself from her before he went off in his pants.
Hope took the opportunity of his weight being off her to switch their positions, until she had him pressed into a sitting position on the couch with her straddled across his lap. And before he knew it, she was running her hands down his chest and under his shirt, her lips parted, her blonde hair falling around her glowing golden in the soft light of the lamp, making her look like a goddess.
A goddess who knew what she wanted and was going for it.
Just when he thought she was going to devour him, her eyes met his earnestly. “Can I be honest?” She asked, her brown eyes sparkling with vulnerability.
“Always,” he replied immediately, because that was what he wanted most between them. Honesty.
“I’m conflicted. About this. About us.”
Gabe smoothed a lock of hair away from her face. “Yeah, I know.” He felt the same. He’d been back and forth over his feelings for Hope so many times he was giving himself whiplash. She was his nanny. He had an impressionable young daughter sleeping down the hall. But he was also so fucking lonely it hurt, and he hadn’t even realized it until Hope had walked into his life. Like there was an emptiness in his heart that only she could fill.
Put it all together and the push and pull of the conflict was killing him. So yeah, he got it. He knew exactly what she was trying to say.
“I want you Gabe.” She pressed into him a little bit and he hissed out a breath. He was still harder than a steel rod, but he was getting used to being in that state around her. “I don’t want to confuse things. I don’t want to confuse Ruby. But it doesn’t stop how I feel when I’m with you. How you make me feel.”
Her eyes dropped and she frowned. He hated that look on her. “Sweetheart, look at me.” He nudged her chin up until their eyes met. “I know. This came out of nowhere for both of us. It’s okay if we just take this slow and steady until we know where it’s going.”
She stared at him blankly and his heart kicked up a notch. “Or we end it here and just keep things professional.” He didn’t love that idea, but he wanted her to know it was an option, and he would respect it if that’s what she chose.
To his relief she shook her head immediately. “I think we’ve proved we can’t keep things professional.” She eyed him coyly. “But maybe we can go for discreet and slow?” She glanced away, considered something, then looked back at him. “Gabe, in all honesty, I don’t know how much or what I can give you other than,” she rubbed lightly against him again, “this. I know that sounds crass. When I think about the idea of more with you, it sounds too good to be true. But I have some things I am working through, personally, and I just don’t think I have the capacity to offer more right now.”
Maybe this was why he was so drawn to her. They were more similar than then he’d ever thought possible. They were on the same wavelength. Feeling the same conflicting feelings, just from different lenses. She got him, even without knowing his whole story. And he got her in the same way.
No wonder she’d been consuming his every thought for weeks now.
Leaning up, he kissed the tip of her nose. It had not escaped him that he had the single most attractive woman he’d ever met straddling his lap while having one of the most honest conversations with a person he’d ever had.
“I don’t need more right now. I’ve got everything I need right here, in this apartment. On my lap. How about we just start there for today?” He suggested before brushing his lips against hers in a kiss.
He nibbled across her mouth, feeling her smile against him. Then she opened for him, and he took, like he always did, diving deep, consuming. She matched him kiss for kiss, heartbeat for heartbeat. It was intoxicating, and within seconds they were back where they started. Grinding and grunting softly as they pressed into each other like they were trying to become one body.
Pressing her hips into his achingly stiff cock, she whispered urgently, “Gabe, when I said I want more this time, I meant it.” She kissed him softly on the mouth. “I want you inside me. I need to feel you inside me. Please.”
Oh. Fuck. Her words. Her body. Her hands running over the waist of his jeans. How was he supposed to resist her? He swore harsh and low, then with what he felt was monumental self-control on his end, he lifted her off him and onto the couch, before he stood up.
She lay sprawled, hair wild around her, naked breasts bared to him in all their glory. Perfection. Except for the bewildered look in her beautiful dark eyes.
“Hope…” He tucked himself in and re-buttoned his fly. When had that come undone? “I can’t.”