Page 44 of Finding Home
“Okay, Daddy! Tomorrow, when Hope comes over, we’ll make a play and act it out for you when you come home at bedtime.”
“I can hardly wait,” he said, drawing Ruby into his embrace as she climbed up into his lap.
“We’ll make popcorn, so it’ll be like a real show, right, Hope?” Ruby bounced excitedly on her father’s lap.
Hope nodded, feeling the eyes of all the other Walshes watching her.
It all sounded so domestic, so very perfect, and she barely resisted squirming in her seat under the scrutiny. She met Lori’s eyes across the living room and lowered her gaze at what she saw there. Unspoken concern emanated from Gabe’s older sister, and Hope couldn’t disagree with her.
It was one thing to get in too deep with Gabe, but another to raise Ruby’s hopes until she confused the reality of their situation with her dream of having a perfect family.
Hope had to make sure that didn’t happen. She needed to keep their attachments and boundaries clear. Unfortunately, with each passing day, that was getting harder and harder to do.
* * *
It was 9 p.m. when they got home. Ruby had almost fallen asleep in the back seat, but Hope had kept her talking the entire car ride to prevent it, knowing a catnap this late at night would spell disaster for bedtime.
Gabe coaxed a sleepy Ruby out of the car and pushed her ahead of him up the steps to their apartment.
She followed them, trying not to notice how very fine Gabe’s butt looked in his jeans as he climbed.
She failed. His was too fine an ass not to appreciate.
Wanting him was like breathing, pure instinct and reflex. There wasn’t any point in denying it. In fact, she was beyond denying it, especially after last night’s mind-blowing orgasm on his couch.
She wanted more of him, more with him. It was the emotional piece that terrified her. In her heart she was still so torn over how much of herself she should or could share with him. It was tricky for her to get invested with someone emotionally. Especially a man like Gabe. A man who came family ready and needed someone steady. Someone not screwed up, confused, and aimless like her.
Opening up to him earlier had been freeing and comforting in one. She’d shared so many of her inner most fears and anxieties, and yet their conversation had reminded her that there was a whole lot more she needed to work through in her own life before she could pretend to be a part of someone else’s.
No, her brain knew she was nowhere in the vicinity of ready to play real life with Gabe. But her body—well, her body had already had its sights set on Gabriel Walsh in a very big way, and she couldn’t resist jumping him much longer. She was impressed by her herculean resolve thus far.
There was also Ruby to consider. She cared for that little girl—so much. Both of them were getting more and more attached to each other every day. She didn’t want to confuse Ruby or give her false hope.
Hope knew how heartbreaking it could be to wake up one day and realize that the family you thought you’d had was an illusion.
She couldn’t and wouldn’t do that to Ruby. If she and Gabe were going to keep giving into their undeniable attraction, it would have to be discreet. At least until Hope sorted through her endless pile of emotional baggage.
They arrived on the apartment level, but Hope was so deep in the chaos of her thoughts she hadn’t noticed where they were until she ran into Gabe’s back, and his very fine ass, in front of his door. She grabbed onto either side of his hips to steady herself. Gabe glanced over his shoulder and his eyes heated when they met hers. He gave her a devilish grin.
“You coming in?” he asked, although it sounded more like a statement than a question.
With effort, Hope took a step backward down the hall. Hadn’t she just been giving herself a lecture on emotional distance and discretion? “Um.” Stalling, she continued retreating toward her apartment.
Ruby had already disappeared inside hers, presumably heading straight to her bedroom.
“I don’t think coming in is a good idea.”
Gabe pinned her with an enticing look. “Or,” he said, his voice husky and panty-melting. “It’s a great idea.” He stared at her, his eyes soft and inviting. “Hope, I’m done with this game. Come inside. Let me tuck Ruby into bed. She’s so exhausted she’ll be out in less than a minute. You and I can have a drink.” He gave her a wicked, suggestive smile. “Then maybe, if you’re lucky, I’ll let you make out with me for a bit.”
The problem was, she didn’t want to just make out. She wanted to tear his clothes off with her teeth and finally get her hands on his magnificent body. Trying to control the surge of heat that came with her thoughts, she lowered her gaze to the floor and chewed on her bottom lip.
In any other world, she would have followed him right through his door and into his bedroom. But this wasn’t any other world. This was her world, and in her world, Gabe had a precious and impressionable six-year-old girl who had lost one mother and was quickly growing a strong attachment to someone she thought could fill the gap. Hope was no one’s mother figure.
If only she didn’t have this darn irresistible attraction to the sexy father in this little triangle, it would be much easier to set clear boundaries with Ruby. But easy or not, boundaries had to be set. They couldn’t risk Ruby walking in on them like she had at the bar that very first night when Gabe had almost kissed her, and they especially couldn’t ruin the little girl’s illusion of family the way her own had been shattered.
Squaring her shoulders, Hope met Gabe’s gaze. Not an easy feat, since he was looking at her with a palpable heat and promise of untold pleasure. Being with him would be combustible. Their few encounters so far had proven their chemistry was off the charts. Still, this wasn’t only about the two of them, so she held firm. She was doing the right thing. She knew it.