Page 2 of Forever Violet
Legend snarls, veins bulging. “I’m not old.”
I giggle. Vampires hate being called old, and a pissed off vampire is never a good thing. But Legend would never hurt me.
“You were born centuries ago. You’re not just old. You’re ancient.”
“Whatever. I may be old, but I sure as hell don’t look it.” A smug smile breaks across his face.
I can’t help smiling, too. With his chin-length blond hair, silver eyes, and countless piercings and tattoos, Legend catches the attention of every woman who has a bad boy fetish. Of course, that lasts a whole hour until they discover he’s a vampire. Then they take off like a … well, like a woman afraid of being bitten by a vampire.
I thrum my finger against my lips. “How long has it been since you’ve gotten laid?”
His lips curl, fangs bared. “You’re such a brat when you’re drunk.”
My grin is sugary sweet. “Well then, I guess you shouldn’t have talked me into blowing off work all day and going bar hopping with you. I’m pretty sure my boss knew I was lying when I called in and said I was sick.” I’m not really upset about missing work. I just hate lying to people, mostly because I suck at it. And I like messing with Legend. It’s fun. I haven’t had a lot of that in my life.
“No, he didn’t. You just worry too much. Besides, I only wanted to go out today so we could have one last day of fun before we …” He doesn’t finish, but I already know what he was going to say.
Before we never see each other again.
That is, unless I somehow strike gold, become a millionaire, and purchase a traveling pass. But, since I make minimum wage and can’t afford to go to college, the possibility of that happening is about as high as Legend suddenly deciding not to leave me, which a) would be highly illegal since paranormal creatures aren’t allowed to permanently live here, and b) would never happen because he loathes the Common Realm.
My eyes water as I envision the lonely life waiting for me after tomorrow night. Shit, I hate it when I cry. I usually try not to, but I’ve turned into an emotional drunk.
Sighing, he steps toward me. “Please don’t cry, Lake. You know I don’t do well with the whole weeping thing.”
“I’m not weeping,” I babble through my tears.
Sighing, he wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me against his solid chest. “Princess, it’s going to be okay. You’ll see. In a few days, you’ll realize how awful it’s been having me in your life.”
I rest my head on his shoulder. “That’s not true at all. You’re the only friend I’ve ever had—will have.” I grip the hem of his shirt. “Before you, no one ever even tried to be my friend.”
He rubs his hand up and down my back. “That’s because humans are stupid.”
“Hey, I take that as an insult.” I’m partly joking. I’ve been around Legend enough that I no longer take his jabs at humans personally.
“You shouldn’t. You’re not a normal human, and if you were in my realm, all sorts of creatures would line up to be friends with you.”
“That’s not true at all, but thank you for trying.”
“I’m not trying. I’m telling the truth. You don’t realize how unique you are compared to other humans. You’re not judgmental, you’re open minded, and you gave me a chance. Plus, you never tried to hit on me. You’re the only human I’ve ever met who’s ever done that.”
A smile pulls at my lips. “Hey, it’s not their fault you’re so charming and irresistible.”
He chuckles, moving back to look me in the eye. “And there’s my joking best friend again.”
I dry the tears from my cheeks with the back of my hand. “Yeah, sorry about the emotional breakdown. I think I did too many vodka shots or something.”
“You don’t need to apologize for being sad.” He uses his fingertips to wipe away the last of my tears. “And Lake?”
“I’m going to miss you, too.”
A sad smile begins to appear, but then falters as the woman abruptly staggers to her feet.
Shit, I almost forgot she was there. So did Legend, apparently, because he whirls around, startled. I think it might be the first time I’ve ever seen him spooked.
She stumbles into the neon light cascading across the alleyway from the bar, blinking at her surroundings like a lost baby deer. She looks around my age and, like me, she is tall with wavy, long brown hair. She’s also missing a shoe, has fresh scratches on her neck, and her pink dress is slashed down the front.