Page 18 of Crybaby
I then proceed with the annoying process of trying to light it.
Carson opens his quarterback jacket and steps in close, shielding the wind for me, and I can feel his body heat from his broad chest radiating off him.
After failing miserably, he grabs it from me and lights it on the first go, cupping it with his big hands. He blows smoke up into the air with a few well-crafted smoke rings despite the wind interference.
“Thought you said I shouldn’t smoke…you seem to know what you’re doing,” I say, watching the smoke rings dissipate into the night air.
“Old habit,” he says with a shrug and hands the lit cigarette to me. He’s smiling like he just washed my car or something.
“Thanks,” I say, taking my first drag and feeling self-conscious as his eyes watch my mouth.
“I think you can thank me better than that,” he jokes, watching me intently.
“Oh yeah?” I reply, taking a longer drag and looking around.
I see Rev in the distance.
He always seems to appear out of nowhere. I kinda like that.
His dark hair pushed back, overgrown on the top; he’s beyond cool.
“A kiss,” says Carson grabbing my attention again. “You won’t regret it.” He gulps down the rest of his beer and smiles.
He’s cocky, and I’m sure this routine works on every girl he tries it with.
“Is that right?” I laugh and almost choke on my inhale.
I’m suddenly nervous, which really sucks. I’m not great at being cool and often just come off as being rude instead.
Foss has bounced off to his crew surrounding the fire. He’s talking to another guy who’s probably taller than Carson. Jet-black hair and well-groomed. Not the usual footballer type. I see him glance over at us.
“Try me,” says Carson, moving closer, and he takes the cigarette from me to bum a drag.
“No tongue,” I say, staring up at him and laughing.
“Where’s the fun in that?”
“Where’s the fun in any of this?”
Too harsh? But the words just spill out of my mouth like a busted gumball machine. I really suck at flirting; I think I’ve ruined the banter. I’m hoping he doesn’t try to kiss me while Rev is watching because I kinda like him too.
“You think you’d have more fun with grease lightning over there?” he says, nodding toward Rev.
Okay, that was kinda funny.
“Well, he wouldn’t ask me for a kiss. It’s not polite.”
“Polite doesn’t make your head spin, Darcie.”
“Confident, aren’t you?” I say as my eyes dart around to see who’s watching.
“Do you want to go for a walk?” he suggests, noticing my awkwardness.
“Why? So you can chop me up in the woods and throw me in the river?” I’ve watched too many crime shows.
He takes my hand gently in his big warm hands.
“I’m just trying to get to know you. Not all of us are dumb jocks y’know.” He looks over at Foss playing a drinking game while a pack of guys chants, “Skull! Skull! Skull!”