Page 30 of Crybaby
I elbow him in the ribs, and he grunts under the force. But it doesn’t wipe the amused smirk from his face. “Get me out of here. Now.”
I suddenly am burning up.
Everyone is looking at me, just how everyone was looking at me when my parents died. Or when I set my school gymnasium on fire.
I’m sick of people looking at me…especially this asshole, Carson, who won’t take no for an answer. If this is legit, then the only reason I’m prom queen and not Giselle is because Carson rigged it.
He thinks I won’t embarrass him in front of theentireschool and just suck it up because it’s every girl’s dream to be prom queen, right?
Well, he’s shit out of luck because this girl has had enough. And I am not like anyone he’s ever met before.
I launch forward but am snared back as Rev grips my wrists and draws me toward him. My back is pressed to his front.
He leans down, his breath hot on my neck as he whispers into my ear, “Set the world on fire, firecracker.”
“Let’s burn this fucker to the ground.” Those are my parting words as I march through my peers, head held high, intent on telling Carson what he can do with his crown and where he can shove it.
Darcie is a fucking firecracker, and I love it.
She just doesn’t give a fuck about…anything, which makes her even hotter. But honestly, she is so fucking beautiful that it’s been almost impossible to behave like a gentleman around her.
When I saw her standing before me in her green dress and caught a glimpse of her black boots underneath, I had to mentally slap myself to stop staring like a fucking creeper. Her fuck-off attitude combined with her looks are a deadly combination, and I find myself falling deeper and deeper under her spell.
But that’s the thing about Darcie—she doesn’t even realize how captivating she is. And it just makes me want her all the more.
I watch with a grin as she stands up on that stage, unapologetic for calling out Carson, who clearly rigged this poll so they would be crowned prom king and queen.
Poor chump.
Anyone with half a brain would have got the hint by now, but I suppose seeing as no isn’t a word he hears often, he seems to have forgotten what it means. But the fact that Darcie keeps rejecting him is what I suspect is the reason he keeps coming in hard.
She’s a challenge, and for someone like Carson, she is someone he wants to win; just another trophy to add to his collection. But someone like Darcie will never be owned—she is best wild and free.
My cell vibrates in my pocket, and pulling my attention away from the stage, I see it’s a text from Mrs. Kingston.
Be here in ten minutes…
Mrs. Kingston lives about five minutes from school, so that time frame is totally doable. When I paid her a visit the other day and swiped the limited-edition coin I was after, I saw she also had some stamps that would rake me in a small fortune.
I really want them, especially after finding June passed out again before coming here tonight. She’s just getting worse, and the truth is, I’m not sure how much longer her body can withstand the daily abuse, which is why I make the decision that I do.
I need to get her out of this town before I lose her for good.
I’m not proud of my actions, but Darcie will understand, and this won’t take long.
Taking one last look at my little rabbit who is holding her own in front of the entire school, I discreetly slip away, not wanting her to know I’ve left. I hope to be back before she realizes I’m gone.
Shouldering open the gymnasium doors, I decide to walk to Justine’s house so if Darcie comes looking for me, she’ll see my car and know that I haven’t bailed.
I know I’m a complete bastard for doing this, but I never claimed to be a hero in disguise. I do what I have to, to survive, and I take opportunities when they arise because I don’t like wasting time. Time is something we can never get back.
I quicken my pace and get to Justine’s in no time. The house is shrouded in darkness, and I know what this means. Justine Kingston is into role play and hinted the next time I was to pay her a visit, she wanted it to be under the pretense that I was breaking into her house.
I don’t have time for this kinky shit, but when I think of June, I suck it up and think of the greater good.
I walk to the back door, which is unlocked, of course. But if Justine wants a fantasy, then I will give her one she’ll never forget.
Reaching for a large rock in the garden bed, I smash it straight through a window panel on the door and reach inside to open the door. Totally unnecessary, seeing as the door was unlocked, but I like to make a mess.