Page 66 of Crybaby
Normally, this would be the time she looks away. But she doesn’t.
She brings two fingers to my lips, running them across my bloody mouth. She doesn’t care that her fingers are covered in blood.
“Your lips are so hot,” she says, surprising me with her candor. “I like when they kiss me.”
“They like when they kiss you too.”
She smiles, appearing happy we’re on the same wavelength.
She pops two painkillers into my mouth but doesn’t remove her finger. Instead, she circles her finger on my tongue. It’s a knee-jerk reaction, and I curl my tongue around her finger.
A whimper leaves her. “No wonder you can fuck anything that walks.”
“Hardly,” I reply, swallowing the painkillers when she removes her finger.
“So you don’t fuck every woman you steal from? That’s not the reason you’re able to steal from them?Theywant to fuckyouand look past why you’re fucking them when you can have anyone you want.”
She soon seals her lips, regretful for revealing too much.
I thumb over her bottom lip. “You say the sweetest things to me.”
She rolls her eyes and begins cleaning my wounds as best she can because honestly, I should be going to the hospital. But that’s not an option, so Nurse Darcie will do just fine.
She brushes back my long bangs, cleaning the deep gash on my forehead. “Those fuckers,” she mumbles under her breath.
“Pretty sure Foss learned his lesson.”
She goes quiet, and I know she’s thinking about what she did. “Do you think I’m a bad person?”
“I’m really not in a position to judge. But no, I don’t think you’re a bad person. Brave? A little crazy? And a lot hot as fuck? Then yes, I think you’re that.”
A blush spreads over her cheeks. “I think you’re a lot hot as fuck as well, even though you look like shit at the moment.”
“So romantic,” I quip with a grin. “Even though we’ve butchered the English language.”
“True dat,” she adds.
I love this playful side she has. I love that I’ve watched her do some fucking macabre things, but she can still be cute as fuck as well.
Maybe we’re just as fucked up as one another.
She cleans the many gashes and cuts I have, both of us deep in thought.
“I have to call my mom,” I reveal because sharing personal stuff is what people are supposed to do, I think. I’ve never wanted to share anything with anyone before, but with Darcie, I want to tell her every secret I have. “I stole Foss’s phone. That’s why he came back.”
Darcie nods. “Do you think he’s dea—”
I shake my head before she has a chance to finish her sentence. “Doubt it, but he definitely won’t be chewing gum for a while.”
When she cleans over the cuts on my chest, her chest begins to rise and fall a little quicker. I try my hardest to keep still, but the way she touches me has everything demanding more.
“What’s wrong with your mom?”
“Honestly, I don’t know. But I will do anything I can to save her.”
I instantly regret my words because of what Darcie shared about her parents. They couldn’t be saved. At least my mom is alive. Well, kind of.
“Fuck, sorry, I didn’t—”